# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Class for reading output files from NEST simulations ( http://www.nest-simulator.org/ ). Tested with NEST2.10.0 Depends on: numpy, quantities Supported: Read Authors: Julia Sprenger, Maximilian Schmidt, Johanna Senk """ # needed for Python3 compatibility from __future__ import absolute_import import os.path import warnings from datetime import datetime import numpy as np import quantities as pq from neo.io.baseio import BaseIO from neo.core import Block, Segment, SpikeTrain, AnalogSignal value_type_dict = {'V': pq.mV, 'I': pq.pA, 'g': pq.CompoundUnit("10^-9*S"), 'no type': pq.dimensionless} class NestIO(BaseIO): """ Class for reading NEST output files. GDF files for the spike data and DAT files for analog signals are possible. Usage: from neo.io.nestio import NestIO files = ['membrane_voltages-1261-0.dat', 'spikes-1258-0.gdf'] r = NestIO(filenames=files) seg = r.read_segment(gid_list=[], t_start=400 * pq.ms, t_stop=600 * pq.ms, id_column_gdf=0, time_column_gdf=1, id_column_dat=0, time_column_dat=1, value_columns_dat=2) """ is_readable = True # class supports reading, but not writing is_writable = False supported_objects = [SpikeTrain, AnalogSignal, Segment, Block] readable_objects = [SpikeTrain, AnalogSignal, Segment, Block] has_header = False is_streameable = False write_params = None # writing is not supported name = 'nest' extensions = ['gdf', 'dat'] mode = 'file' def __init__(self, filenames=None): """ Parameters ---------- filenames: string or list of strings, default=None The filename or list of filenames to load. """ if isinstance(filenames, str): filenames = [filenames] self.filenames = filenames self.avail_formats = {} self.avail_IOs = {} for filename in filenames: path, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) ext = ext.strip('.') if ext in self.extensions: if ext in self.avail_IOs: raise ValueError('Received multiple files with "%s" ' 'extention. Can only load single file of ' 'this type.' % ext) self.avail_IOs[ext] = ColumnIO(filename) self.avail_formats[ext] = path def __read_analogsignals(self, gid_list, time_unit, t_start=None, t_stop=None, sampling_period=None, id_column=0, time_column=1, value_columns=2, value_types=None, value_units=None, lazy=False): """ Internal function called by read_analogsignal() and read_segment(). """ if 'dat' not in self.avail_formats: raise ValueError('Can not load analogsignals. No DAT file ' 'provided.') # checking gid input parameters gid_list, id_column = self._check_input_gids(gid_list, id_column) # checking time input parameters t_start, t_stop = self._check_input_times(t_start, t_stop, mandatory=False) # checking value input parameters (value_columns, value_types, value_units) = \ self._check_input_values_parameters(value_columns, value_types, value_units) # defining standard column order for internal usage # [id_column, time_column, value_column1, value_column2, ...] column_ids = [id_column, time_column] + value_columns for i, cid in enumerate(column_ids): if cid is None: column_ids[i] = -1 # assert that no single column is assigned twice column_list = [id_column, time_column] + value_columns column_list_no_None = [c for c in column_list if c is not None] if len(np.unique(column_list_no_None)) < len(column_list_no_None): raise ValueError( 'One or more columns have been specified to contain ' 'the same data. Columns were specified to %s.' '' % column_list_no_None) # extracting condition and sorting parameters for raw data loading (condition, condition_column, sorting_column) = self._get_conditions_and_sorting(id_column, time_column, gid_list, t_start, t_stop) # loading raw data columns data = self.avail_IOs['dat'].get_columns( column_ids=column_ids, condition=condition, condition_column=condition_column, sorting_columns=sorting_column) sampling_period = self._check_input_sampling_period(sampling_period, time_column, time_unit, data) analogsignal_list = [] if not lazy: # extracting complete gid list for anasig generation if (gid_list == []) and id_column is not None: gid_list = np.unique(data[:, id_column]) # generate analogsignals for each neuron ID for i in gid_list: selected_ids = self._get_selected_ids( i, id_column, time_column, t_start, t_stop, time_unit, data) # extract starting time of analogsignal if (time_column is not None) and data.size: anasig_start_time = data[selected_ids[0], 1] * time_unit else: # set t_start equal to sampling_period because NEST starts # recording only after 1 sampling_period anasig_start_time = 1. * sampling_period # create one analogsignal per value column requested for v_id, value_column in enumerate(value_columns): signal = data[ selected_ids[0]:selected_ids[1], value_column] # create AnalogSignal objects and annotate them with # the neuron ID analogsignal_list.append(AnalogSignal( signal * value_units[v_id], sampling_period=sampling_period, t_start=anasig_start_time, id=i, type=value_types[v_id])) # check for correct length of analogsignal assert (analogsignal_list[-1].t_stop == anasig_start_time + len(signal) * sampling_period) return analogsignal_list def __read_spiketrains(self, gdf_id_list, time_unit, t_start, t_stop, id_column, time_column, **args): """ Internal function for reading multiple spiketrains at once. This function is called by read_spiketrain() and read_segment(). """ if 'gdf' not in self.avail_IOs: raise ValueError('Can not load spiketrains. No GDF file provided.') # assert that the file contains spike times if time_column is None: raise ValueError('Time column is None. No spike times to ' 'be read in.') gdf_id_list, id_column = self._check_input_gids(gdf_id_list, id_column) t_start, t_stop = self._check_input_times(t_start, t_stop, mandatory=True) # assert that no single column is assigned twice if id_column == time_column: raise ValueError('One or more columns have been specified to ' 'contain the same data.') # defining standard column order for internal usage # [id_column, time_column, value_column1, value_column2, ...] column_ids = [id_column, time_column] for i, cid in enumerate(column_ids): if cid is None: column_ids[i] = -1 (condition, condition_column, sorting_column) = \ self._get_conditions_and_sorting(id_column, time_column, gdf_id_list, t_start, t_stop) data = self.avail_IOs['gdf'].get_columns( column_ids=column_ids, condition=condition, condition_column=condition_column, sorting_columns=sorting_column) # create a list of SpikeTrains for all neuron IDs in gdf_id_list # assign spike times to neuron IDs if id_column is given if id_column is not None: if (gdf_id_list == []) and id_column is not None: gdf_id_list = np.unique(data[:, id_column]) spiketrain_list = [] for nid in gdf_id_list: selected_ids = self._get_selected_ids(nid, id_column, time_column, t_start, t_stop, time_unit, data) times = data[selected_ids[0]:selected_ids[1], time_column] spiketrain_list.append(SpikeTrain( times, units=time_unit, t_start=t_start, t_stop=t_stop, id=nid, **args)) # if id_column is not given, all spike times are collected in one # spike train with id=None else: train = data[:, time_column] spiketrain_list = [SpikeTrain(train, units=time_unit, t_start=t_start, t_stop=t_stop, id=None, **args)] return spiketrain_list def _check_input_times(self, t_start, t_stop, mandatory=True): """ Checks input times for existence and setting default values if necessary. t_start: pq.quantity.Quantity, start time of the time range to load. t_stop: pq.quantity.Quantity, stop time of the time range to load. mandatory: bool, if True times can not be None and an error will be raised. if False, time values of None will be replaced by -infinity or infinity, respectively. default: True. """ if t_stop is None: if mandatory: raise ValueError('No t_start specified.') else: t_stop = np.inf * pq.s if t_start is None: if mandatory: raise ValueError('No t_stop specified.') else: t_start = -np.inf * pq.s for time in (t_start, t_stop): if not isinstance(time, pq.quantity.Quantity): raise TypeError('Time value (%s) is not a quantity.' % time) return t_start, t_stop def _check_input_values_parameters(self, value_columns, value_types, value_units): """ Checks value parameters for consistency. value_columns: int, column id containing the value to load. value_types: list of strings, type of values. value_units: list of units of the value columns. Returns adjusted list of [value_columns, value_types, value_units] """ if value_columns is None: raise ValueError('No value column provided.') if isinstance(value_columns, int): value_columns = [value_columns] if value_types is None: value_types = ['no type'] * len(value_columns) elif isinstance(value_types, str): value_types = [value_types] # translating value types into units as far as possible if value_units is None: short_value_types = [vtype.split('_')[0] for vtype in value_types] if not all([svt in value_type_dict for svt in short_value_types]): raise ValueError('Can not interpret value types ' '"%s"' % value_types) value_units = [value_type_dict[svt] for svt in short_value_types] # checking for same number of value types, units and columns if not (len(value_types) == len(value_units) == len(value_columns)): raise ValueError('Length of value types, units and columns does ' 'not match (%i,%i,%i)' % (len(value_types), len(value_units), len(value_columns))) if