Raw +- (using 'rh.curv'): -0.03038 +- 0.1932 Raw Min: -7.34526 at vertex 105657 Raw Max: 7.04285 at vertex 81567 Raw Curvature Calculation Type: discrete Raw Mean Vertex Separation (Whole Surface): 0.85395 +- 0.23026 mm Raw Total Surface Area: 112383.58594 mm^2 Raw Total Number of Vertices: 183386 Raw Average Vertex Area (Whole Surface): 0.61283 mm^2 Raw Natural Surface Integral: -1985.09021 Raw Rectified Surface Integral: 14535.48633 Raw Positive Surface Integral: 6275.19824 Raw Negative Surface Integral: 8260.28809 Raw Mean Natural Surface Integral: -0.01082 across 183386 (100.00%) vertices Raw Mean Rectified Surface Integral: 0.07926 across 183386 (100.00%) vertices Raw Mean Positive Surface Integral: 0.06901 across 90927 (49.58%) vertices Raw Mean Negative Surface Integral: 0.08934 across 92459 (50.42%) vertices Raw AreaNorm Natural Surface Integral: -0.01766 across 112383.507812 (100.00%) mm^2 Raw AreaNorm Rectified Surface Integral: 0.12934 across 112383.507812 (100.00%) mm^2 Raw AreaNorm Positive Surface Integral: 0.10882 across 57665.566406 (51.31%) mm^2 Raw AreaNorm Negative Surface Integral: 0.15096 across 54717.941406 (48.69%) mm^2 Raw +- (using 'rh.sulc'): 0.00000 +- 5.7269 Raw Min: -14.13485 at vertex 136000 Raw Max: 17.29716 at vertex 77573 Raw Curvature Calculation Type: discrete Raw Mean Vertex Separation (Whole Surface): 0.85395 +- 0.23026 mm Raw Total Surface Area: 112383.58594 mm^2 Raw Total Number of Vertices: 183386 Raw Average Vertex Area (Whole Surface): 0.61283 mm^2 Raw Natural Surface Integral: 23811.40430 Raw Rectified Surface Integral: 519996.37500 Raw Positive Surface Integral: 271903.90625 Raw Negative Surface Integral: 248092.50000 Raw Mean Natural Surface Integral: 0.12984 across 183386 (100.00%) vertices Raw Mean Rectified Surface Integral: 2.83553 across 183386 (100.00%) vertices Raw Mean Positive Surface Integral: 3.20509 across 84835 (46.26%) vertices Raw Mean Negative Surface Integral: 2.51740 across 98551 (53.74%) vertices Raw AreaNorm Natural Surface Integral: 0.21188 across 112383.507812 (100.00%) mm^2 Raw AreaNorm Rectified Surface Integral: 4.62698 across 112383.507812 (100.00%) mm^2 Raw AreaNorm Positive Surface Integral: 5.08765 across 53443.941406 (47.55%) mm^2 Raw AreaNorm Negative Surface Integral: 4.20927 across 58939.562500 (52.44%) mm^2 K +- (using 'rh.smoothwm'): 0.27213 +- 14.9999 mm^-2 K Min: -155.10622 at vertex 64376 K Max: 4190.37500 at vertex 81567 K Curvature Calculation Type: discrete K Mean Vertex Separation (Whole Surface): 0.85395 +- 0.23026 mm K Total Surface Area: 112383.58594 mm^2 K Total Number of Vertices: 183386 K Average Vertex Area (Whole Surface): 0.61283 mm^2 K Natural Surface Integral: 12.56623 K Rectified Surface Integral: 7825.78027 K Positive Surface Integral: 3919.17310 K Negative Surface Integral: 3906.60693 K Mean Natural Surface Integral: 0.00007 across 183386 (100.00%) vertices K Mean Rectified Surface Integral: 0.04267 across 183386 (100.00%) vertices K Mean Positive Surface Integral: 0.04778 across 82018 (44.72%) vertices K Mean Negative Surface Integral: 0.03854 across 101368 (55.28%) vertices K AreaNorm Natural Surface Integral: 0.00011 across 112383.507812 (100.00%) mm^2 K AreaNorm Rectified Surface Integral: 0.06963 across 112383.507812 (100.00%) mm^2 K AreaNorm Positive Surface Integral: 0.10308 across 38019.109375 (33.83%) mm^2 K AreaNorm Negative Surface Integral: 0.05253 across 74364.906250 (66.17%) mm^2 H +- (using 'rh.smoothwm'): -0.06296 +- 0.9740 mm^-1 H Min: -138.55481 at vertex 105657 H Max: 127.20640 at vertex 81567 H Curvature Calculation Type: discrete H Mean Vertex Separation (Whole Surface): 0.85395 +- 0.23026 mm H Total Surface Area: 112383.58594 mm^2 H Total Number of Vertices: 183386 H Average Vertex Area (Whole Surface): 0.61283 mm^2 H Natural Surface Integral: -1840.16260 H Rectified Surface Integral: 19400.84570 H Positive Surface Integral: 