Raw +- (using 'rh.curv'): -0.04060 +- 0.1968 Raw Min: -2.41268 at vertex 65543 Raw Max: 1.90562 at vertex 42488 Raw Curvature Calculation Type: discrete Raw Mean Vertex Separation (Whole Surface): 0.84594 +- 0.23535 mm Raw Total Surface Area: 110854.55469 mm^2 Raw Total Number of Vertices: 184555 Raw Average Vertex Area (Whole Surface): 0.60066 mm^2 Raw Natural Surface Integral: -2260.55029 Raw Rectified Surface Integral: 15019.24121 Raw Positive Surface Integral: 6379.34570 Raw Negative Surface Integral: 8639.89648 Raw Mean Natural Surface Integral: -0.01225 across 184555 (100.00%) vertices Raw Mean Rectified Surface Integral: 0.08138 across 184555 (100.00%) vertices Raw Mean Positive Surface Integral: 0.07125 across 89538 (48.52%) vertices Raw Mean Negative Surface Integral: 0.09093 across 95017 (51.48%) vertices Raw AreaNorm Natural Surface Integral: -0.02039 across 110853.914062 (100.00%) mm^2 Raw AreaNorm Rectified Surface Integral: 0.13549 across 110853.914062 (100.00%) mm^2 Raw AreaNorm Positive Surface Integral: 0.11176 across 57080.679688 (51.49%) mm^2 Raw AreaNorm Negative Surface Integral: 0.16067 across 53774.316406 (48.51%) mm^2 Raw +- (using 'rh.sulc'): 0.00000 +- 5.7141 Raw Min: -13.90806 at vertex 129344 Raw Max: 16.89212 at vertex 80327 Raw Curvature Calculation Type: discrete Raw Mean Vertex Separation (Whole Surface): 0.84594 +- 0.23535 mm Raw Total Surface Area: 110854.55469 mm^2 Raw Total Number of Vertices: 184555 Raw Average Vertex Area (Whole Surface): 0.60066 mm^2 Raw Natural Surface Integral: 36425.88672 Raw Rectified Surface Integral: 511041.09375 Raw Positive Surface Integral: 273733.50000 Raw Negative Surface Integral: 237307.60938 Raw Mean Natural Surface Integral: 0.19737 across 184555 (100.00%) vertices Raw Mean Rectified Surface Integral: 2.76905 across 184555 (100.00%) vertices Raw Mean Positive Surface Integral: 3.16814 across 86402 (46.82%) vertices Raw Mean Negative Surface Integral: 2.41773 across 98153 (53.18%) vertices Raw AreaNorm Natural Surface Integral: 0.32859 across 110853.914062 (100.00%) mm^2 Raw AreaNorm Rectified Surface Integral: 4.61004 across 110853.914062 (100.00%) mm^2 Raw AreaNorm Positive Surface Integral: 5.03920 across 54320.816406 (49.00%) mm^2 Raw AreaNorm Negative Surface Integral: 4.19761 across 56534.039062 (51.00%) mm^2 K +- (using 'rh.smoothwm'): 0.30495 +- 9.2796 mm^-2 K Min: -48.48056 at vertex 160998 K Max: 1771.23010 at vertex 124465 K Curvature Calculation Type: discrete K Mean Vertex Separation (Whole Surface): 0.84594 +- 0.23535 mm K Total Surface Area: 110854.55469 mm^2 K Total Number of Vertices: 184555 K Average Vertex Area (Whole Surface): 0.60066 mm^2 K Natural Surface Integral: 12.56651 K Rectified Surface Integral: 8793.18457 K Positive Surface Integral: 4402.87549 K Negative Surface Integral: 4390.30908 K Mean Natural Surface Integral: 0.00007 across 184555 (100.00%) vertices K Mean Rectified Surface Integral: 0.04765 across 184555 (100.00%) vertices K Mean Positive Surface Integral: 0.05338 across 82486 (44.69%) vertices K Mean Negative Surface Integral: 0.04301 across 102069 (55.31%) vertices K AreaNorm Natural Surface Integral: 0.00011 across 110853.914062 (100.00%) mm^2 K AreaNorm Rectified Surface Integral: 0.07932 across 110853.914062 (100.00%) mm^2 K AreaNorm Positive Surface Integral: 0.11773 across 37399.546875 (33.74%) mm^2 K AreaNorm Negative Surface Integral: 0.05977 across 73454.875000 (66.26%) mm^2 H +- (using 'rh.smoothwm'): -0.08661 +- 0.9804 mm^-1 H Min: -68.83255 at vertex 124465 H Max: 57.03867 at vertex 42488 H Curvature Calculation Type: discrete H Mean Vertex Separation (Whole Surface): 0.84594 +- 0.23535 mm H Total Surface Area: 110854.55469 mm^2 H Total Number of Vertices: 184555 H Average Vertex Area (Whole Surface): 0.60066 mm^2 H Natural Surface Integral: -2160.87866 H Rectified Surface Integral: 20377.02930 H Positive Surface Integral: 