\begin{longtable}[H]{p{0.2\textwidth}|p{0.8\textwidth}} \caption{Most frequent terms for each topic.} \label{table:top_words}\\ \midrule \toprule {} & Most frequent expressions \\ \midrule Topic (context) & \\ \midrule \midrule \endfirsthead \caption[]{Most frequent terms for each topic.} \\ \midrule \toprule {} & Most frequent expressions \\ \midrule Topic (context) & \\ \midrule \midrule \endhead \midrule \multicolumn{2}{r}{{Continued on next page}} \\ \midrule \midrule \endfoot \bottomrule \endlastfoot Algorithms and calculation techniques & simulation, carlo, monte, lattice, method, correlation, distribution, cluster, generator, statistical, study, function, scaling, size, event \\ \midrule Amplitude of scattering processes & amplitude, contribution, state, interaction, resonance, final, final state, process, exchange, reaction, tree, scattering, double, polarization, level \\ \midrule Amplitudes and Feynman Diagram & amplitude, function, loop, limit, pole, conformal, relation, integral, diagram, correlation, scattering, analytic, block, correlators, feynman \\ \midrule Analyses and measurements from colliders & data, measurement, event, result, detector, experiment, gev, algorithm, analysis, muon, experimental, energy, precision, fit, beam \\ \midrule Annihilation and scattering cross-sections & section, cross, annihilation, photon, energy, scattering, gev, production, total, elastic, process, pair, total cross section, total cross, elastic scattering \\ \midrule Astrophysics & star, wave, nuclear, matter, neutron, collision, gravitational waves, energy, nuclear matter, flow, density, gravitational, relativistic, heavy-ion, equation \\ \midrule Black holes & black, hole, black hole, black holes, horizon, entropy, extremal, radiation, schwarzschild, thermodynamics, black hole solutions, black hole entropy, hawking, charge, kerr \\ \midrule Boundary conditions/non-locality & boundary, condition, boundary conditions, state, tensor, entropy, entanglement, distance, case, surface, general, correlation, boundary condition, term, phys \\ \midrule CP violating processes & cp, asymmetry, violation, parameter, $b^0$, bound, direct cp, direct, mixing, penguin, decay, constraint, experimental, direct cp violation, effect \\ \midrule Chiral symmetry & chiral, quark, qcd, lattice, chiral symmetry, mass, chiral perturbation theory, chiral perturbation, pion, condensate, baryon, transition, perturbation, flavor, symmetry \\ \midrule Conformal Field Theory & conformal, string, algebra, theory, conformal field, conformal field theory, central, central charge, conformal field theories, charge, operator, open, superconformal, virasoro, representation \\ \midrule Cosmological sources & cosmic, spectrum, scale, energy, ray, universe, radiation, gravitational, cosmological, power, observation, cmb, background, cosmic ray, cosmic rays \\ \midrule Cosmology and gravity & cosmological, gravity, constant, axion, scale, lorentz, universe, cosmological constant, violation, problem, quantum, vacuum, cosmology, time, planck \\ \midrule Cross-sections in colliders & production, section, cross, collision, energy, lhc, rapidity, process, pair, pp, inclusive, differential, fusion, nuclear, gev \\ \midrule Dark matter (particles and direct searches) & dark matter, matter, dark, dm, particle, detection, direct detection, direct, wimp, relic, relic density, density, annihilation, search, candidate \\ \midrule Dark matter in the universe & dark, matter, dark matter, dark energy, model, abundance, energy, sector, constraint, density, candidate, galaxy, universe, cold, scenario \\ \midrule Decay measurements & decay, state, $d$, meson, stat, syst, $+/-$, $+-$, fraction, final, final state, width, ratio, $pi+$, final states \\ \midrule Detectors & detector, experiment, physic, beam, high, crystal, nuclear, liquid, performance, precision, resolution, high energy, search, target, chamber \\ \midrule Double-beta decay & mass, baryon, decay, scalar, beta, double beta decay, double, double beta, scale, light, neutrinoless, effective, glueball, gev, hierarchy \\ \midrule Early-universe and other cosmological data & constraint, big bang, big, galactic, signal, cosmic microwave, background, axion, bound, galaxy, bang, microwave, halo, detection, dm \\ \midrule Effective Field Theory & field, effective, theory, effective field theory, effective field, noncommutative, action, effective action, scalar, scalar field, potential, effective theory, effective potential, eft, non-commutative \\ \midrule Electromagnetism & magnetic, field, particle, magnetic field, electric, relativistic, electromagnetic, effect, plasma, moment, energy, medium, magnetic fields, external, electromagnetic field \\ \midrule Events in colliders (kinematics?) & production, collision, jet, tev, lhc, collider, event, transverse, large