# Title Segmentation Statistics # # generating_program mri_segstats # cvs_version $Id: mri_segstats.c,v 1.121 2016/05/31 17:27:11 greve Exp $ # cmdline mri_segstats --seg mri/wmparc.mgz --sum stats/wmparc.stats --pv mri/norm.mgz --excludeid 0 --brainmask mri/brainmask.mgz --in mri/norm.mgz --in-intensity-name norm --in-intensity-units MR --subject 0051214 --surf-wm-vol --ctab /pasteur/homes/ntraut/bin/freesurfer-6.0.0/WMParcStatsLUT.txt --etiv # sysname Linux # hostname tars-941 # machine x86_64 # user ntraut # anatomy_type volume # # SUBJECTS_DIR /pasteur/projets/policy01/cinq/rto/data/abide/fs-6.0.0 # subjectname 0051214 # Measure VentricleChoroidVol, VentricleChoroidVol, Volume of ventricles and choroid plexus, 10599.000000, mm^3 # Measure lhCerebralWhiteMatter, lhCerebralWhiteMatterVol, Left hemisphere cerebral white matter volume, 201884.327258, mm^3 # Measure rhCerebralWhiteMatter, rhCerebralWhiteMatterVol, Right hemisphere cerebral white matter volume, 197266.627605, mm^3 # Measure CerebralWhiteMatter, CerebralWhiteMatterVol, Total cerebral white matter volume, 399150.954864, mm^3 # Measure Mask, MaskVol, Mask Volume, 1600440.000000, mm^3 # Measure EstimatedTotalIntraCranialVol, eTIV, Estimated Total Intracranial Volume, 1433055.414523, mm^3 # SegVolFile mri/wmparc.mgz # SegVolFileTimeStamp 2017/10/08 04:27:35 # ColorTable /pasteur/homes/ntraut/bin/freesurfer-6.0.0/WMParcStatsLUT.txt # ColorTableTimeStamp 2017/01/18 23:00:02 # InVolFile mri/norm.mgz # InVolFileTimeStamp 2017/10/07 21:06:39 # InVolFrame 0 # PVVolFile mri/norm.mgz # PVVolFileTimeStamp 2017/10/07 21:06:39 # ExcludeSegId 0 # Only reporting non-empty segmentations # VoxelVolume_mm3 1 # TableCol 1 ColHeader Index # TableCol 1 FieldName Index # TableCol 1 Units NA # TableCol 2 ColHeader SegId # TableCol 2 FieldName Segmentation Id # TableCol 2 Units NA # TableCol 3 ColHeader NVoxels # TableCol 3 FieldName Number of Voxels # TableCol 3 Units unitless # TableCol 4 ColHeader Volume_mm3 # TableCol 4 FieldName Volume # TableCol 4 Units mm^3 # TableCol 5 ColHeader StructName # TableCol 5 FieldName Structure Name # TableCol 5 Units NA # TableCol 6 ColHeader normMean # TableCol 6 FieldName Intensity normMean # TableCol 6 Units MR # TableCol 7 ColHeader normStdDev # TableCol 7 FieldName Itensity normStdDev # TableCol 7 Units MR # TableCol 8 ColHeader normMin # TableCol 8 FieldName Intensity normMin # TableCol 8 Units MR # TableCol 9 ColHeader normMax # TableCol 9 FieldName Intensity normMax # TableCol 9 Units MR # TableCol 10 ColHeader normRange # TableCol 10 FieldName Intensity normRange # TableCol 10 Units MR # NRows 70 # NTableCols 10 # ColHeaders Index SegId NVoxels Volume_mm3 StructName normMean normStdDev normMin normMax normRange 1 3001 3520 3484.7 wm-lh-bankssts 100.7739 8.2687 69.0000 125.0000 56.0000 2 3002 2895 