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Nathaniel Glassy 2 years ago
35 changed files with 5329 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 57 0
      Subject 03/sub-03_T1w.json
  2. 1 0
      Subject 03/sub-03_T1w.nii
  3. BIN
      Subject 03/sub-03_task-arrow_run-01.ds/BadChannels
  4. 26 0
      Subject 03/sub-03_task-arrow_run-01.ds/ClassFile.cls
  5. 1590 0
      Subject 03/sub-03_task-arrow_run-01.ds/MarkerFile.mrk
  6. BIN
      Subject 03/sub-03_task-arrow_run-01.ds/bad.segments
  7. 32 0
      Subject 03/sub-03_task-arrow_run-01.ds/params.dsc
  8. 33 0
      Subject 03/sub-03_task-arrow_run-01.ds/processing.cfg
  9. 37 0
      Subject 03/sub-03_task-arrow_run-01.ds/sub-03_task-arrow_run-01.hc
  10. BIN
      Subject 03/sub-03_task-arrow_run-01.ds/sub-03_task-arrow_run-01.infods
  11. 1 0
      Subject 03/sub-03_task-arrow_run-01.ds/sub-03_task-arrow_run-01.meg4
  12. 17 0
      Subject 03/sub-03_task-arrow_run-01.ds/sub-03_task-arrow_run-01.newds
  13. BIN
      Subject 03/sub-03_task-arrow_run-01.ds/sub-03_task-arrow_run-01.res4
  14. BIN
      Subject 03/sub-03_task-arrow_run-02.ds/BadChannels
  15. 26 0
      Subject 03/sub-03_task-arrow_run-02.ds/ClassFile.cls
  16. 1618 0
      Subject 03/sub-03_task-arrow_run-02.ds/MarkerFile.mrk
  17. BIN
      Subject 03/sub-03_task-arrow_run-02.ds/bad.segments
  18. 32 0
      Subject 03/sub-03_task-arrow_run-02.ds/params.dsc
  19. 33 0
      Subject 03/sub-03_task-arrow_run-02.ds/processing.cfg
  20. 37 0
      Subject 03/sub-03_task-arrow_run-02.ds/sub-03_task-arrow_run-02.hc
  21. BIN
      Subject 03/sub-03_task-arrow_run-02.ds/sub-03_task-arrow_run-02.infods
  22. 1 0
      Subject 03/sub-03_task-arrow_run-02.ds/sub-03_task-arrow_run-02.meg4
  23. 17 0
      Subject 03/sub-03_task-arrow_run-02.ds/sub-03_task-arrow_run-02.newds
  24. BIN
      Subject 03/sub-03_task-arrow_run-02.ds/sub-03_task-arrow_run-02.res4
  25. BIN
      Subject 03/sub-03_task-arrow_run-03.ds/BadChannels
  26. 26 0
      Subject 03/sub-03_task-arrow_run-03.ds/ClassFile.cls
  27. 1625 0
      Subject 03/sub-03_task-arrow_run-03.ds/MarkerFile.mrk
  28. BIN
      Subject 03/sub-03_task-arrow_run-03.ds/bad.segments
  29. 32 0
      Subject 03/sub-03_task-arrow_run-03.ds/params.dsc
  30. 33 0
      Subject 03/sub-03_task-arrow_run-03.ds/processing.cfg
  31. 37 0
      Subject 03/sub-03_task-arrow_run-03.ds/sub-03_task-arrow_run-03.hc
  32. BIN
      Subject 03/sub-03_task-arrow_run-03.ds/sub-03_task-arrow_run-03.infods
  33. 1 0
      Subject 03/sub-03_task-arrow_run-03.ds/sub-03_task-arrow_run-03.meg4
  34. 17 0
      Subject 03/sub-03_task-arrow_run-03.ds/sub-03_task-arrow_run-03.newds
  35. BIN
      Subject 03/sub-03_task-arrow_run-03.ds/sub-03_task-arrow_run-03.res4

