function output = ERBFilterBank(x, fcoefs) % function output = ERBFilterBank(x, fcoefs) % Process an input waveform with a gammatone filter bank. This function % takes a single sound vector, and returns an array of filter outputs, one % channel per row. % % The fcoefs parameter, which completely specifies the Gammatone filterbank, % should be designed with the MakeERBFilters function. If it is omitted, % the filter coefficients are computed for you assuming a 22050Hz sampling % rate and 64 filters regularly spaced on an ERB scale from fs/2 down to 100Hz. % % Malcolm Slaney @ Interval, June 11, 1998. % (c) 1998 Interval Research Corporation % Thanks to Alain de Cheveigne' for his suggestions and improvements. if nargin < 1 error('Syntax: output_array = ERBFilterBank(input_vector[, fcoefs]);'); end if nargin < 2 fcoefs = MakeERBFilters(22050,64,100); end if size(fcoefs,2) ~= 10 error('fcoefs parameter passed to ERBFilterBank is the wrong size.'); end if size(x,2) < size(x,1) x = x'; end A0 = fcoefs(:,1); A11 = fcoefs(:,2); A12 = fcoefs(:,3); A13 = fcoefs(:,4); A14 = fcoefs(:,5); A2 = fcoefs(:,6); B0 = fcoefs(:,7); B1 = fcoefs(:,8); B2 = fcoefs(:,9); gain= fcoefs(:,10); output = zeros(size(gain,1), length(x)); for chan = 1: size(gain,1) y1=filter([A0(chan)/gain(chan) A11(chan)/gain(chan) ... A2(chan)/gain(chan)], ... [B0(chan) B1(chan) B2(chan)], x); y2=filter([A0(chan) A12(chan) A2(chan)], ... [B0(chan) B1(chan) B2(chan)], y1); y3=filter([A0(chan) A13(chan) A2(chan)], ... [B0(chan) B1(chan) B2(chan)], y2); y4=filter([A0(chan) A14(chan) A2(chan)], ... [B0(chan) B1(chan) B2(chan)], y3); output(chan, :) = y4; end if 0 semilogx((0:(length(x)-1))*(fs/length(x)),20*log10(abs(fft(output)))); end