import pandas as pd import numpy as np import tomotopy as tp import matplotlib from matplotlib import pyplot as plt matplotlib.use("pgf") matplotlib.rcParams.update( { "pgf.texsystem": "xelatex", "": "serif", "font.serif": "Times New Roman", "text.usetex": True, "pgf.rcfonts": False, } ) import seaborn as sns import textwrap def reverse_colourmap(cmap, name): """ In: cmap, name Out: my_cmap_r Explanation: t[0] goes from 0 to 1 row i: x y0 y1 -> t[0] t[1] t[2] / / row i+1: x y0 y1 -> t[n] t[1] t[2] so the inverse should do the same: row i+1: x y1 y0 -> 1-t[0] t[2] t[1] / / row i: x y1 y0 -> 1-t[n] t[2] t[1] """ reverse = [] k = [] for key in cmap._segmentdata: k.append(key) channel = cmap._segmentdata[key] data = [] for t in channel: data.append((1-t[0],t[2],t[1])) reverse.append(sorted(data)) LinearL = dict(zip(k,reverse)) my_cmap_r = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap(name, LinearL) return my_cmap_r orig_cmap = mdl = tp.CTModel.load("output/hep-ct-75-0.1-0.001-130000-20/model") correlations = mdl.get_correlations() usages = pd.read_csv('output/supersymmetry_usages.csv') usages = usages.groupby("term").agg(topic=("topic", lambda x: x.tolist())) topics = usages.loc["supersymmetry"]["topic"] + [t for t in usages.loc["susy"]["topic"] if t not in usages.loc["supersymmetry"]["topic"]] descriptions = pd.read_csv("output/hep-ct-75-0.1-0.001-130000-20/descriptions.csv") labels = descriptions.loc[topics]["description"].tolist() submatrix = correlations[topics,:][:,topics] for i in range(submatrix.shape[0]): submatrix[i,i] = np.nan w = textwrap.TextWrapper(width=20,break_long_words=False,replace_whitespace=False) wlabels = ["\n".join(words) for words in map(w.wrap, labels)] # shrunk_cmap = shiftedColorMap(orig_cmap, start=-submatrix.max(), midpoint=0, stop=+submatrix.max(), name='shrunk') reverse_cmap = reverse_colourmap(orig_cmap, "reverse") sns.heatmap(submatrix, xticklabels = wlabels, yticklabels = wlabels, annot=True, fmt=".2f", cmap=reverse_cmap, center=0, vmin=-1, vmax=1) plt.savefig("plots/susy_correlations.pdf", bbox_inches="tight") plt.savefig("plots/susy_correlations.pgf", bbox_inches="tight") plt.savefig("plots/susy_correlations.eps", bbox_inches="tight")