+ 57 - 0
Subject 03/sub-03_T1w.json

@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+	"Modality": "MR",
+	"MagneticFieldStrength": 1.5,
+	"ImagingFrequency": 63.8998,
+	"Manufacturer": "Philips",
+	"ManufacturersModelName": "Achieva",
+	"InstitutionName": "UCSF IMR",
+	"InstitutionalDepartmentName": "Radiology",
+	"DeviceSerialNumber": "08042",
+	"StationName": "MR4",
+	"BodyPartExamined": "BRAIN",
+	"PatientPosition": "HFS",
+	"ProcedureStepDescription": "MSI",
+	"SoftwareVersions": "2.6.3\\",
+	"MRAcquisitionType": "3D",
+	"SeriesDescription": "MP-RAGE MSI",
+	"ProtocolName": "MP-RAGE MSI CLEAR",
+	"ScanningSequence": "GR",
+	"SequenceVariant": "MP",
+	"ScanOptions": "OTHER",
+	"ImageType": ["ORIGINAL", "PRIMARY", "M", "FFE", "M", "FFE"],
+	"SeriesNumber": 301,
+	"AcquisitionTime": "15:33:1.040000",
+	"AcquisitionNumber": 3,
+	"PhilipsRescaleSlope": 5.59853,
+	"PhilipsRescaleIntercept": 0,
+	"PhilipsScaleSlope": 0.000216836,
+	"UsePhilipsFloatNotDisplayScaling": 0,
+	"SliceThickness": 1.5,
+	"SpacingBetweenSlices": 1.5,
+	"SAR": 0.0919834,
+	"EchoTime": 0.003739,
+	"RepetitionTime": 0.0078093,
+	"FlipAngle": 8,
+	"CoilString": "SENSE-Head-6",
+	"PercentPhaseFOV": 76.5625,
+	"PercentSampling": 100,
+	"EchoTrainLength": 192,
+	"PhaseEncodingSteps": 251,
+	"AcquisitionMatrixPE": 251,
+	"ReconMatrixPE": 256,
+	"WaterFatShift": 1.13462,
+	"EstimatedEffectiveEchoSpacing": 2.03739e-05,
+	"EstimatedTotalReadoutTime": 0.00519534,
+	"PixelBandwidth": 191,
+	"PhaseEncodingAxis": "i",
+	"ImageOrientationPatientDICOM": [
+		0.992337,
+		0.0655754,
+		-0.104727,
+		-0.065938,
+		0.997824,
+		-2.71498e-10	],
+	"InPlanePhaseEncodingDirectionDICOM": "ROW",
+	"ConversionSoftware": "dcm2niix",
+	"ConversionSoftwareVersion": "v1.0.20210317"

+ 1 - 0
Subject 03/sub-03_T1w.nii

@@ -0,0 +1 @@

Subject 03/sub-03_task-arrow_run-01.ds/BadChannels

+ 26 - 0
Subject 03/sub-03_task-arrow_run-01.ds/ClassFile.cls

@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 1590 - 0
Subject 03/sub-03_task-arrow_run-01.ds/MarkerFile.mrk

Subject 03/sub-03_task-arrow_run-01.ds/bad.segments

+ 32 - 0
Subject 03/sub-03_task-arrow_run-01.ds/params.dsc

@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+// Head Localization parameters.
+// 09-Jun-2021 12:10
+	FixSensors:	False
+	// balance: order, adapted
+	// (adapted=0 -> not adapted)
+	// (adapted=1 -> adapted)
+	balance:	0,0
+// Data selector parameters.
+	RejectBadTrials:	FALSE
+	ForceEvenNumTargets:	FALSE
+	MaximumOverlap:	0
+	StartTime:	-0
+	EndTime:	5
+	EventRange:	ALL
+	WholeTrial:	TRUE
+	CondSearchStart:	0
+	CondSearchEnd:	0
+	TargetTrialOffset:	0