2789.2 wm-lh-caudalanteriorcingulate 101.2729 12.8596 34.0000 133.0000 99.0000 3 3003 5094 5069.8 wm-lh-caudalmiddlefrontal 98.5921 11.5613 60.0000 130.0000 70.0000 4 3005 2396 2404.2 wm-lh-cuneus 96.0814 10.7781 65.0000 119.0000 54.0000 5 3006 891 947.4 wm-lh-entorhinal 72.6622 8.7964 33.0000 103.0000 70.0000 6 3007 7323 7340.2 wm-lh-fusiform 90.1991 12.7652 24.0000 121.0000 97.0000 7 3008 8440 8519.3 wm-lh-inferiorparietal 98.9936 10.2529 66.0000 124.0000 58.0000 8 3009 6213 6280.7 wm-lh-inferiortemporal 88.6955 13.7996 52.0000 124.0000 72.0000 9 3010 4002 4028.7 wm-lh-isthmuscingulate 102.2829 12.1067 26.0000 134.0000 108.0000 10 3011 9012 9346.4 wm-lh-lateraloccipital 100.0176 10.0779 67.0000 126.0000 59.0000 11 3012 5828 5803.9 wm-lh-lateralorbitofrontal 94.2069 12.2504 60.0000 131.0000 71.0000 12 3013 4934 4936.7 wm-lh-lingual 94.3239 12.0194 30.0000 125.0000 95.0000 13 3014 3091 3048.5 wm-lh-medialorbitofrontal 89.8311 11.9669 27.0000 119.0000 92.0000 14 3015 5072 5186.1 wm-lh-middletemporal 89.2181 11.3536 54.0000 123.0000 69.0000 15 3016 1725 1839.3 wm-lh-parahippocampal 84.7670 9.5337 55.0000 116.0000 61.0000 16 3017 4024 4015.0 wm-lh-paracentral 97.4699 9.2880 67.0000 121.0000 54.0000 17 3018 2566 2557.0 wm-lh-parsopercularis 103.7701 10.8966 67.0000 136.0000 69.0000 18 3019 1196 1189.2 wm-lh-parsorbitalis 90.6505 11.4372 58.0000 122.0000 64.0000 19 3020 2771 2829.4 wm-lh-parstriangularis 99.9365 10.1042 70.0000 122.0000 52.0000 20 3021 3102 2963.3 wm-lh-pericalcarine 97.6351 12.3867 5.0000 125.0000 120.0000 21 3022 7081 7313.6 wm-lh-postcentral 98.4946 11.3077 64.0000 135.0000 71.0000 22 3023 4337 4229.7 wm-lh-posteriorcingulate 99.0055 10.5257 46.0000 128.0000 82.0000 23 3024 12959 13162.6 wm-lh-precentral 100.5939 11.0077 67.0000 130.0000 63.0000 24 3025 7010 6996.2 wm-lh-precuneus 99.4548 10.9176 39.0000 123.0000 84.0000 25 3026 2411 2353.7 wm-lh-rostralanteriorcingulate 101.3443 13.4831 63.0000 133.0000 70.0000 26 3027 11088 11205.1 wm-lh-rostralmiddlefrontal 95.9556 11.7597 58.0000 123.0000 65.0000 27 3028 15582 15667.5 wm-lh-superiorfrontal 91.5191 11.2733 57.0000 123.0000 66.0000 28 3029 9180 9327.6 wm-lh-superiorparietal 99.7569 10.3593 66.0000 125.0000 59.0000 29 3030 7261 7522.3 wm-lh-superiortemporal 94.8748 11.4409 58.0000 122.0000 64.0000 30 3031 7784 7845.7 wm-lh-supramarginal 102.5062 11.1472 69.0000 132.0000 63.0000 31 3032 162 187.7 wm-lh-frontalpole 81.2963 8.6232 60.0000 104.0000 44.0000 32 3033 534 594.0 wm-lh-temporalpole 70.4719 7.9686 49.0000 98.0000 49.0000 33 3034 743 744.7 wm-lh-transversetemporal 95.9502 8.3609 74.0000 121.0000 47.0000 34 3035 9361 9266.6 wm-lh-insula 94.9874 12.9601 24.0000 130.0000 106.0000 35 4001 3037 3013.1 wm-rh-bankssts 104.4919 7.5332 76.0000 128.0000 52.0000 36 4002 2703 2652.9 wm-rh-caudalanteriorcingulate 102.2952 