not all([isinstance(vunit, pq.UnitQuantity) for vunit in value_units]): raise ValueError('No value unit or standard value type specified.') return value_columns, value_types, value_units def _check_input_gids(self, gid_list, id_column): """ Checks gid values and column for consistency. gid_list: list of int or None, gid to load. id_column: int, id of the column containing the gids. Returns adjusted list of [gid_list, id_column]. """ if gid_list is None: gid_list = [gid_list] if None in gid_list and id_column is not None: raise ValueError('No neuron IDs specified but file contains ' 'neuron IDs in column %s. Specify empty list to ' 'retrieve spiketrains of all neurons.' '' % str(id_column)) if gid_list != [None] and id_column is None: raise ValueError('Specified neuron IDs to be %s, but no ID column ' 'specified.' % gid_list) return gid_list, id_column def _check_input_sampling_period(self, sampling_period, time_column, time_unit, data): """ Checks sampling period, times and time unit for consistency. sampling_period: pq.quantity.Quantity, sampling period of data to load. time_column: int, column id of times in data to load. time_unit: pq.quantity.Quantity, unit of time used in the data to load. data: numpy array, the data to be loaded / interpreted. Returns pq.quantities.Quantity object, the updated sampling period. """ if sampling_period is None: if time_column is not None: data_sampling = np.unique( np.diff(sorted(np.unique(data[:, 1])))) if len(data_sampling) > 1: raise ValueError('Different sampling distances found in ' 'data set (%s)' % data_sampling) else: dt = data_sampling[0] else: raise ValueError('Can not estimate sampling rate without time ' 'column id provided.') sampling_period = pq.CompoundUnit(str(dt) + '*' + time_unit.units.u_symbol) elif not isinstance(sampling_period, pq.UnitQuantity): raise ValueError("sampling_period is not specified as a unit.") return sampling_period def _get_conditions_and_sorting(self, id_column, time_column, gid_list, t_start, t_stop): """ Calculates the condition, condition_column and sorting_column based on other parameters supplied for loading the data. id_column: int, id of the column containing gids. time_column: int, id of the column containing times. gid_list: list of int, gid to be loaded. t_start: pq.quantity.Quantity, start of the time range to be loaded. t_stop: pq.quantity.Quantity, stop of the time range to be loaded. Returns updated [condition, condition_column, sorting_column]. """ condition, condition_column = None, None sorting_column = [] curr_id = 0 if ((gid_list != [None]) and (gid_list is not None)): if gid_list != []: condition = lambda x: x in gid_list condition_column = id_column sorting_column.append(curr_id) # Sorting according to gids first curr_id += 1 if time_column is not None: sorting_column.append(curr_id) # Sorting according to time curr_id += 1 elif t_start != -np.inf and t_stop != np.inf: warnings.warn('Ignoring t_start and t_stop parameters, because no ' 'time column id is provided.') if sorting_column == []: sorting_column = None else: sorting_column = sorting_column[::-1] return condition, condition_column, sorting_column def _get_selected_ids(self, gid, id_column, time_column, t_start, t_stop, time_unit, data): """ Calculates the data range to load depending on the selected gid and the provided time range (t_start, t_stop) gid: int, gid to be loaded. id_column: int, id of the column containing gids. time_column: int, id of the column containing times. t_start: pq.quantity.Quantity, start of the time range to load. t_stop: pq.quantity.Quantity, stop of the time range to load. time_unit: pq.quantity.Quantity, time unit of the data to load. data: numpy array, data to load. Returns list of selected gids """ gid_ids = np.array([0, data.shape[0]]) if id_column is not None: gid_ids = np.array([np.searchsorted(data[:, 0], gid, side='left'), np.searchsorted(data[:, 0], gid, side='right')]) gid_data = data[gid_ids[0]:gid_ids[1], :] # select only requested time range id_shifts = np.array([0, 0]) if time_column is not None: id_shifts[0] = np.searchsorted(gid_data[:, 1], t_start.rescale( time_unit).magnitude, side='left') id_shifts[1] = (np.searchsorted(gid_data[:, 1], t_stop.rescale( time_unit).magnitude, side='left') - gid_data.shape[0]) selected_ids = gid_ids + id_shifts return selected_ids def read_block(self, gid_list=None, time_unit=pq.ms, t_start=None, t_stop=None, sampling_period=None, id_column_dat=0, time_column_dat=1, value_columns_dat=2, id_column_gdf=0, time_column_gdf=1, value_types=None, value_units=None, lazy=False, cascade=True): seg = self.read_segment(gid_list, time_unit, t_start, t_stop, sampling_period, id_column_dat, time_column_dat, value_columns_dat, id_column_gdf, time_column_gdf, value_types, value_units, lazy, cascade) blk = Block(file_origin=seg.file_origin, file_datetime=seg.file_datetime) blk.segments.append(seg) seg.block = blk return blk def read_segment(self, gid_list=None, time_unit=pq.ms, t_start=None, t_stop=None, sampling_period=None, id_column_dat=0, time_column_dat=1, value_columns_dat=2, id_column_gdf=0, time_column_gdf=1, value_types=None, value_units=None, lazy=False, cascade=True): """ Reads a Segment which contains SpikeTrain(s) with specified neuron IDs from the GDF data. Arguments ---------- gid_list : list, default: None A list of GDF IDs of which to return SpikeTrain(s). gid_list must be specified if the GDF file contains neuron IDs, the default None then raises an error. Specify an empty list [] to retrieve the spike trains of all neurons. time_unit : Quantity (time), optional, default: quantities.ms The time unit of recorded time stamps in DAT as well as GDF files. t_start : Quantity (time), optional, default: 0 * pq.ms Start time of SpikeTrain. t_stop : Quantity (time), default: None Stop time of SpikeTrain. t_stop must be specified, the default None raises an error. sampling_period : Quantity (frequency), optional, default: None Sampling period of the recorded data. id_column_dat : int, optional, default: 0 Column index of neuron IDs in the DAT file. time_column_dat : int, optional, default: 1 Column index of time stamps in the DAT file. value_columns_dat : int, optional, default: 2 Column index of the analog values recorded in the DAT file. id_column_gdf : int, optional, default: 0 Column index of neuron IDs in the GDF file. time_column_gdf : int, optional, default: 1 Column index of time stamps in the GDF file. value_types : str, optional, default: None Nest data type of the analog values recorded, eg.'V_m', 'I', 'g_e' value_units : Quantity (amplitude), default: None The physical unit of the recorded signal values. lazy : bool, optional, default: False cascade : bool, optional, default: True Returns ------- seg : Segment The Segment contains one SpikeTrain and one AnalogSignal for each ID in gid_list. """ if isinstance(gid_list, tuple): if gid_list[0] > gid_list[1]: raise ValueError('The second entry in gid_list must be ' 'greater or equal to the first entry.') gid_list = range(gid_list[0], gid_list[1] + 1) # __read_xxx() needs a list of IDs if gid_list is None: gid_list = [None] # create an empty Segment seg = Segment(file_origin=",".join(self.filenames)) seg.file_datetime = datetime.fromtimestamp(os.stat(self.filenames[0]).st_mtime) # todo: rather than take the first file for the timestamp, we should take the oldest # in practice, there won't be much difference if cascade: # Load analogsignals and attach to Segment if 'dat' in self.avail_formats: seg.analogsignals = self.__read_analogsignals( gid_list, time_unit, t_start, t_stop, sampling_period=sampling_period, id_column=id_column_dat, time_column=time_column_dat, value_columns=value_columns_dat, value_types=value_types, value_units=value_units, lazy=lazy) if 'gdf' in self.avail_formats: seg.spiketrains = self.__read_spiketrains( gid_list, time_unit, t_start, t_stop, id_column=id_column_gdf, time_column=time_column_gdf) return seg def read_analogsignal(self, gid=None, time_unit=pq.ms, t_start=None, t_stop=None, sampling_period=None, id_column=0, time_column=1, value_column=2, value_type=None, value_unit=None, lazy=False): """ Reads an AnalogSignal with specified neuron ID from the DAT data. Arguments ---------- gid : int, default: None The GDF ID of the returned SpikeTrain. gdf_id must be specified if the GDF file contains neuron IDs, the default None then raises an error. Specify an empty list [] to retrieve the spike trains of all neurons. time_unit : Quantity (time), optional, default: quantities.ms The time unit of recorded time stamps. t_start : Quantity (time), optional, default: 0 * pq.ms Start time of SpikeTrain. t_stop : Quantity (time), default: None Stop time of SpikeTrain. t_stop must be specified, the default None raises an error. sampling_period : Quantity (frequency), optional, default: None Sampling period of the recorded data. id_column : int, optional, default: 0 Column index of neuron IDs. time_column : int, optional, default: 1 Column index of time stamps. value_column : int, optional, default: 2 Column index of the analog values recorded. value_type : str, optional, default: None Nest data type of the analog values recorded, eg.'V_m', 'I', 'g_e'. value_unit : Quantity (amplitude), default: None The physical unit of the recorded signal values. lazy : bool, optional, default: False Returns ------- spiketrain : SpikeTrain The requested SpikeTrain object with an annotation 'id' corresponding to the gdf_id parameter. """ # __read_spiketrains() needs a list of IDs return self.