from .consumption import * from .production import * from .storage import * from typing import Tuple class Scenario: def __init__( self, yearly_total: float = None, sources: dict = {}, multistorage: dict = {}, flexibility_power=0, flexibility_time=4, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Run a mix scenario. :param yearly_total: Annual consumption in GWh, for models with fixed annual consumption. defaults to None :type yearly_total: _type_, optional :param sources: float, defaults to {} :type sources: dict, optional :param multistorage: _description_, defaults to {} :type multistorage: dict, optional :param flexibility_power: _description_, defaults to 0 :type flexibility_power: int, optional :param flexibility_time: _description_, defaults to 8 :type flexibility_time: int, optional :return: Performance of the scenario. :rtype: Tuple[float, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray] """ self.yearly_total = yearly_total self.sources = sources self.multistorage = multistorage self.flexibility_power = flexibility_power self.flexibility_time = flexibility_time pass def run(self, times, intermittent_load_factors): # consumption consumption_model = FittedConsumptionModel(self.yearly_total) load = consumption_model.get(times) # intermittent sources (or sources with fixed load factors) intermittent_array = IntermittentArray( intermittent_load_factors, np.transpose([self.sources["intermittent"]]) ) power = intermittent_array.power() if self.flexibility_power > 0: flexibility_model = ConsumptionFlexibilityModel( self.flexibility_power, self.flexibility_time ) load =, power) power_delta = power - load # adjust power to load with storage storage_model = MultiStorageModel( np.array(self.multistorage["capacity"]) * np.array(self.multistorage["power"]), self.multistorage["power"], self.multistorage["power"], self.multistorage["efficiency"], ) storage, storage_impact = gap = load - power - storage_impact.sum(axis=0) # further adjust power to load with dispatchable power sources dispatchable_model = DispatchableArray(self.sources["dispatchable"]) dp = dispatchable_model.power(gap) gap -= dp.sum(axis=0) S = np.maximum(gap, 0).mean() return S, load, power, gap, storage, dp