from os import path try: from itertools import izip except: izip = zip import types from numpy import array, arange, NaN, fromfile, float32, asarray, squeeze, isnan, fromstring from numpy.core.records import fromarrays # import nixio as nix import re import warnings identifiers = { 'stimspikes1.dat': lambda info: ('RePro' in info[-1] and info[-1]['RePro'] == 'FileStimulus'), 'samallspikes1.dat': lambda info: ('RePro' in info[-1] and info[-1]['RePro'] == 'SAM'), } def isfloat(value): try: float(value) return True except ValueError: return False def info_filter(iter, filterfunc): for info, key, dat in iter: if filterfunc(info): yield info, key, dat def iload_io_pairs(basedir, spikefile, traces, filterfunc=None): """ Iterator that returns blocks of spike traces and spike times from the base directory basedir (e.g. 2014-06-06-aa) and the spiketime file (e.g. stimspikes1.dat). A filter function can filter out unwanted blocks. It gets the info (see iload and iload trace_trials) from all traces and spike times and has to return True is the block is wanted and False otherwise. :param basedir: basis directory of the recordings (e.g. 2014-06-06-aa) :param spikefile: spikefile (e.g. stimspikes1.dat) :param traces: trace numbers as a list (e.g. [1,2]) :param filterfunc: function that gets the infos from all traces and spike times and indicates whether the block is wanted or not """ if filterfunc is None: filterfunc = lambda inp: True if type(traces) is not types.ListType: traces = [traces] assert spikefile in identifiers, """iload_io_pairs does not know how to identify trials in stimuli.dat which correspond to trials in {0}. Please update pyRELACS.DataLoader.identifiers accordingly""".format(spikefile) iterators = [info_filter(iload_trace_trials(basedir, tn), identifiers[spikefile]) for tn in traces] \ + [iload_spike_blocks(basedir + '/' + spikefile)] for stuff in izip(*iterators): info, key, dat = zip(*stuff) if filterfunc(*info): yield info, key, dat def iload_spike_blocks(filename): """ Loades spike times from filename and merges trials with incremental trial numbers into one block. Spike times are assumed to be in seconds and are converted into ms. """ current_trial = -1 ret_dat = [] old_info = old_key = None for info, key, dat in iload(filename): if 'trial' in info[-1]: if int(info[-1]['trial']) != current_trial + 1: yield old_info[:-1], key, ret_dat ret_dat = [] current_trial = int(info[-1]['trial']) if not any(isnan(dat)): ret_dat.append(squeeze(dat) / 1000.) else: ret_dat.append(array([])) old_info, old_key = info, key else: if len(ret_dat) > 0: yield old_info[:-1], old_key, ret_dat ret_dat = [] yield info, key, dat else: if len(ret_dat) > 0: yield old_info[:-1], old_key, ret_dat def iload_trace_trials(basedir, trace_no=1, before=0.0, after=0.0): """ returns: info : metadata from stimuli.dat key : key from stimuli.dat data : the data of the specified trace of all trials """ x = fromfile('%s/trace-%i.raw' % (basedir, trace_no), float32) p = re.compile('([-+]?\d*\.\d+|\d+)\s*(\w+)') for info, key, dat in iload('%s/stimuli.dat' % (basedir,)): X = [] val, unit = p.match(info[-1]['duration']).groups() val = float(val) if unit == 'ms': val *= 0.001 duration_index = key[2].index('duration') # if 'RePro' in info[1] and info[1]['RePro'] == 'FileStimulus': # embed() # exit() sval, sunit = p.match(info[0]['sample interval%i' % trace_no]).groups() sval = float(sval) if sunit == 'ms': sval *= 0.001 l = int(before / sval) r = int((val + after) / sval) if dat.shape == (1, 1) and dat[0, 0] == 0: warnings.warn("iload_trace_trials: Encountered incomplete '-0' trial.") yield info, key, array([]) continue for col, duration in zip(asarray([e[trace_no - 1] for e in dat], dtype=int), asarray([e[duration_index] for e in dat], dtype=float32)): # dat[:,trace_no-1].astype(int): tmp = x[col - l:col + r] if duration < 0.001: # if the duration is less than 1ms warnings.warn( "iload_trace_trials: Skipping one trial because its duration is <1ms and therefore it is probably rubbish") continue if len(X) > 0 and len(tmp) != len(X[0]): warnings.warn("iload_trace_trials: Setting one trial to NaN because it appears to be incomplete!") X.append(NaN * X[0]) else: X.append(tmp) yield info, key, asarray(X) def iload_traces(basedir, repro='', before=0.0, after=0.0): """ returns: info : metadata from stimuli.dat key : key from stimuli.dat time : an array for the time axis data : the data of all traces of a single trial """ # open traces files: sf = get_raw_traces(basedir) for info, key, dat in iload('%s/stimuli.dat' % (basedir,)): if len(repro) > 0 and repro != info[1]['RePro']: continue start_idx, end_idx = get_trace_indices(info, before, after) deltat = get_sampling_interval(info) time = arange(0.0, start_idx + end_idx) * deltat - before duration_index = key[2].index('duration') if dat.shape == (1, 1) and dat[0, 0] == 0: warnings.warn("iload_traces: Encountered incomplete '-0' trial.") yield info, key, array([]) continue for d in dat: duration = d[duration_index] if duration < 0.001: # if the duration is less than 1ms warnings.warn( "iload_traces: Skipping one trial because its duration is <1ms and therefore it is probably rubbish") continue x = [] for trace in xrange(len(sf)): col = int(d[trace]) from_idx = col - start_idx indexes_to_read = (start_idx + end_idx) trace_file = sf[trace] tmp = read_from_trace_file(trace_file, from_idx, indexes_to_read) if len(x) > 0 and len(tmp) != len(x[0]): warnings.warn("iload_traces: Setting one trial to NaN because it appears to be incomplete!") x.append(NaN * x[0]) else: x.append(tmp) yield info, key, time, asarray(x) def get_sampling_interval(info): p = re.compile('(\d+[e][+]\d*|[-+]?