+ 33 - 0
Subject 03/sub-03_task-arrow_run-01.ds/processing.cfg

@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+// Processing configuration.
+// 12:10  09/06/2021
+	// balance: order, adapted
+	// (adapted=0 -> not adapted)
+	// (adapted=1 -> adapted)
+	balance:	0,0
+	// lowpass: enable, filterOrder, fc
+	lowpass:	0,4,0.00000000000000000
+	// highpass: enable, filterOrder, fc
+	highpass:	0,4,0.00000000000000000
+	// bandreject: enable, filterOrder, fc1, fc2
+	bandreject:	0,4,0.00000000000000000,0.00000000000000000
+	// bandpass: enable, filterOrder, fc1, fc2
+	bandpass:	0,4,0.00000000000000000,0.00000000000000000
+	// bandreject: enable, filterOrder, fc1, fc2
+	bandreject:	0,2,0.00000000000000000,0.00000000000000000
+	// bandreject: enable, filterOrder, fc1, fc2
+	bandreject:	0,2,0.00000000000000000,0.00000000000000000
+	// bandreject: enable, filterOrder, fc1, fc2
+	bandreject:	0,2,0.00000000000000000,0.00000000000000000
+	// bandreject: enable, filterOrder, fc1, fc2
+	bandreject:	0,2,0.00000000000000000,0.00000000000000000
+	// offset: enable, baselineSelection, startPt, endPt
+	// (baseline=0 --> use pretrigger data)
+	// (baseline=1 --> use from startPt to endPt)
+	// (baseline=2 --> use whole trial)
+	// (baseline+=10 --> do trend removal)
+	offset:	0,0,1,1

+ 37 - 0
Subject 03/sub-03_task-arrow_run-01.ds/sub-03_task-arrow_run-01.hc

@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+standard nasion coil position relative to dewar (cm):
+	x = 5.65685
+	y = 5.65685
+	z = -27
+standard left ear coil position relative to dewar (cm):
+	x = -5.65685
+	y = 5.65685
+	z = -27
+standard right ear coil position relative to dewar (cm):
+	x = 5.65685
+	y = -5.65685
+	z = -27
+measured nasion coil position relative to dewar (cm):
+	x = 7.19008
+	y = 7.3498
+	z = -25.7872
+measured left ear coil position relative to dewar (cm):
+	x = -5.61928
+	y = 5.62662
+	z = -29.7778
+measured right ear coil position relative to dewar (cm):
+	x = 6.53755
+	y = -5.5244
+	z = -29.9076
+measured nasion coil position relative to head (cm):
+	x = 10.7249
+	y = 1.22125e-15
+	z = 0
+measured left ear coil position relative to head (cm):
+	x = 0.00407215
+	y = 8.24849
+	z = 7.4607e-14
+measured right ear coil position relative to head (cm):
+	x = -0.00407215
+	y = -8.24849
+	z = -7.4607e-14

Subject 03/sub-03_task-arrow_run-01.ds/sub-03_task-arrow_run-01.infods

+ 1 - 0
Subject 03/sub-03_task-arrow_run-01.ds/sub-03_task-arrow_run-01.meg4

@@ -0,0 +1 @@

+ 17 - 0
Subject 03/sub-03_task-arrow_run-01.ds/sub-03_task-arrow_run-01.newds

@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+// These parameters will appear in the new dataset.
+	site:	
+	system:	DSQ-2010
+	institute:	
+	protocol:	parkinsons.rp
+	purpose:	
+	keywords:	parkinson, Liz
+	coefsName:	/opt/ctf/hardware/M021/M021_2205.coef
+	sensName:	/opt/ctf/hardware/M021/M021_2205.sens
+	appName:	Acq patch3-4.17-linux-20040429
+	systemType:	cmeg
+	bandwidth:	0.000000, 300.000000

Subject 03/sub-03_task-arrow_run-01.ds/sub-03_task-arrow_run-01.res4

Subject 03/sub-03_task-arrow_run-02.ds/BadChannels

+ 26 - 0
Subject 03/sub-03_task-arrow_run-02.ds/ClassFile.cls

@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 1618 - 0
Subject 03/sub-03_task-arrow_run-02.ds/MarkerFile.mrk

Subject 03/sub-03_task-arrow_run-02.ds/bad.segments

+ 32 - 0
Subject 03/sub-03_task-arrow_run-02.ds/params.dsc

@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+// Head Localization parameters.
+// 09-Jun-2021 12:10
+	FixSensors:	False
+	// balance: order, adapted
+	// (adapted=0 -> not adapted)
+	// (adapted=1 -> adapted)
+	balance:	0,0
+// Data selector parameters.
+	RejectBadTrials:	FALSE
+	ForceEvenNumTargets:	FALSE
+	MaximumOverlap:	0
+	StartTime:	-0
+	EndTime:	5
+	EventRange:	ALL
+	WholeTrial:	TRUE
+	CondSearchStart:	0
+	CondSearchEnd:	0
+	TargetTrialOffset:	0

