Brain Vision Data Exchange Header File Version 1.0 ; Data created by the Vision Recorder [Common Infos] Codepage=UTF-8 DataFile=sub-167_task-PROJECT_DAYS_P3_NUMBERS_ROZBALENA_eeg.eeg MarkerFile=sub-167_task-PROJECT_DAYS_P3_NUMBERS_ROZBALENA_eeg.vmrk DataFormat=BINARY ; Data orientation: VECTORIZED=ch1,pt1, ch2,pt1 ... DataOrientation=VECTORIZED NumberOfChannels=3 ; Sampling interval in microseconds SamplingInterval=1000 [Binary Infos] BinaryFormat=IEEE_FLOAT_32 [Channel Infos] ; Each entry: Ch=,, ; ,, Future extensions.. ; Fields are delimited by commas, some fields might be omitted (empty). ; Commas in channel names are coded as "\1". Ch1=Fz,,1,µV Ch2=Cz,,1,µV Ch3=Pz,,1,µV [Comment] A m p l i f i e r S e t u p ============================ Number of channels: 3 Sampling Rate [Hz]: 1000 Sampling Interval [µS]: 1000 Channels -------- # Name Phys. Chn. Resolution / Unit Low Cutoff [s] High Cutoff [Hz] Notch [Hz] Gradient Offset 1 Fz 14 1 µV DC 0 Off 2 Cz 15 1 µV DC 0 Off 3 Pz 16 1 µV DC 0 Off S o f t w a r e F i l t e r s ============================== # Low Cutoff [s] High Cutoff [Hz] Notch [Hz] 1 Off 40 Off 2 Off 40 Off 3 Off 40 Off Data / Ref / Gnd Electrodes Selected Impedance Measurement Range: 0 - 5 kOhm Impedance [kOhm] at 11:04:40 : Fz: 0 Cz: 1 Pz: 0 Ref: 2 Gnd: 4 ========================