# Data set - Cortical neuron number in schizophrenia with focus on area 24: a post-mortem case-control study Stereological data accompanying the study: **Gaus, R., Popal, M., Heinsen, H. et al. Reduced cortical neuron number and neuron density in schizophrenia with focus on area 24: a post-mortem case–control study. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00406-022-01513-6** The repository contains a table (`raw_stereology_data.xlsx`) with clinical characteristics and raw stereological estimates from the brains of 13 male patients with schizophrenia and 13 age-matched male controls. If you plan to use this data for a publication, please inform us about it and don’t forget to cite the source of the data. ### Description of data Each row in the table represents one individual hemisphere. The table contains the following columns: | Column | Description | Unit | | -------- | ----------- | -------- | | `subject` | Subject ID | | | `code` | Subject code | | | `excl` | *see below*\* | | | `excl_cgm` | *see below*\* | | | `diagnosis` | Control: `0`, Patient: `1` | | | `hemisphere` | Left or right hemisphere | | | `age` | Age of subject | years | | `pmi` | Post-mortem interval | hours | | `fix` | Fixation time | days | | `cgm_vol` | Volume of whole CGM | cm3 | | `cgm_nn` | Total neuron number in whole CGM | x109 | | `cgm_nd` | Total neuron density in whole CGM | x106 / cm3 | | `area24_vol` | Volume of whole area 24 | cm3 | | `area24_nn` | Total neuron number in whole area 24 | x106 | | `area24_nd` | Total neuron density in whole area 24 | x106 / cm3 | | `area24layer5_vol` | Volume of layer V of area 24 | cm3 | | `area24layer5_nn` | Total neuron number in layer V of area 24 | x106 | | `area24layer5_nd` | Total neuron density in layer V of area 24 | x106 / cm3 | | `ven_number` | VEN number in layer V of area 24 | x103 | | `ven_density` | VEN density in layer V of area 24 | x103 / cm3 | *All hemispheres where columns `excl` / `excl_cgm` carry the value `1` were excluded from the statistical analysis for all outcome variables / only the CGM-related outcome variables (`cgm_vol`, `cgm_nn`, `cgm_nd`) due to missing sections. CGM: cortical gray matter; VEN: von Economo neuron