# Traces ## Defaults By default the traces were generated using the following parameters, these correspond to the arguments in the model creation function (found in the github repo `scripts/run_on_cluster/run_model_gender.py`). ```python beta = False offset_data=0 prior_delay=-1 width_delay_prior=0.1 sigma_incubation=-1.0 median_width_delay=1.0 interval_cps=10.0 f_fem=0.2 uc=True len=normal ``` ## Trace spectific parameters Some traces may correspond to models run on another initial parameter set, these parameters are encoded in the filename of the trace. ## Explaination of parameters - `beta` Use the beta compartment of our model (see publication for more details) - `country` The country for which the model was run. - `offset_data` The offset of the data in days, i.e. shifting of the case data. The priors of the date of games are not affected by this! - `prior_delay` Mean for the prior for the delay in days. - `width_delay_prior` Width of the prior for the delay in days. - `sigma_incubation` Prior width of the mean latent period - `interval_cps` Number of days between proposed change points - `f_fem` Prior for the gender imbalance of soccer fan participation. - `len` Duration of the model, i.e. how much data is considered. - `uc` If change points are allowed during the uefa championship ## Loading the traces We always save the traces as pickle objects! If you want to use them you should strictly use the same package versions as we did for our analyses, otherwise you may not be able to load the trace and model combos. ```python import pickle def load(fstr): with open(fstr, "rb") as f: return pickle.load(f) model, trace = load("desired_file.pkl") ```