__read_analogsignals([gid], time_unit, t_start, t_stop, sampling_period=sampling_period, id_column=id_column, time_column=time_column, value_columns=value_column, value_types=value_type, value_units=value_unit, lazy=lazy)[0] def read_spiketrain( self, gdf_id=None, time_unit=pq.ms, t_start=None, t_stop=None, id_column=0, time_column=1, lazy=False, cascade=True, **args): """ Reads a SpikeTrain with specified neuron ID from the GDF data. Arguments ---------- gdf_id : int, default: None The GDF ID of the returned SpikeTrain. gdf_id must be specified if the GDF file contains neuron IDs. Providing [] loads all available IDs. time_unit : Quantity (time), optional, default: quantities.ms The time unit of recorded time stamps. t_start : Quantity (time), default: None Start time of SpikeTrain. t_start must be specified. t_stop : Quantity (time), default: None Stop time of SpikeTrain. t_stop must be specified. id_column : int, optional, default: 0 Column index of neuron IDs. time_column : int, optional, default: 1 Column index of time stamps. lazy : bool, optional, default: False cascade : bool, optional, default: True Returns ------- spiketrain : SpikeTrain The requested SpikeTrain object with an annotation 'id' corresponding to the gdf_id parameter. """ if (not isinstance(gdf_id, int)) and gdf_id is not None: raise ValueError('gdf_id has to be of type int or None.') if gdf_id is None and id_column is not None: raise ValueError('No neuron ID specified but file contains ' 'neuron IDs in column ' + str(id_column) + '.') return self.__read_spiketrains([gdf_id], time_unit, t_start, t_stop, id_column, time_column, **args)[0] class ColumnIO: ''' Class for reading an ASCII file containing multiple columns of data. ''' def __init__(self, filename): """ filename: string, path to ASCII file to read. """ self.filename = filename # read the first line to check the data type (int or float) of the data f = open(self.filename) line = f.readline() additional_parameters = {} if '.' not in line: additional_parameters['dtype'] = np.int32 self.data = np.loadtxt(self.filename, **additional_parameters) if len(self.data.shape) == 1: self.data = self.data[:, np.newaxis] def get_columns(self, column_ids='all', condition=None, condition_column=None, sorting_columns=None): """ column_ids : 'all' or list of int, the ids of columns to extract. condition : None or function, which is applied to each row to evaluate if it should be included in the result. Needs to return a bool value. condition_column : int, id of the column on which the condition function is applied to sorting_columns : int or list of int, column ids to sort by. List entries have to be ordered by increasing sorting priority! Returns ------- numpy array containing the requested data. """ if column_ids == [] or column_ids == 'all': column_ids = range(self.data.shape[-1]) if isinstance(column_ids, (int, float)): column_ids = [column_ids] column_ids = np.array(column_ids) if column_ids is not None: if max(column_ids) >= len(self.data) - 1: raise ValueError('Can not load column ID %i. File contains ' 'only %i columns' % (max(column_ids), len(self.data))) if sorting_columns is not None: if isinstance(sorting_columns, int): sorting_columns = [sorting_columns] if (max(sorting_columns) >= self.data.shape[1]): raise ValueError('Can not sort by column ID %i. File contains ' 'only %i columns' % (max(sorting_columns), self.data.shape[1])) # Starting with whole dataset being selected for return selected_data = self.data # Apply filter condition to rows if condition and (condition_column is None): raise ValueError('Filter condition provided, but no ' 'condition_column ID provided') elif (condition_column is not None) and (condition is None): warnings.warn('Condition column ID provided, but no condition ' 'given. No filtering will be performed.') elif (condition is not None) and (condition_column is not None): condition_function = np.vectorize(condition) mask = condition_function( selected_data[ :, condition_column]).astype(bool) selected_data = selected_data[mask, :] # Apply sorting if requested if sorting_columns is not None: values_to_sort = selected_data[:, sorting_columns].T ordered_ids = np.lexsort(tuple(values_to_sort[i] for i in range(len(values_to_sort)))) selected_data = selected_data[ordered_ids, :] # Select only requested columns selected_data = selected_data[:, column_ids] return selected_data