function main % This experiment is to examine the difference between ASP and TN groups % using reproduction and central tendency effect. % coded by Strongway ( % date: 25th July., 2018 % experiment related parameters para.viewDistance = 57; % viewing distance 57 cm para.monitor = 22; % monitor size para.fntSize = 24; % font size para.bkColor = [128,128,128]; % background color para.fColorCircle = [128,128,0]; % foreground color para.fColorRectangle = [0,200,200]; % white color para.fColorW = [200]; = [0, 192, 0]; = [192, 0, 0]; para.xPosition = 0; % 0 degree above para.yPosition = 0; % 0 degree above para.iti = [0.8, 1]; % range of inter-trial interval para.iprp = 0.5; % inter production-reproduction interval para.xyFeedbackArray = [-2,0; -1, 0; 0, 0; 1, 0; 2, 0]; % location of feedback array para.fbRange = [-100, -0.3; -0.3, -0.1; -0.1, 0.1; 0.1, 0.3; 0.3, 100]; %feedback range with respect to the reproduction error para.withFeedback = true; para.vSize = 10; % 10 degree para.vFeedDivid = 10; nTrlsBlk = 25; numHalfTrial = 250; %[para.nDurations(1,:) , para.nDurations(2,:)] = genDurSeq(numHalfTrial, 1); %[withblkFactors, nDurs] = size(para.nDurations); %sessionType = withblkFactors;% 1: short matched to circle and long matched to square %inBlkRep = 1; %inblock repetition try % kb = CInput('k',[1], {'downArrow'}); kb = CInput('m'); % replace with mouse myexp = CExp(1, numHalfTrial, 'blockFactors', 2,... 'blockRepetition',1); % acquire subject information myexp.subInfo('Sequence', '1'); % load sequence w1 from subfolder 'seqs' load(['seqs', filesep, 'seq', num2str(myexp.sPara)],'w1'); % Dur, session, ntrl, nblock %production duration, session (1= predictive sequence, 2 = non predictive sequence) myexp.seq( myexp.seq(:, 2) == 1, 1) = w1; myexp.seq( myexp.seq(:, 2) == 2, 1) = w1(randperm( length(w1) ) ); % randomized sequence % set second column ad block number, 4th colum as block information myexp.seq(:,3) = 1: myexp.maxTrls; % trial sequence no. myexp.seq(:,4) = floor((myexp.seq(:,3)-1)/nTrlsBlk) + 1; v = CDisplay('bgColor',para.bkColor,'fontSize',para.fntSize,'monitorSize',para.monitor,... 'viewDistance',para.viewDistance,'fullWindow',1, 'skipSync',1); HideCursor; % create stimuli para.vObjCircle = v.createShape('circle',para.vSize,para.vSize,'color',para.fColorCircle); para.vObjRectangle = v.createShape('rectangle',para.vSize,para.vSize,'color',para.fColorRectangle); % create feedback stimuli vGreenDisk = v.createShape('circle', para.vSize/para.vFeedDivid, para.vSize/para.vFeedDivid, 'color',; vRedDisk = v.createShape('circle', para.vSize/para.vFeedDivid, para.vSize/para.vFeedDivid, 'color',; vDiskFrame = v.createShape('circle',para.vSize/para.vFeedDivid, para.vSize/para.vFeedDivid, 'color',para.fColorW,'fill',0); para.vFullFrames = [vDiskFrame, vDiskFrame, vDiskFrame, vDiskFrame, vDiskFrame]; para.vFullDisks = [vRedDisk, vGreenDisk, vGreenDisk, vGreenDisk, vRedDisk]; %initialize text infoText = init_text; % start instruction v.dispText(infoText.instruction); kb.wait; WaitSecs(2); for iTrl = 1:myexp.maxTrls %get current condition cond = myexp.getCondition; % duration, range curDuration = cond(1); % current standard %start trial presentation results = trialPresentation(v,kb, cond, curDuration, para); %store results myexp.setResp(results);% % debugging if kb.wantStop break; end % ITI 0.8-1 seconds WaitSecs(para.iti(1) + (para.iti(2)-para.iti(1))*rand); if mod(iTrl,nTrlsBlk) == 0 v.dispText(infoText.startBlock); kb.wait; end if iTrl == numHalfTrial myexp.saveData; %save data