session_id #_trials comment ses-PeterMS13171127133330concat 160 Petersen et al. demonstrate that cooling of the medial septum slows theta oscillation and increases choice errors without affecting spatial features of pyramidal neurons. Cooling affects distance-time, but not distance-theta phase, compression. The findings reveal that cell assemblies are organized by theta phase and not by external (clock) time. ses-PeterMS13171128113924concat 159 Petersen et al. demonstrate that cooling of the medial septum slows theta oscillation and increases choice errors without affecting spatial features of pyramidal neurons. Cooling affects distance-time, but not distance-theta phase, compression. The findings reveal that cell assemblies are organized by theta phase and not by external (clock) time. ses-PeterMS13171129105507concat 121 Petersen et al. demonstrate that cooling of the medial septum slows theta oscillation and increases choice errors without affecting spatial features of pyramidal neurons. Cooling affects distance-time, but not distance-theta phase, compression. The findings reveal that cell assemblies are organized by theta phase and not by external (clock) time. ses-PeterMS13171130121758concat 174 Petersen et al. demonstrate that cooling of the medial septum slows theta oscillation and increases choice errors without affecting spatial features of pyramidal neurons. Cooling affects distance-time, but not distance-theta phase, compression. The findings reveal that cell assemblies are organized by theta phase and not by external (clock) time. ses-PeterMS13171201130527concat 133 Petersen et al. demonstrate that cooling of the medial septum slows theta oscillation and increases choice errors without affecting spatial features of pyramidal neurons. Cooling affects distance-time, but not distance-theta phase, compression. The findings reveal that cell assemblies are organized by theta phase and not by external (clock) time. ses-PeterMS13171204102904concat 148 Petersen et al. demonstrate that cooling of the medial septum slows theta oscillation and increases choice errors without affecting spatial features of pyramidal neurons. Cooling affects distance-time, but not distance-theta phase, compression. The findings reveal that cell assemblies are organized by theta phase and not by external (clock) time. ses-PeterMS13171205110831concat 169 Petersen et al. demonstrate that cooling of the medial septum slows theta oscillation and increases choice errors without affecting spatial features of pyramidal neurons. Cooling affects distance-time, but not distance-theta phase, compression. The findings reveal that cell assemblies are organized by theta phase and not by external (clock) time. ses-PeterMS13171206132039concat 153 Petersen et al. demonstrate that cooling of the medial septum slows theta oscillation and increases choice errors without affecting spatial features of pyramidal neurons. Cooling affects distance-time, but not distance-theta phase, compression. The findings reveal that cell assemblies are organized by theta phase and not by external (clock) time.