8780.34180 H Negative Surface Integral: 10620.50391 H Mean Natural Surface Integral: -0.01003 across 183386 (100.00%) vertices H Mean Rectified Surface Integral: 0.10579 across 183386 (100.00%) vertices H Mean Positive Surface Integral: 0.08911 across 98538 (53.73%) vertices H Mean Negative Surface Integral: 0.12517 across 84848 (46.27%) vertices H AreaNorm Natural Surface Integral: -0.01637 across 112383.507812 (100.00%) mm^2 H AreaNorm Rectified Surface Integral: 0.17263 across 112383.507812 (100.00%) mm^2 H AreaNorm Positive Surface Integral: 0.13959 across 62900.609375 (55.97%) mm^2 H AreaNorm Negative Surface Integral: 0.21463 across 49483.000000 (44.03%) mm^2 k1 +- (using 'rh.smoothwm'): -0.13045 +- 1.7839 mm^-1 k1 Min: -263.48370 at vertex 105657 k1 Max: 236.71025 at vertex 81567 k1 Curvature Calculation Type: discrete k1 Mean Vertex Separation (Whole Surface): 0.85395 +- 0.23026 mm k1 Total Surface Area: 112383.58594 mm^2 k1 Total Number of Vertices: 183386 k1 Average Vertex Area (Whole Surface): 0.61283 mm^2 k1 Natural Surface Integral: -5102.34424 k1 Rectified Surface Integral: 43642.33203 k1 Positive Surface Integral: 19269.99414 k1 Negative Surface Integral: 24372.33789 k1 Mean Natural Surface Integral: -0.02782 across 183386 (100.00%) vertices k1 Mean Rectified Surface Integral: 0.23798 across 183386 (100.00%) vertices k1 Mean Positive Surface Integral: 0.19556 across 98538 (53.73%) vertices k1 Mean Negative Surface Integral: 0.28725 across 84848 (46.27%) vertices k1 AreaNorm Natural Surface Integral: -0.04540 across 112383.507812 (100.00%) mm^2 k1 AreaNorm Rectified Surface Integral: 0.38833 across 112383.507812 (100.00%) mm^2 k1 AreaNorm Positive Surface Integral: 0.30636 across 62900.609375 (55.97%) mm^2 k1 AreaNorm Negative Surface Integral: 0.49254 across 49483.000000 (44.03%) mm^2 k2 +- (using 'rh.smoothwm'): 0.00452 +- 0.2588 mm^-1 k2 Min: -19.90487 at vertex 83137 k2 Max: 17.70255 at vertex 81567 k2 Curvature Calculation Type: discrete k2 Mean Vertex Separation (Whole Surface): 0.85395 +- 0.23026 mm k2 Total Surface Area: 112383.58594 mm^2 k2 Total Number of Vertices: 183386 k2 Average Vertex Area (Whole Surface): 0.61283 mm^2 k2 Natural Surface Integral: 1422.01892 k2 Rectified Surface Integral: 11628.84180 k2 Positive Surface Integral: 6525.43066 k2 Negative Surface Integral: 5103.41162 k2 Mean Natural Surface Integral: 0.00775 across 183386 (100.00%) vertices k2 Mean Rectified Surface Integral: 0.06341 across 183386 (100.00%) vertices k2 Mean Positive Surface Integral: 0.06583 across 99126 (54.05%) vertices k2 Mean Negative Surface Integral: 0.06057 across 84260 (45.95%) vertices k2 AreaNorm Natural Surface Integral: 0.01265 across 112383.507812 (100.00%) mm^2 k2 AreaNorm Rectified Surface Integral: 0.10347 across 112383.507812 (100.00%) mm^2 k2 AreaNorm Positive Surface Integral: 0.10837 across 60214.078125 (53.58%) mm^2 k2 AreaNorm Negative Surface Integral: 0.09782 across 52169.441406 (46.42%) mm^2 S +- (using 'rh.smoothwm'): 2.72229 +- 194.3529 mm^-2 S Min: 0.00000 at vertex 1072 S Max: 62428.91406 at vertex 105657 S Curvature Calculation Type: discrete S Mean Vertex Separation (Whole Surface): 0.85395 +- 0.23026 mm S Total Surface Area: 112383.58594 mm^2 S Total Number of Vertices: 183386 S Average Vertex Area (Whole Surface): 0.61283 mm^2 S Natural Surface Integral: 47024.31641 S Rectified Surface Integral: 47024.31641 S Positive Surface Integral: 47024.31641 S Negative Surface Integral: 0.00000 S Mean Natural Surface Integral: 0.25642 across 183386 (100.00%) vertices S Mean Rectified Surface Integral: 0.25642 across 183386 (100.00%) vertices S Mean Positive Surface Integral: 0.25642 across 183386 (100.00%) vertices S Mean Negative Surface Integral: 0.00000 across 0 (00.00%) vertices S AreaNorm Natural Surface Integral: 0.41843 across 112383.507812 (100.00%) mm^2 S AreaNorm Rectified Surface Integral: 0.41843 across 