{ "odml-version": "1.1", "Document": { "date": "1979-10-12", "version": "42", "author": "D. N. Adams", "sections": [ { "name": "TheCrew", "definition": "Information on the crew", "type": "crew", "sections": [ { "name": "Arthur Philip Dent", "definition": "Information on Arthur Dent", "type": "crew/person", "sections": [], "properties": [ { "name": "Species", "definition": "Species to which subject belongs to", "dtype": "string", "value": [ "Human" ] }, { "name": "Nickname", "definition": "Nickname(s) of the subject", "dtype": "string", "value": [ "The sandwich-maker" ] }, { "name": "Occupation", "definition": "Occupation of the subject", "dtype": "string", "value": [ "-" ] }, { "name": "Gender", "definition": "Sex of the subject", "dtype": "string", "value": [ "male" ] }, { "name": "HomePlanet", "definition": "Home planet of the subject", "dtype": "string", "value": [ "Earth" ] } ] }, { "name": "Zaphod Beeblebrox", "definition": "Information on Zaphod Beeblebrox", "type": "crew/person", "sections": [], "properties": [ { "name": "Species", "definition": "Species to which subject belongs to", "dtype": "string", "value": [ "Betelgeusian" ] }, { "name": "Nickname", "definition": "Nickname(s) of the subject", "dtype": "string", "value": [ "-" ] }, { "name": "Occupation", "definition": "Occupation of the subject", "dtype": "string", "value": [ "Ex-Galactic President" ] }, { "name": "Gender", "definition": "Sex of the subject", "dtype": "string", "value": [ "male" ] }, { "name": "HomePlanet", "definition": "Home planet of the subject", "dtype": "string", "value": [ "A planet in the vicinity of Betelgeuse" ] } ] }, { "name": "Tricia Marie McMillan", "definition": "Information on Trillian Astra", "type": "crew/person", "sections": [], "properties": [ { "name": "Species", "definition": "Species to which subject belongs to", "dtype": "string", "value": [ "Betelgeusian" ] }, { "name": "Nickname", "definition": "Nickname(s) of the subject", "dtype": "string", "value": [ "Trillian Astra" ] }, { "name": "Occupation", "definition": "Occupation of the subject", "dtype": "string", "value": [ "-" ] }, { "name": "Gender", "definition": "Sex of the subject", "dtype": "string", "value": [ "female" ] }, { "name": "HomePlanet", "definition": "Home planet of the subject", "dtype": "string", "value": [ "Earth" ] } ] }, { "name": "Ford Prefect", "definition": "Information on Ford Prefect", "type": "crew/person", "sections": [], "properties": [ { "name": "Species", "definition": "Species to which subject belongs to", "dtype": "string", "value": [ "Betelgeusian" ] }, { "name": "Nickname", "definition": "Nickname(s) of the subject", "dtype": "string", "value": [ "Ix" ] }, { "name": "Occupation", "definition": "Occupation of the subject", "dtype": "string", "value": [ "Researcher for the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" ] }, { "name": "Gender", "definition": "Sex of the subject", "dtype": "string", "value": [ "male" ] }, { "name": "HomePlanet", "definition": "Home planet of the subject", "dtype": "string", "value": [ "A planet in the vicinity of Betelgeuse" ] } ] } ], "properties": [ { "name": "NameCrewMembers", "definition": "List of crew members names", "dtype": "person", "value": [ "Arthur Philip Dent", "Zaphod Beeblebrox", "Tricia Marie McMillan", "Ford Prefect" ] }, { "name": "NoCrewMembers", "definition": "Number of crew members", "dtype": "int", "value": [ 4 ] } ] }, { "name": "TheStarship", "definition": "Information on the crew", "type": "crew", "sections": [ { "name": "Cybernetics", "definition": "Information on cybernetics present on the ship", "type": "starship/cybernetics", "sections": [ { "name": "Marvin", "definition": "Information on Marvin", "type": "starship/cybernetics", "sections": [], "properties": [] }, { "name": "Eddie", "definition": "Information on Eddie", "type": "starship/cybernetics", "sections": [], "properties": [] } ], "properties": [ { "name": "RobotType", "definition": "Type of robots", "dtype": "string", "value": [ "Genuine People Personalities" ] }, { "name": "Manufacturer", "definition": "Manufacturer of robots", "dtype": "string", "value": [ "Sirius Cybernetics Corporation" ] }, { "name": "NoOfCybernetics", "definition": "Number of cybernetic robots on the ship", "dtype": "int", "value": [ 2 ] } ] } ], "properties": [ { "name": "Name", "definition": "Name of person/device", "dtype": "string", "value": [ "Heart of Gold" ] }, { "name": "OwnerStatus", "definition": "Owner status of device", "dtype": "string", "value": [ "stolen" ] }, { "name": "DriveType", "definition": "Type of drive", "dtype": "string", "value": [ "Infinite Propability Drive" ] }, { "name": "Technology", "definition": "Technology used to built device", "dtype": "string", "value": [ "secret" ] }, { "unit": "m", "name": "Length", "definition": "Length of device", "dtype": "float", "value": [ 150.0 ] }, { "name": "Shape", "definition": "Shape of device", "dtype": "string", "value": [ "various" ] }, { "name": "FactoryPlanet", "definition": "Planet where device was constructed", "dtype": "string", "value": [ "Damogran" ] } ] } ] } }