12.1517 47.0000 134.0000 87.0000 37 4003 4040 4038.7 wm-rh-caudalmiddlefrontal 96.8092 9.4112 67.0000 119.0000 52.0000 38 4005 2158 2199.8 wm-rh-cuneus 90.3397 9.5131 64.0000 115.0000 51.0000 39 4006 661 678.4 wm-rh-entorhinal 70.0272 8.1748 37.0000 95.0000 58.0000 40 4007 6490 6504.2 wm-rh-fusiform 90.6482 12.7056 46.0000 122.0000 76.0000 41 4008 7900 8004.3 wm-rh-inferiorparietal 100.7611 10.5790 65.0000 137.0000 72.0000 42 4009 6102 6187.0 wm-rh-inferiortemporal 91.9249 13.8120 51.0000 128.0000 77.0000 43 4010 2358 2381.9 wm-rh-isthmuscingulate 100.0119 10.5887 21.0000 123.0000 102.0000 44 4011 9509 9751.7 wm-rh-lateraloccipital 94.1475 10.3232 51.0000 126.0000 75.0000 45 4012 6345 6340.2 wm-rh-lateralorbitofrontal 91.2230 11.9053 47.0000 122.0000 75.0000 46 4013 5907 5960.8 wm-rh-lingual 90.1034 10.9794 34.0000 121.0000 87.0000 47 4014 2940 3017.7 wm-rh-medialorbitofrontal 91.3840 11.3919 58.0000 121.0000 63.0000 48 4015 5833 6074.9 wm-rh-middletemporal 93.9525 14.1218 53.0000 132.0000 79.0000 49 4016 1593 1636.7 wm-rh-parahippocampal 85.3955 9.5439 54.0000 117.0000 63.0000 50 4017 3285 3301.5 wm-rh-paracentral 95.7108 9.8100 66.0000 120.0000 54.0000 51 4018 2278 2250.4 wm-rh-parsopercularis 91.0777 10.5997 61.0000 114.0000 53.0000 52 4019 1433 1500.2 wm-rh-parsorbitalis 87.3726 11.0832 59.0000 118.0000 59.0000 53 4020 4429 4509.5 wm-rh-parstriangularis 92.8203 11.1887 62.0000 120.0000 58.0000 54 4021 3127 2924.5 wm-rh-pericalcarine 86.9437 14.1970 0.0000 114.0000 114.0000 55 4022 5322 5402.7 wm-rh-postcentral 99.2377 10.8617 66.0000 129.0000 63.0000 56 4023 3074 3070.5 wm-rh-posteriorcingulate 100.1623 9.9268 45.0000 128.0000 83.0000 57 4024 8889 9019.1 wm-rh-precentral 95.3014 10.3886 61.0000 124.0000 63.0000 58 4025 6565 6540.1 wm-rh-precuneus 98.2291 9.9937 56.0000 125.0000 69.0000 59 4026 2179 2164.5 wm-rh-rostralanteriorcingulate 103.9426 11.9002 70.0000 133.0000 63.0000 60 4027 16771 17416.7 wm-rh-rostralmiddlefrontal 97.1316 9.9870 58.0000 127.0000 69.0000 61 4028 21743 22156.8 wm-rh-superiorfrontal 93.9983 10.2890 59.0000 123.0000 64.0000 62 4029 6546 6621.9 wm-rh-superiorparietal 97.6749 10.8149 64.0000 125.0000 61.0000 63 4030 5166 5374.3 wm-rh-superiortemporal 90.4133 13.7697 52.0000 130.0000 78.0000 64 4031 4711 4739.3 wm-rh-supramarginal 103.3373 10.6978 74.0000 132.0000 58.0000 65 4032 287 315.4 wm-rh-frontalpole 89.0314 7.5718 69.0000 110.0000 41.0000 66 4033 554 558.3 wm-rh-temporalpole 67.0126 7.7046 47.0000 91.0000 44.0000 67 4034 735 722.5 wm-rh-transversetemporal 99.6272 8.2695 75.0000 120.0000 45.0000 68 4035 10930 10812.6 wm-rh-insula 88.7345 14.1470 28.0000 120.0000 92.0000 69 5001 20332 20160.6 Left-UnsegmentedWhiteMatter 100.7263 11.9316 14.0000 133.0000 119.0000 70 5002 20981 20740.6 Right-UnsegmentedWhiteMatter 98.6942 11.7789 16.0000 130.0000 114.0000