v.dispText(infoText.sessionBreak); kb.wait; WaitSecs(2); kb.wait; end end myexp.saveData; %save data v.dispText(infoText.thankyou); kb.wait; v.close; ShowCursor; catch ME % debugging v.close; disp(ME.message); disp(ME.stack); for i=1:length(ME.stack) disp(ME.stack(i).name); disp(ME.stack(i).line); end v.close; ShowCursor; end end function results = trialPresentation(v, kb, cond, curDuration, para) v.dispFixation(20); WaitSecs(0.500); %at least 500 ms % initiated by key pressing, and measured by key release v.dispFixation(5,2); % change fixation from cross to a dot [key, keyInitTime] = kb.response; dispObj = para.vObjCircle; v.dispItems([para.xPosition, para.yPosition], dispObj,[para.vSize para.vSize],0,0); % draw texture [vbl, vInitTime] = v.flip; WaitSecs(curDuration - 0.005); % 5 ms earlier, so make sure to clear next frame on time. [vbl, vStopTime] = v.flip(1); keyReleaseTime = kb.keyRelease; v.flip(1); %clear screen phyDuration = vStopTime - vInitTime; %visual duration proDuration = keyReleaseTime - keyInitTime; %key production % reproduction WaitSecs(para.iprp); %wait at least 250 ms v.dispFixation(5,2); [key, keyInitTime] = kb.response; v.dispItems([para.xPosition, para.yPosition], dispObj,[para.vSize para.vSize],0,0); [vbl, vInitTime] = v.flip; keyReleaseTime = kb.keyRelease; [vbl, vStopTime]=v.flip(1); repDuration = keyReleaseTime - keyInitTime; % key reproduction repVDuration = vStopTime - vInitTime; % visual reproduction %store results results = [curDuration, phyDuration, proDuration, repVDuration, repDuration]; if para.withFeedback % present a feedback display feedbackDisplay = para.vFullFrames; delta = (repDuration - phyDuration)/phyDuration; % find the range of the error cIdx = para.fbRange > delta; % column index of left and right boundary idx = find(xor(cIdx(:,1),cIdx(:,2))); feedbackDisplay(idx(1)) = para.vFullDisks(idx(1)); WaitSecs(0.25); % wait 250 ms v.dispItems(para.xyFeedbackArray, feedbackDisplay,[para.vSize/para.vFeedDivid para.vSize/para.vFeedDivid]); % draw texture WaitSecs(0.500); % display the feedback for 500 ms v.flip; end end function infoText = init_text % specify experimental text infoText.instruction = [ 'Erklärung \n\n',... 'Die folgende Sitzung starten Sie durch Drücken der linken Maustaste. ', ... 'Bitte fixieren Sie das Kreuz in der Mitte des Bildschirms. ' ... 'Nach einer sehr kurzen Zeit wird das Kreuz zu einem Punkt. Nun kann das Experiment starten. ', ... 'Halten Sie nun die Maustaste solange gedrückt wie Sie den gelben Kreis sehen. Bitte achten Sie genau auf die Dauer. ', ... 'Der Kreis verschwindet automatisch. Lassen Sie die Maustaste wieder los sobald der Kreis verschwindet. ' ... 'Nachdem Sie nun wieder den kleinen Punkt sehen sollen Sie die Dauer des gelben Kreises reproduzieren. ' ... 'Hierfür halten Sie die Maustaste solange gedrückt wie Sie die Dauer eingeschätzt haben. ' ... 'Der gelbe Kreis erscheint dabei als Hilfsmittel. \n']; infoText.blockInfo = 'Bitte machen Sie eine Pause. Wenn Sie bereit sind drücken Sie die Maustaste. \n '; infoText.endTrial = 'Bitte lassen Sie die Maustaste los'; infoText.production = '+'; infoText.reproduction = '+'; infoText.sessionBreak = ' Die erste Sitzung ist beendet! Bitte öffnen Sie die Tür und machen eine kurze Pause! \n'; infoText.startBlock = ' Bitte machen Sie eine Pause! \n\n Bitte drücken Sie die Maustaste um den Block zu starten.\n'; infoText.goingon = ' Bitte machen Sie eine Pause! \n\n Bitte drücken Sie die Maustaste um den Block fortzufahren.'; infoText.thankyou = 'Das Experiment ist beendet! \nVielen herzlichen Dank!'; end