# How research programs come apart: code and data This repository contains the code and data necessary to reproduce the figures and tables in "How research programs come apart: the case of supersymmetry and the disunity of physics" (the latest version of the manuscript source can be found [here](https://github.com/lucasgautheron/supersymmetry_trading_zone_paper)) The repository is structured as follows: | **Location** | **Contents** | |---------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ``inspire-harvest`` | Subdataset including the data from which present analyses are derived | | ``analyses`` | This folder contains the scripts which generate intermediate results for the plots and tables. | | ``plots`` | This folder contains the plots included in the manuscript or supplementary materials as well as the scripts that produce them. | | ``surveys`` | This folder contains the scripts to generate and compile the manual validation tasks that were performed, as well as the experts' reports. | | ``tables`` | This folder contains the tables included in the manuscript or supplementary materials as well as the scripts that produce them. | | ``output`` | This folder contains intermediate results used to produce the material included in the paper. | | ``AbstractSemantics`` | This folder contains a basic python package for the multithreaded retrieval of n-grams matching certain patterns from large corpora. | ## Setup ### Getting the data In order to use this repository, DataLad is required. DataLad enables reproducible science with large datasets, and instructions for its installation on various systems can be found [here](https://handbook.datalad.org/en/latest/intro/installation.html). Once DataLad is installed on your system, we recommend creating an account on the data sharing platform [GIN](https://gin.g-node.org/), where our data are hosted, and configuring your SSH key in the parameters of your account. The dataset can be installed by doing: ```bash datalad install -r git@gin.g-node.org:/lucasgautheron/trading_zones_material.git ``` Data can be retrieved by executing the following command: ```bash cd trading_zones_material datalad get inspire-harvest/database -s s3 ``` ### Running analyses Before running analyses, it is necessary to install the required python packages. For that, please do: ```bash pip install -r requirements.txt ``` This should cover the packages used in the present analyses. If not, please install missing dependencies manually and report them by creating a ticket. Then, you may run any analysis by executing the corresponding script from the root of the repository: ```bash python analyses/.py ``` It is similarly possible to run the scripts in ``plots`` and ``tables`` for reproducing the material included in the paper and in the supplementary materials.