{ "ID": { "LongName": "id", "Description": "ID Numbers", "Units": "integers" }, "choice": { "LongName": "Choice", "Description": "Economic choice", "Units": "integers", "levels": [ "0: Left", "1: Right" ] }, "rt": { "LongName": "rt", "Description": "Reaction times", "Units": "integers" }, "trials": { "LongName": "trial", "Description": "Trial number", "Units": "integers" }, "blocks": { "LongName": "blocks", "Description": "Block number", "Units": "integers" }, "contrast": { "LongName": "congruence", "Description": "Congruence of a block", "levels": [ "0: Incongruent block", "1: Congruent block" ] }, "condition": { "LongName": "condition", "Description": "Uncertainty condition for block", "levels": [ "1: Both", "2: Perceptual" ] }, "state": { "LongName": "state", "Description": "State of the trial", "levels": [ "0: Left stronger", "1: Right stronger" ] }, "action": { "LongName": "action", "Description": "More rewarding option of the trial", "levels": [ "Left", "Right" ] }, "contrast_left": { "LongName": "contrast_left", "Description": "Contrast level of left patch", "Units": "integer" }, "contrast_right": { "LongName": "contrast_right", "Description": "Contrast level of right patch", "Units": "integer" }, "con_diff": { "LongName": "con_diff", "Description": "Contrast difference between patches", "Units": "integer" }, "ecoperf": { "LongName": "ecoperf", "Description": "Economic performance on that trial", "Units": [ "0: Less rewarding choice", "1: More rewarding choice" ] }, "slider": { "LongName": "slider", "Description": "Slider response", "Units": "integer" }, "mu": { "LongName": "mu", "Description": "Slider response", "Units": "integer" }, "correct": { "LongName": "correct", "Description": "Reward received on that trial", "Units": [ "0: Zero points", "1: One point" ] } }