112383.507812 (100.00%) mm^2 S AreaNorm Positive Surface Integral: 0.41843 across 112383.507812 (100.00%) mm^2 S AreaNorm Negative Surface Integral: 0.00000 across 0.000000 (00.00%) mm^2 C +- (using 'rh.smoothwm'): 0.46032 +- 1.1922 mm^-2 C Min: 0.00000 at vertex 123112 C Max: 186.56009 at vertex 105657 C Curvature Calculation Type: discrete C Mean Vertex Separation (Whole Surface): 0.85395 +- 0.23026 mm C Total Surface Area: 112383.58594 mm^2 C Total Number of Vertices: 183386 C Average Vertex Area (Whole Surface): 0.61283 mm^2 C Natural Surface Integral: 32579.06836 C Rectified Surface Integral: 32579.06836 C Positive Surface Integral: 32579.06836 C Negative Surface Integral: 0.00000 C Mean Natural Surface Integral: 0.17765 across 183386 (100.00%) vertices C Mean Rectified Surface Integral: 0.17765 across 183386 (100.00%) vertices C Mean Positive Surface Integral: 0.17765 across 183386 (100.00%) vertices C Mean Negative Surface Integral: 0.00000 across 0 (00.00%) vertices C AreaNorm Natural Surface Integral: 0.28989 across 112383.507812 (100.00%) mm^2 C AreaNorm Rectified Surface Integral: 0.28989 across 112383.507812 (100.00%) mm^2 C AreaNorm Positive Surface Integral: 0.28989 across 112383.507812 (100.00%) mm^2 C AreaNorm Negative Surface Integral: 0.00000 across 0.000000 (00.00%) mm^2 BE +- (using 'rh.smoothwm'): 3.26641 +- 221.7793 mm^-2 BE Min: 0.00000 at vertex 123112 BE Max: 69609.32812 at vertex 105657 BE Curvature Calculation Type: discrete BE Mean Vertex Separation (Whole Surface): 0.85395 +- 0.23026 mm BE Total Surface Area: 112383.58594 mm^2 BE Total Number of Vertices: 183386 BE Average Vertex Area (Whole Surface): 0.61283 mm^2 BE Natural Surface Integral: 47047.73047 BE Rectified Surface Integral: 47047.73047 BE Positive Surface Integral: 47047.73047 BE Negative Surface Integral: 0.00000 BE Mean Natural Surface Integral: 0.25655 across 183386 (100.00%) vertices BE Mean Rectified Surface Integral: 0.25655 across 183386 (100.00%) vertices BE Mean Positive Surface Integral: 0.25655 across 183386 (100.00%) vertices BE Mean Negative Surface Integral: 0.00000 across 0 (00.00%) vertices BE AreaNorm Natural Surface Integral: 0.41864 across 112383.507812 (100.00%) mm^2 BE AreaNorm Rectified Surface Integral: 0.41864 across 112383.507812 (100.00%) mm^2 BE AreaNorm Positive Surface Integral: 0.41864 across 112383.507812 (100.00%) mm^2 BE AreaNorm Negative Surface Integral: 0.00000 across 0.000000 (00.00%) mm^2 FI +- (using 'rh.smoothwm'): 2.85305 +- 206.9702 mm^-2 FI Min: 0.00000 at vertex 1072 FI Max: 65833.45312 at vertex 105657 FI Curvature Calculation Type: discrete FI Mean Vertex Separation (Whole Surface): 0.85395 +- 0.23026 mm FI Total Surface Area: 112383.58594 mm^2 FI Total Number of Vertices: 183386 FI Average Vertex Area (Whole Surface): 0.61283 mm^2 FI Natural Surface Integral: 36704.84375 FI Rectified Surface Integral: 36704.84375 FI Positive Surface Integral: 36704.84375 FI Negative Surface Integral: 0.00000 FI Mean Natural Surface Integral: 0.20015 across 183386 (100.00%) vertices FI Mean Rectified Surface Integral: 0.20015 across 183386 (100.00%) vertices FI Mean Positive Surface Integral: 0.20015 across 183386 (100.00%) vertices FI Mean Negative Surface Integral: 0.00000 across 0 (00.00%) vertices FI AreaNorm Natural Surface Integral: 0.32660 across 112383.507812 (100.00%) mm^2 FI AreaNorm Rectified Surface Integral: 0.32660 across 112383.507812 (100.00%) mm^2 FI AreaNorm Positive Surface Integral: 0.32660 across 112383.507812 (100.00%) mm^2 FI AreaNorm Negative Surface Integral: 0.00000 across 0.000000 (00.00%) mm^2 curv -- calculation type: discrete curv -- Folding Index (FI): 2920.87866 curv -- Intrinsic Curvature Index - positive (ICIp): 311.87790 curv -- Intrinsic Curvature Index - negative (ICIn): 310.87790 curv -- Intrinsic Curvature Index - natural (ICIt): 0.99999 Mean across 10 curvatures: 9.3549e-01 +- 1.3333e+00