{ "Name": "Fitlins output", "BIDSVersion": "1.1.0", "PipelineDescription": { "Name": "FitLins", "Version": "0.8.0+155.gaf2460c", "CodeURL": "https://github.com/poldracklab/fitlins", "Parameters": { "bids_dir": "../sourcedata", "output_dir": "../out", "analysis_level": "dataset", "verbose": 2, "quiet": 0, "participant_label": [ "01", "02", "03" ], "model": "../model-001_smdl", "derivatives": [ "../ds003_fmriprep" ], "derivative_label": null, "space": "MNI152NLin2009cAsym", "force_index": null, "ignore": null, "desc_label": "preproc", "database_path": null, "smoothing": "5.0:l1:isoblurto", "n_cpus": 8, "mem_gb": 8.0, "debug": false, "reports_only": false, "work_dir": "../nistats_blurto", "drop_missing": false, "estimator": "nistats", "drift_model": null, "error_ts": false } }, "CodeURL": "https://github.com/poldracklab/fitlins", "HowToAcknowledge": "https://github.com/poldracklab/fitlins", "License": "This dataset is made available under the Public Domain Dedication and License \nv1.0, whose full text can be found at \nhttp://www.opendatacommons.org/licenses/pddl/1.0/. \nWe hope that all users will follow the ODC Attribution/Share-Alike \nCommunity Norms (http://www.opendatacommons.org/norms/odc-by-sa/); \nin particular, while not legally required, we hope that all users \nof the data will acknowledge the OpenfMRI project and NSF Grant \nOCI-1131441 (R. Poldrack, PI) in any publications." }