Optophysiology Lab 2 лет назад
1 измененных файлов с 5 добавлено и 1 удалено
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 # Conserved_structures_cortex
-Example data of different behaviors for "Conserved structures of neural activity in sensorimotor cortex of freely moving rats allow cross-subject decoding" 
+This repository contains example data for the paper “Conserved structures of neural activity in sensorimotor cortex of freely moving rats allow cross-subject decoding” (Melbaum et al. 2022).
+We used the freely available tool MuViLab for the behavioral labeling of the videos from 48 recording sessions with six different rats, conducted in June-August 2017. Two human annotators, who were blinded to the neural data, manually labeled the recordings in 500-ms snippets. The criteria for the six behavioral classes were as follows: **Step**---the rat moved at least one paw but did not drink or rear at the same time; **turn**---the rat moved its head; **drink**---the rat drank from the spout or collected water drops from the mesh with its mouth; **groom**---the rat performed typical grooming movements; **rear**---the rat stood on its hind paws; **rest**---the rat showed no obvious movements. 
+Here, we show multiple examples from each behavioral class concatenated in one single video for each class.