9108.07520 H Negative Surface Integral: 11268.95410 H Mean Natural Surface Integral: -0.01171 across 184555 (100.00%) vertices H Mean Rectified Surface Integral: 0.11041 across 184555 (100.00%) vertices H Mean Positive Surface Integral: 0.09326 across 97659 (52.92%) vertices H Mean Negative Surface Integral: 0.12968 across 86896 (47.08%) vertices H AreaNorm Natural Surface Integral: -0.01949 across 110853.914062 (100.00%) mm^2 H AreaNorm Rectified Surface Integral: 0.18382 across 110853.914062 (100.00%) mm^2 H AreaNorm Positive Surface Integral: 0.14620 across 62297.140625 (56.20%) mm^2 H AreaNorm Negative Surface Integral: 0.23207 across 48557.585938 (43.80%) mm^2 k1 +- (using 'rh.smoothwm'): -0.17817 +- 1.7758 mm^-1 k1 Min: -124.75384 at vertex 123178 k1 Max: 98.51402 at vertex 42488 k1 Curvature Calculation Type: discrete k1 Mean Vertex Separation (Whole Surface): 0.84594 +- 0.23535 mm k1 Total Surface Area: 110854.55469 mm^2 k1 Total Number of Vertices: 184555 k1 Average Vertex Area (Whole Surface): 0.60066 mm^2 k1 Natural Surface Integral: -5930.76562 k1 Rectified Surface Integral: 45792.21094 k1 Positive Surface Integral: 19930.72266 k1 Negative Surface Integral: 25861.48828 k1 Mean Natural Surface Integral: -0.03214 across 184555 (100.00%) vertices k1 Mean Rectified Surface Integral: 0.24812 across 184555 (100.00%) vertices k1 Mean Positive Surface Integral: 0.20408 across 97659 (52.92%) vertices k1 Mean Negative Surface Integral: 0.29761 across 86896 (47.08%) vertices k1 AreaNorm Natural Surface Integral: -0.05350 across 110853.914062 (100.00%) mm^2 k1 AreaNorm Rectified Surface Integral: 0.41309 across 110853.914062 (100.00%) mm^2 k1 AreaNorm Positive Surface Integral: 0.31993 across 62297.140625 (56.20%) mm^2 k1 AreaNorm Negative Surface Integral: 0.53259 across 48557.585938 (43.80%) mm^2 k2 +- (using 'rh.smoothwm'): 0.00494 +- 0.2816 mm^-1 k2 Min: -15.13829 at vertex 103933 k2 Max: 17.93432 at vertex 160634 k2 Curvature Calculation Type: discrete k2 Mean Vertex Separation (Whole Surface): 0.84594 +- 0.23535 mm k2 Total Surface Area: 110854.55469 mm^2 k2 Total Number of Vertices: 184555 k2 Average Vertex Area (Whole Surface): 0.60066 mm^2 k2 Natural Surface Integral: 1609.00842 k2 Rectified Surface Integral: 11876.48633 k2 Positive Surface Integral: 6742.74756 k2 Negative Surface Integral: 5133.73926 k2 Mean Natural Surface Integral: 0.00872 across 184555 (100.00%) vertices k2 Mean Rectified Surface Integral: 0.06435 across 184555 (100.00%) vertices k2 Mean Positive Surface Integral: 0.06682 across 100904 (54.67%) vertices k2 Mean Negative Surface Integral: 0.06137 across 83651 (45.33%) vertices k2 AreaNorm Natural Surface Integral: 0.01451 across 110853.914062 (100.00%) mm^2 k2 AreaNorm Rectified Surface Integral: 0.10714 across 110853.914062 (100.00%) mm^2 k2 AreaNorm Positive Surface Integral: 0.11232 across 60033.238281 (54.15%) mm^2 k2 AreaNorm Negative Surface Integral: 0.10101 across 50821.843750 (45.85%) mm^2 S +- (using 'rh.smoothwm'): 2.65474 +- 65.8851 mm^-2 S Min: 0.00000 at vertex 35 S Max: 15202.14551 at vertex 123178 S Curvature Calculation Type: discrete S Mean Vertex Separation (Whole Surface): 0.84594 +- 0.23535 mm S Total Surface Area: 110854.55469 mm^2 S Total Number of Vertices: 184555 S Average Vertex Area (Whole Surface): 0.60066 mm^2 S Natural Surface Integral: 56044.92969 S Rectified Surface Integral: 56044.92969 S Positive Surface Integral: 56044.92969 S Negative Surface Integral: 0.00000 S Mean Natural Surface Integral: 0.30368 across 184555 (100.00%) vertices S Mean Rectified Surface Integral: 0.30368 across 184555 (100.00%) vertices S Mean Positive Surface Integral: 0.30368 across 184555 (100.00%) vertices S Mean Negative Surface Integral: 0.00000 across 0 (00.00%) vertices S AreaNorm Natural Surface Integral: 0.50557 across 110853.914062 (100.00%) mm^2 S AreaNorm Rectified Surface Integral: 0.50557 across 