\d*\.\d+|\d+)\s*(\w+)') deltat, unit = p.match(info[0]['sample interval1']).groups() deltat = float(deltat) if unit == 'ms': deltat *= 0.001 return deltat def read_from_trace_file(trace_file, from_idx, to_idx): * 4) buffer = * 4) tmp = fromstring(buffer, float32) return tmp def get_trace_indices(repro_info, before, after): p = re.compile('(\d+[e][+]\d*|[-+]?\d*\.\d+|\d+)\s*(\w+)') val, unit = p.match(repro_info[-1]['duration']).groups() val = float(val) if unit == 'ms': val *= 0.001 sval, sunit = p.match(repro_info[0]['sample interval%i' % 1]).groups() sval = float(sval) if sunit == 'ms': sval *= 0.001 l = int(before / sval) r = int((val + after) / sval) return l, r def get_raw_traces(basedir): sf = [] for trace in xrange(1, 1000000): if path.isfile('%s/trace-%i.raw' % (basedir, trace)): sf.append(get_raw_trace(basedir, trace)) else: break return sf def get_raw_trace(basedir, trace): return open('%s/trace-%i.raw' % (basedir, trace), 'rb') def get_available_traces(basedir): stimulus_file = "{}/stimuli.dat".format(basedir) traces_info = [] info_pattern = re.compile('#\s+([\w\s]*):\s+([\w+-.]*)') key_pattern = re.compile('(\w*)(\d+)') with open(stimulus_file, 'r') as fid: read = False for line in fid: if "analog input traces" in line: read = True continue if "event lists" in line: break if read: key, value = map(lambda s: s.strip(), info_pattern.match(line).groups()) key = key.replace(" ", "_") key_id, key_idx = key_pattern.match(key).groups() key_idx = int(key_idx) - 1 if key_id == "identifier": traces_info.append({key_id: value}) else: traces_info[key_idx].update({key_id: value}) return traces_info def iload(filename): meta_data = [] new_meta_data = [] key = [] within_key = within_meta_block = within_data_block = False currkey = None data = [] with open(filename, 'r') as fid: for line in fid: line = line.rstrip().lstrip() if within_data_block and (line.startswith('#') or not line): within_data_block = False yield list(meta_data), tuple(key), array(data) data = [] # Key parsing if line.startswith('#Key'): key = [] within_key = True continue if within_key: if not line.startswith('#'): within_key = False if not line and key[-1][0] == '1': within_data_block = True n = len(new_meta_data) meta_data[-n:] = new_meta_data new_meta_data = [] currkey = None continue else: key.append(tuple([e.strip() for e in line[1:].split(" ") if len(e.strip()) > 0])) continue # fast forward to first data point or meta data if not line: within_key = within_meta_block = False currkey = None continue # meta data blocks elif line.startswith('#'): # cannot be a key anymore if not within_meta_block: within_meta_block = True new_meta_data.append({}) if ':' in line: tmp = [e.rstrip().lstrip() for e in line[1:].split(':')] elif '=' in line: tmp = [e.rstrip().lstrip() for e in line[1:].split('=')] else: currkey = line[1:].rstrip().lstrip() new_meta_data[-1][currkey] = {} continue if currkey is None: new_meta_data[-1][tmp[0]] = tmp[1] else: new_meta_data[-1][currkey][tmp[0]] = tmp[1] else: if not within_data_block: within_data_block = True n = len(new_meta_data) meta_data[-n:] = new_meta_data new_meta_data = [] currkey = None within_key = within_meta_block = False data.append([float(e) if (e != '-0' and isfloat(e)) else NaN for e in line.split()]) else: # if for loop is finished, return the data we have so far if within_data_block and len(data) > 0: yield list(meta_data), tuple(key), array(data) def recload(filename): for meta, key, dat in iload(filename): yield meta, fromarrays(dat.T, names=key[0]) def load(filename): """ Loads a data file saved by relacs. Returns a tuple of dictionaries containing the data and the header information :param filename: Filename of the data file. :type filename: string :returns: a tuple of dictionaries containing the head information and the data. :rtype: tuple """ with open(filename, 'r') as fid: L = [l.lstrip().rstrip() for l in fid.readlines()] ret = [] dat = {} X = [] keyon = False currkey = None for l in L: # if empty line and we have data recorded if (not l or l.startswith('#')) and len(X) > 0: keyon = False currkey = None dat['data'] = array(X) ret.append(dat) X = [] dat = {} if '---' in l: continue if l.startswith('#'): if ":" in l: tmp = [e.rstrip().lstrip() for e in l[1:].split(':')] if currkey is None: dat[tmp[0]] = tmp[1] else: dat[currkey][tmp[0]] = tmp[1] elif "=" in l: tmp = [e.rstrip().lstrip() for e in l[1:].split('=')] if currkey is None: dat[tmp[0]] = tmp[1] else: dat[currkey][tmp[0]] = tmp[1] elif l[1:].lower().startswith('key'): dat['key'] = [] keyon = True elif keyon: dat['key'].append(tuple([e.lstrip().rstrip() for e in l[1:].split()])) else: currkey = l[1:].rstrip().lstrip() dat[currkey] = {} elif l: # if l != '' keyon = False currkey = None X.append([float(e) for e in l.split()]) if len(X) > 0: dat['data'] = array(X) else: dat['data'] = [] ret.append(dat) return tuple(ret)