function NEV = rethresholdNSx(varargin) % rethresholdNSx % % Opens a NEV file and rethresholds it. It outputs a NEV structure into % MATLAB. This version currently does not save a new NEV file. % % All input arguments are optional. Input arguments must be in the % following order: % % NSx: The data structure holding the channel information % % Threshold: The threshold value in µV. This can be a positive or % negative value. % DEFAULT: Will automatically set threshold to -65 µV. % % FilterFreq: The high-pass filter high-pass corner frequency. For % example, if the filter is set to 250 then the signal will % first get high-pass filtered at 250 Hz before getting % rethrholded. % DEFAULT: Will automatically high-pass filter signal at % 250 Hz. % % Example: % % NEV = rethresholdNSx(NSx, -85, 150); % % In the example above, the NSx structure will be high-pass filtered at % 150 Hz and then rethresholded at -85 µV. All new waveformes will be % saved in a NEV structure and will get output to MATLAB. % % NEV = rethresholdNSx; % % In the example above, the user will be propted to choose a NSx file % then the signal will get high-pass filtered at 150 Hz and then % rethresholded at -85 µV. All new waveformes will be saved in a NEV % structure and will get output to MATLAB. % % Kian Torab % Blackrock Microsystems % % % Version % if nargin > 3 disp('Invalid number of arguments. See ''help rethresholdNSx'' for more information.'); elseif nargin == 3 NSx = varargin{1}; try NEV = openNEV([NSx.MetaTags.FilePath '/' NSx.MetaTags.Filename(1:end-3) 'nev'], 'read'); catch disp('Cannot open the corresponding NEV file.'); disp('The NEV file is required. Please place it in the same folder.'); return; end threshold = varargin{2}; hpFreq = varargin{3}; elseif nargin == 2 NSx = varargin{1}; try NEV = openNEV([NSx.MetaTags.FilePath '/' NSx.MetaTags.Filename(1:end-3) 'nev'], 'read'); catch disp('Cannot open the corresponding NEV file.'); disp('The NEV file is required. Please place it in the same folder.'); return; end threshold = varargin{2}; hpFreq = 250; elseif nargin == 1 NSx = varargin{1}; try NEV = openNEV([NSx.MetaTags.FilePath '/' NSx.MetaTags.Filename(1:end-3) 'nev'], 'read'); catch disp('Cannot open the corresponding NEV file.'); disp('The NEV file is required. Please place it in the same folder.'); return; end threshold = -85; hpFreq = 250; elseif nargin == 0 [fileName pathName] = getFile; NSx = openNSx([pathName fileName], 'read'); try NEV = openNEV([pathName fileName(1:end-3) 'nev'], 'read'); catch disp('Cannot open the corresponding NEV file.'); disp('The NEV file is required. Please place it in the same folder.'); return; end threshold = -50; hpFreq = 250; end %% Setting stuff up newSpikes.TimeStamps = 0; newSpikes.Electrode = 0; newSpikes.Unit = 0; newSpikes.Waveform = zeros(48,1); firstTimeFlag = 1; digitizationFactor = 1000/NEV.ElectrodesInfo(1).DigitalFactor; wavelengthLength = length(NEV.Data.Spikes.Waveform(:,1)); availableChannels = double(NSx.MetaTags.ChannelID)'; %% Highpass filter continuous data %% Finding the spikes for channelIDX = 1:length(availableChannels) if threshold < 0 thresholdTimestamps = find(diff(NSx.Data(channelIDX,:) < threshold*digitizationFactor) == 1); else thresholdTimestamps = find(diff(NSx.Data(channelIDX,:) > threshold*digitizationFactor) == 1); end idx = 1; while idx < length(thresholdTimestamps) refractoryIDX = find(abs(thresholdTimestamps(idx) - thresholdTimestamps) < wavelengthLength); thresholdTimestamps(refractoryIDX(2:end)) = []; idx = idx + 1; end while length(NSx.Data(channelIDX, :)) - thresholdTimestamps(end) < 38 thresholdTimestamps(end) = []; end newSpikes.TimeStamps(end+1:end+length(thresholdTimestamps)) = thresholdTimestamps; newSpikes.Electrode(end+1:end+length(thresholdTimestamps)) = repmat(NSx.MetaTags.ChannelID(channelIDX), 1, length(thresholdTimestamps)); newSpikes.Unit(end+1:end+length(thresholdTimestamps)) = zeros(1, length(thresholdTimestamps)); if firstTimeFlag newSpikes.TimeStamps(1) = []; newSpikes.Electrode(1) = []; newSpikes.Unit(1) = []; end waveformIndices = bsxfun(@plus, thresholdTimestamps', -10:37)'; waveformFlat = NSx.Data(channelIDX, waveformIndices(:)); newSpikes.Waveform(:,end+1:end+length(thresholdTimestamps)) = reshape(waveformFlat, 48, length(waveformFlat)/48); if firstTimeFlag newSpikes.Waveform(:,1) = []; firstTimeFlag = 0; end clear waveformFlat; end [~, timestampIndex] = sort(newSpikes.TimeStamps); NEV.Data.Spikes.TimeStamp = newSpikes.TimeStamps(timestampIndex); NEV.Data.Spikes.Electrode = newSpikes.Electrode(timestampIndex); NEV.Data.Spikes.Unit = newSpikes.Unit(timestampIndex); NEV.Data.Spikes.Waveform = newSpikes.Waveform(:,timestampIndex);