110853.914062 (100.00%) mm^2 S AreaNorm Positive Surface Integral: 0.50557 across 110853.914062 (100.00%) mm^2 S AreaNorm Negative Surface Integral: 0.00000 across 0.000000 (00.00%) mm^2 C +- (using 'rh.smoothwm'): 0.51219 +- 1.1705 mm^-2 C Min: 0.00000 at vertex 129092 C Max: 88.22030 at vertex 123178 C Curvature Calculation Type: discrete C Mean Vertex Separation (Whole Surface): 0.84594 +- 0.23535 mm C Total Surface Area: 110854.55469 mm^2 C Total Number of Vertices: 184555 C Average Vertex Area (Whole Surface): 0.60066 mm^2 C Natural Surface Integral: 34123.48047 C Rectified Surface Integral: 34123.48047 C Positive Surface Integral: 34123.48047 C Negative Surface Integral: 0.00000 C Mean Natural Surface Integral: 0.18490 across 184555 (100.00%) vertices C Mean Rectified Surface Integral: 0.18490 across 184555 (100.00%) vertices C Mean Positive Surface Integral: 0.18490 across 184555 (100.00%) vertices C Mean Negative Surface Integral: 0.00000 across 0 (00.00%) vertices C AreaNorm Natural Surface Integral: 0.30782 across 110853.914062 (100.00%) mm^2 C AreaNorm Rectified Surface Integral: 0.30782 across 110853.914062 (100.00%) mm^2 C AreaNorm Positive Surface Integral: 0.30782 across 110853.914062 (100.00%) mm^2 C AreaNorm Negative Surface Integral: 0.00000 across 0.000000 (00.00%) mm^2 BE +- (using 'rh.smoothwm'): 3.26459 +- 79.4341 mm^-2 BE Min: 0.00000 at vertex 129092 BE Max: 15565.64160 at vertex 123178 BE Curvature Calculation Type: discrete BE Mean Vertex Separation (Whole Surface): 0.84594 +- 0.23535 mm BE Total Surface Area: 110854.55469 mm^2 BE Total Number of Vertices: 184555 BE Average Vertex Area (Whole Surface): 0.60066 mm^2 BE Natural Surface Integral: 56068.58984 BE Rectified Surface Integral: 56068.58984 BE Positive Surface Integral: 56068.58984 BE Negative Surface Integral: 0.00000 BE Mean Natural Surface Integral: 0.30380 across 184555 (100.00%) vertices BE Mean Rectified Surface Integral: 0.30380 across 184555 (100.00%) vertices BE Mean Positive Surface Integral: 0.30380 across 184555 (100.00%) vertices BE Mean Negative Surface Integral: 0.00000 across 0 (00.00%) vertices BE AreaNorm Natural Surface Integral: 0.50579 across 110853.914062 (100.00%) mm^2 BE AreaNorm Rectified Surface Integral: 0.50579 across 110853.914062 (100.00%) mm^2 BE AreaNorm Positive Surface Integral: 0.50579 across 110853.914062 (100.00%) mm^2 BE AreaNorm Negative Surface Integral: 0.00000 across 0.000000 (00.00%) mm^2 FI +- (using 'rh.smoothwm'): 2.79495 +- 71.3667 mm^-2 FI Min: 0.00000 at vertex 35 FI Max: 15381.77148 at vertex 123178 FI Curvature Calculation Type: discrete FI Mean Vertex Separation (Whole Surface): 0.84594 +- 0.23535 mm FI Total Surface Area: 110854.55469 mm^2 FI Total Number of Vertices: 184555 FI Average Vertex Area (Whole Surface): 0.60066 mm^2 FI Natural Surface Integral: 44541.66406 FI Rectified Surface Integral: 44541.66406 FI Positive Surface Integral: 44541.66406 FI Negative Surface Integral: 0.00000 FI Mean Natural Surface Integral: 0.24135 across 184555 (100.00%) vertices FI Mean Rectified Surface Integral: 0.24135 across 184555 (100.00%) vertices FI Mean Positive Surface Integral: 0.24135 across 184555 (100.00%) vertices FI Mean Negative Surface Integral: 0.00000 across 0 (00.00%) vertices FI AreaNorm Natural Surface Integral: 0.40181 across 110853.914062 (100.00%) mm^2 FI AreaNorm Rectified Surface Integral: 0.40181 across 110853.914062 (100.00%) mm^2 FI AreaNorm Positive Surface Integral: 0.40181 across 110853.914062 (100.00%) mm^2 FI AreaNorm Negative Surface Integral: 0.00000 across 0.000000 (00.00%) mm^2 curv -- calculation type: discrete curv -- Folding Index (FI): 3544.51294 curv -- Intrinsic Curvature Index - positive (ICIp): 350.36969 curv -- Intrinsic Curvature Index - negative (ICIn): 349.36969 curv -- Intrinsic Curvature Index - natural (ICIt): 1.00001 Mean across 10 curvatures: 9.2310e-01 +- 1.3188e+00