+ 33 - 0
Subject 03/sub-03_task-arrow_run-02.ds/processing.cfg

@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+// Processing configuration.
+// 12:10  09/06/2021
+	// balance: order, adapted
+	// (adapted=0 -> not adapted)
+	// (adapted=1 -> adapted)
+	balance:	0,0
+	// lowpass: enable, filterOrder, fc
+	lowpass:	0,4,0.00000000000000000
+	// highpass: enable, filterOrder, fc
+	highpass:	0,4,0.00000000000000000
+	// bandreject: enable, filterOrder, fc1, fc2
+	bandreject:	0,4,0.00000000000000000,0.00000000000000000
+	// bandpass: enable, filterOrder, fc1, fc2
+	bandpass:	0,4,0.00000000000000000,0.00000000000000000
+	// bandreject: enable, filterOrder, fc1, fc2
+	bandreject:	0,2,0.00000000000000000,0.00000000000000000
+	// bandreject: enable, filterOrder, fc1, fc2
+	bandreject:	0,2,0.00000000000000000,0.00000000000000000
+	// bandreject: enable, filterOrder, fc1, fc2
+	bandreject:	0,2,0.00000000000000000,0.00000000000000000
+	// bandreject: enable, filterOrder, fc1, fc2
+	bandreject:	0,2,0.00000000000000000,0.00000000000000000
+	// offset: enable, baselineSelection, startPt, endPt
+	// (baseline=0 --> use pretrigger data)
+	// (baseline=1 --> use from startPt to endPt)
+	// (baseline=2 --> use whole trial)
+	// (baseline+=10 --> do trend removal)
+	offset:	0,0,1,1

+ 37 - 0
Subject 03/sub-03_task-arrow_run-02.ds/sub-03_task-arrow_run-02.hc

@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+standard nasion coil position relative to dewar (cm):
+	x = 5.65685
+	y = 5.65685
+	z = -27
+standard left ear coil position relative to dewar (cm):
+	x = -5.65685
+	y = 5.65685
+	z = -27
+standard right ear coil position relative to dewar (cm):
+	x = 5.65685
+	y = -5.65685
+	z = -27
+measured nasion coil position relative to dewar (cm):
+	x = 7.21303
+	y = 7.3047
+	z = -25.5182
+measured left ear coil position relative to dewar (cm):
+	x = -5.63561
+	y = 5.66832
+	z = -29.657
+measured right ear coil position relative to dewar (cm):
+	x = 6.53783
+	y = -5.53503
+	z = -29.9131
+measured nasion coil position relative to head (cm):
+	x = 10.7851
+	y = -7.77156e-16
+	z = 0
+measured left ear coil position relative to head (cm):
+	x = -0.00615971
+	y = 8.27305
+	z = 1.06581e-14
+measured right ear coil position relative to head (cm):
+	x = 0.00615971
+	y = -8.27305
+	z = -1.06581e-14

Subject 03/sub-03_task-arrow_run-02.ds/sub-03_task-arrow_run-02.infods

+ 1 - 0
Subject 03/sub-03_task-arrow_run-02.ds/sub-03_task-arrow_run-02.meg4

@@ -0,0 +1 @@

+ 17 - 0
Subject 03/sub-03_task-arrow_run-02.ds/sub-03_task-arrow_run-02.newds

@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+// These parameters will appear in the new dataset.
+	site:	
+	system:	DSQ-2010
+	institute:	
+	protocol:	parkinsons.rp
+	purpose:	
+	keywords:	parkinson, Liz
+	coefsName:	/opt/ctf/hardware/M021/M021_2205.coef
+	sensName:	/opt/ctf/hardware/M021/M021_2205.sens
+	appName:	Acq patch3-4.17-linux-20040429
+	systemType:	cmeg
+	bandwidth:	0.000000, 300.000000

Subject 03/sub-03_task-arrow_run-02.ds/sub-03_task-arrow_run-02.res4

Subject 03/sub-03_task-arrow_run-03.ds/BadChannels

+ 26 - 0
Subject 03/sub-03_task-arrow_run-03.ds/ClassFile.cls

@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 1625 - 0
Subject 03/sub-03_task-arrow_run-03.ds/MarkerFile.mrk