hadron collider, energy, large hadron, hadron, pair, pp, luminosity \\ \midrule Events in colliders (signatures?) & jet, event, lhc, tev, production, cm, pair, atlas, final state, final, collision, data, luminosity, channel, large hadron collider \\ \midrule Experimental investigation of the leptonic sector & decay, search, data, limit, gamma, collider, muon, gev, measurement, signal, experiment, detector, magnetic moment, event, upper \\ \midrule Experimental jargon & result, mass, effect, large, parameter, energy, value, analysis, small, order, region, current, due, contribution, present \\ \midrule Experiments on light & photon, electron, particle, experiment, mi, laser, compton, optical, mo, beam, light, atom, year, math, pulse \\ \midrule Field theory and gravity & scalar, field, scalar field, mode, gravity, massive, scalar fields, gravitational, potential, massless, perturbation, geodesic, background, metric, spacetime \\ \midrule Flavor mixing & cp, violation, asymmetry, mixing, matrix, lepton, cp violation, flavor, standard model, model, quark, phase, standard, angle, mass \\ \midrule Flavour physics & mass, lepton, bound, flavour, flavor, decay, neutrino, heavy, scale, generation, violation, light, quark, coupling, number \\ \midrule Form factors & factor, form, nucleon, electromagnetic, pion, electromagnetic form, electromagnetic form factors, momentum, form factors, result, ratio, $^2$, transfer, nn, form-factors \\ \midrule Gauge Theory & gauge, theory, action, invariance, field, lorentz, transformation, invariant, brst, yang-mills, symmetry, effective action, lattice gauge, massive, covariant \\ \midrule Gauge symmetry breaking/GUTs & symmetry, gauge, su, model, group, theory, breaking, anomaly, fermion, spontaneous, unification, representation, discrete, symmetric, grand \\ \midrule Gravitons and extra-dimensions & gravity, dimension, scalar, extra, field, constant, brane, cosmological, massive, cosmological constant, extra dimensions, scalar field, bulk, graviton, derivative \\ \midrule Hadronic zoo & state, resonance, $d$, gev, mev, $b$, channel, $e^+e^-$, charmonium, narrow, $b$, molecule, s1, reaction, $e^+$ \\ \midrule Heavy quarks and ions & quark, heavy, hadron, distribution, collision, production, gluon, hadronic, qcd, heavy quark, heavy ion, charm, correlation, ion, heavy ion collisions \\ \midrule Higgs boson & higgs, boson, model, standard model, mass, standard, coupling, gauge, sector, sm, higgs mass, doublet, higgs boson, neutral, scalar \\ \midrule Higgs sector beyond the SM & higgs, model, standard model, standard, boson, electroweak, supersymmetric, lhc, minimal, supersymmetric standard model, collider, tev, mass, scalar, supersymmetric standard \\ \midrule High-energy source fluxes & energy, flux, source, high energy, spectrum, high, event, signal, emission, time, radiation, solar, information, gravitational wave, such \\ \midrule Holographic Principle and dualities & conformal, dual, holographic, boundary, entropy, cft, entanglement, ad, bulk, defect, theory, conformal field, correspondence, conformal field theory, entanglement entropy \\ \midrule Inflation & inflation, perturbation, universe, inflationary, field, scalar, cosmological, inflaton, cosmology, potential, scalar field, initial, evolution, fluctuation, curvature \\ \midrule Lattice calculation techniques & operator, lattice, matrix, fermion, loop, wilson, theory, element, gauge, function, action, calculation, continuum, expansion, method \\ \midrule Lepton/Meson decay & decay, branching, ratio, semileptonic, meson, fraction, asymmetry, mode, measurement, rate, br, nu, semileptonic decays, inclusive, lifetime \\ \midrule Lie algebra & algebra, space, integral, representation, function, group, operator, invariant, form, path, transformation, lie, differential, product, partition \\ \midrule Loops and higher order expansions in Feynman Diagrams & correction, order, one-loop, term, contribution, radiative corrections, approximation, qed, calculation, loop, radiative, logarithmic, effective, expansion, expression \\ \midrule M-theory and theories of everything & theory, gauge, duality, supergravity, string, dual, action, dimensional, type, background, m-theory, reduction, dimension, abelian, field \\ \midrule Matter in Yang-Mills theories & su, symmetry, fermion, gauge, chiral, mass, model, breaking, coupling, boson, flavor, color, composite, quark, dirac \\ \midrule Measurements and analysis of colliders data & data, measurement, uncertainty, experiment, analysis, experimental, fit, determination, systematic, first, theoretical, error, parameter, detector, current \\ \midrule Meson phenomenology & meson, state, resonance, vector, decay, mass, width, mev, pseudoscalar, pion, amplitude, experimental, channel, quark, wave \\ \midrule Neutrino physics & neutrino, oscillation, mass, experiment, majorana, neutrino mass, right-handed, neutrino oscillations, neutrino oscillation, flavor, interaction, supernova, antineutrino, seesaw, sterile \\ \midrule Non-abelian theories & gauge, field, spin, topological, theory, chern-simons, higher spin, abelian, vortex, non-abelian, gauge field, dirac, term, hall, fermion \\ \midrule Partons distributions & qcd, distribution, parton, next-to-leading order, order, function, nlo, gluon, jet, next-to-leading, correction, transverse, momentum, calculation, perturbative \\ \midrule Perturbative QCD & qcd, perturbative, factorization, anomalous, order, contribution, result, function, approach, perturbative qcd, calculation, anomalous dimension, coefficient, kernel, expansion \\ \midrule Phenomenological jargon & state, new, interaction, coupling, physic, strong, problem, particle, theory, recent, such, bound, model, approach, role \\ \midrule QCD calculation techniques & propagator, expansion, lattice, gluon, effective, finite, loop, theory, potential, qcd, numerical, gauge, perturbative, method, regularization \\ \midrule Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) & rule, sum, qcd, wall, domain, qcd sum rules, viscosity, qcd sum, quark, heavy, shear viscosity, shear, vacuum, condensate, bubble \\ \midrule Quantum Field Theory & theory, field, quantum, equation, solution, classical, dimension, quantum field, class, quantum field theory, problem, space-time, dimensional, two-dimensional, arbitrary \\ \midrule Quantum Systems and Equations of motion & equation, hamiltonian, constraint, system, term, formalism, charge, monopole, dirac, solution, first, second, kinetic, nonlinear, part \\ \midrule Quantum systems and thermodynamics & system, energy, time, quantum, state, fluctuation, density, gas, dynamic, thermal, temperature, phase, casimir, force, surface \\ \midrule Renormalization & renormalization, group, flow, point, coupling, scale, fixed, uv, rg, ir, cutoff, infrared, fixed point, effective, ultraviolet \\ \midrule Scattering of composite particles & scattering, function, data, proton, structure, nucleon, inelastic, distribution, moment, deep, dipole, $q^2$, inelastic scattering, hera, target \\ \midrule Search for BSM physics & physic, new, new physics, standard model, experiment, standard, neutral, search, tau, measurement, current, decay, future, lepton, rare \\ \midrule Sigma models (?) & model, symmetry, supersymmetric, supersymmetry, sigma, term, integrable, lagrangian, algebra, su, group, chiral, deformation, fermionic, sl \\ \midrule Solar neutrinos & neutrino, oscillation, solar, mixing, solar neutrino, angle, atmospheric, neutrino mass, sterile, atmospheric neutrino, experiment, hierarchy, sterile neutrinos, matrix, sterile neutrino \\ \midrule Space-time geometry and gravity & solution, gravity, spacetime, metric, gravitational, ad, geometry, space, flat, curvature, sitter, singularity, general, dilaton, einstein \\ \midrule Spin/angular momentum/polarization & momentum, polarization, asymmetry, angular, spin, distribution, angular momentum, polarized, reaction, transverse, cross, section, beam, production, photon \\ \midrule States of matter & phase, transition, critical, temperature, point, holographic, spectral, order, exponent, behavior, imaginary, critical point, finite temperature, finite, first order \\ \midrule String theory & string, solution, charge, soliton, branes, configuration, topological, type, monopoles, open, flux, bps, tachyon, background, vortex \\ \midrule Supergravity & supergravity, modulus, manifold, type, space, calabi-yau, supersymmetric, geometry, supersymmetry, moduli space, topological, bps, class, curve, iib \\ \midrule Supersymmetric particles & mass, susy, parameter, soft, neutralino, space, scale, mssm, squark, region, scenario, constraint, gluino, gaugino, large \\ \midrule Supersymmetric theories & theory, gauge, supersymmetric, yang-mills, supersymmetry, anomaly, supergravity, duality, chiral, $n=4$, super, $n=2$, super yang-mills, branch, su \\ \midrule Theoretical jargon & model, case, structure, limit, new, term, function, such, number, different, method, particular, property, spectrum, approach \\ \midrule Thermodynamics & phase, temperature, transition, potential, density, chemical, finite, finite temperature, matter, chemical potential, critical, high, thermal, order, first order \\ \midrule Top quark & quark, top, top quark, mass, decay, bound, standard model, top quark mass, coupling, new physics, lepton, top quarks, standard, chiral quark, physic \\ \midrule Topology & space, dimension, modulus, string, bundle, manifold, vacuum, extra, moduli space, heterotic, torus, instanton, singularity, compact, theory \\ \midrule \end{longtable}