Shivani Hariharan 2 місяців тому
1 змінених файлів з 61 додано та 12 видалено
  1. 61 12

+ 61 - 12

@@ -1,7 +1,20 @@
+# The information in this file will be used to create the DOI record and
+# the landing page for the registered resource.
+# Please replace the template entries by the corresponding information for your resource.
+# For detailed instructions see
+# Comments (lines starting with '#') may be removed.
+## Required fields
+# authors: The researchers involved.
+# Include digital identifier (e.g., ORCID) if possible, including the prefix to indicate its type.
+# All authors listed here need to have agreed to the publication.
     firstname: Shivani
-    lastname: Hariharan
+    lastname: 'Hariharan'
     affiliation: 'Ernst Strüngmann Institute (ESI) for Neuroscience in Cooperation with Max Planck Society, Frankfurt am Main, Germany'
     id: 'ORCID:0009-0000-5467-3858'
@@ -16,7 +29,7 @@ authors:
     id: 'ORCID:0000-0003-4818-2782'
     firstname: Luciana Lopez
-    lastname: Jury
+    lastname: 'Jury'
     affiliation: 'Max Planck Institute for Brain Research,Frankfurt am Main, Germany'
     id: 'ORCID:0000-0002-9384-2586'
@@ -24,29 +37,65 @@ authors:
     lastname: 'Hechavarria'
     affiliation: 'Ernst Strüngmann Institute (ESI) for Neuroscience in Cooperation with Max Planck Society, Frankfurt am Main, Germany'
     id: 'ORCID:0000-0001-9277-2339'
-title: 'Cerebellar activity predicts vocalization in fruit bats'
-description: 'Neural correlate of vocal production within the bat cerebellum. description: >
-  This dataset contains neural recordings from the cerebellum of fruit-eating bats during vocalizations,
+# title: A title to identify the published resource.
+title: "Cerebellar activity predicts vocalization in fruit bats"
+# description: A brief abstract describing the resource.
+description: |
+  Neural correlate of vocal production within the bat cerebellum: This dataset contains neural recordings from the cerebellum of fruit-eating bats during vocalizations,
   including both echolocation and social calls. The data is stored in Matlab files and includes Local Field
   Potentials (LFP) and spike count data from 224 channels, organized by stimulus levels and frequencies.
   Additionally, the dataset provides vocalization call parameters and classification data for echo and
   communication calls. The data is structured to support analysis of neural activity associated with
   vocal production using tools like Support Vector Machines (SVM) for classification of spiking and LFP responses.
+# keywords: List of keywords for the resource.
+# Provide as many keywords as possible, to make the resource findable.
+# For keyword suggestions, see
   - Neuroscience
   - Electrophysiology
   - Cerebellum
   - Vocalisation
+# license: License information for this resource. Please provide the license name and a link to the license.
+# Please add also a corresponding LICENSE file to the repository.
-  name: 'Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Public Domain Dedication'
-  url: ''
+  name: "Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Public Domain Dedication"
+  url: ""
+## Optional fields
-  IsSupplementTo - doi: tba
+# funding: Funding information for this resource.
+# Separate funder name and grant number by a semicolon.
-  - 'DFG, 525183217'
+  - "DFG, 525183217"
+# references: Digital resources related to this publication, such as research articles, data, or code
+# If this publication is supplement to a research paper, a reference to the paper is mandatory.
+#  id: Please provide digital identifier (e.g., DOI, arXiv, PMID, URL) if possible.
+#   Add a prefix to the ID, separated by a colon, to indicate the type of identifier.
+#   If assignment of an identifier is pending, enter "doi:tba" as placeholder.
+#  reftype: The relationship of this publication to the referenced resource.
+#   IsSupplementTo: to reference a research paper that is supplemented by this publication
+#   IsDescribedBy: to reference a data descriptor of a dataset publication
+#   IsReferencedBy: to reference code or other resources that use this publication.
+#   (for further reftypes see the Datacite schema description 
+#  citation: Please provide the full reference, including title, authors, journal etc., like in the reference section of a paper.
+#   If an unpublished manuscript is referenced, enter as much citation information as available, and update when the paper is published.
+  -
+    id: "doi:tba"
+    reftype: "IsSupplementTo"
+    citation: "Shivani Hariharan, Julio C. Hechavarria: Cerebellar activity predicts vocalization in fruit bats. Current Biology, submitted."
+# Resource type. Default is Dataset, other possible values are Software, Text, Preprint.
 resourcetype: Dataset
+# Do not edit or remove the following line
 templateversion: 1.2