Subject 03/sub-03_task-arrow_run-03.ds/bad.segments

+ 32 - 0
Subject 03/sub-03_task-arrow_run-03.ds/params.dsc

@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+// Head Localization parameters.
+// 09-Jun-2021 12:12
+	FixSensors:	False
+	// balance: order, adapted
+	// (adapted=0 -> not adapted)
+	// (adapted=1 -> adapted)
+	balance:	0,0
+// Data selector parameters.
+	RejectBadTrials:	FALSE
+	ForceEvenNumTargets:	FALSE
+	MaximumOverlap:	0
+	StartTime:	-0
+	EndTime:	5
+	EventRange:	ALL
+	WholeTrial:	TRUE
+	CondSearchStart:	0
+	CondSearchEnd:	0
+	TargetTrialOffset:	0

+ 33 - 0
Subject 03/sub-03_task-arrow_run-03.ds/processing.cfg

@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+// Processing configuration.
+// 12:12  09/06/2021
+	// balance: order, adapted
+	// (adapted=0 -> not adapted)
+	// (adapted=1 -> adapted)
+	balance:	0,0
+	// lowpass: enable, filterOrder, fc
+	lowpass:	0,4,0.00000000000000000
+	// highpass: enable, filterOrder, fc
+	highpass:	0,4,0.00000000000000000
+	// bandreject: enable, filterOrder, fc1, fc2
+	bandreject:	0,4,0.00000000000000000,0.00000000000000000
+	// bandpass: enable, filterOrder, fc1, fc2
+	bandpass:	0,4,0.00000000000000000,0.00000000000000000
+	// bandreject: enable, filterOrder, fc1, fc2
+	bandreject:	0,2,0.00000000000000000,0.00000000000000000
+	// bandreject: enable, filterOrder, fc1, fc2
+	bandreject:	0,2,0.00000000000000000,0.00000000000000000
+	// bandreject: enable, filterOrder, fc1, fc2
+	bandreject:	0,2,0.00000000000000000,0.00000000000000000
+	// bandreject: enable, filterOrder, fc1, fc2
+	bandreject:	0,2,0.00000000000000000,0.00000000000000000
+	// offset: enable, baselineSelection, startPt, endPt
+	// (baseline=0 --> use pretrigger data)
+	// (baseline=1 --> use from startPt to endPt)
+	// (baseline=2 --> use whole trial)
+	// (baseline+=10 --> do trend removal)
+	offset:	0,0,1,1

+ 37 - 0
Subject 03/sub-03_task-arrow_run-03.ds/sub-03_task-arrow_run-03.hc

@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+standard nasion coil position relative to dewar (cm):
+	x = 5.65685
+	y = 5.65685
+	z = -27
+standard left ear coil position relative to dewar (cm):
+	x = -5.65685
+	y = 5.65685
+	z = -27
+standard right ear coil position relative to dewar (cm):
+	x = 5.65685
+	y = -5.65685
+	z = -27
+measured nasion coil position relative to dewar (cm):
+	x = 7.2248
+	y = 7.27489
+	z = -25.4535
+measured left ear coil position relative to dewar (cm):
+	x = -5.61972
+	y = 5.70086
+	z = -29.6276
+measured right ear coil position relative to dewar (cm):
+	x = 6.5377
+	y = -5.54613
+	z = -29.922
+measured nasion coil position relative to head (cm):
+	x = 10.7821
+	y = -4.44089e-16
+	z = 0
+measured left ear coil position relative to head (cm):
+	x = -0.00147475
+	y = 8.28227
+	z = -2.84217e-14
+measured right ear coil position relative to head (cm):
+	x = 0.00147475
+	y = -8.28227
+	z = 2.84217e-14

Subject 03/sub-03_task-arrow_run-03.ds/sub-03_task-arrow_run-03.infods

+ 1 - 0
Subject 03/sub-03_task-arrow_run-03.ds/sub-03_task-arrow_run-03.meg4

@@ -0,0 +1 @@

+ 17 - 0
Subject 03/sub-03_task-arrow_run-03.ds/sub-03_task-arrow_run-03.newds

@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+// These parameters will appear in the new dataset.
+	site:	
+	system:	DSQ-2010
+	institute:	
+	protocol:	parkinsons.rp
+	purpose:	
+	keywords:	parkinson, Liz
+	coefsName:	/opt/ctf/hardware/M021/M021_2205.coef
+	sensName:	/opt/ctf/hardware/M021/M021_2205.sens
+	appName:	Acq patch3-4.17-linux-20040429
+	systemType:	cmeg
+	bandwidth:	0.000000, 300.000000

Subject 03/sub-03_task-arrow_run-03.ds/sub-03_task-arrow_run-03.res4