\begin{table} \centering \caption{Physicists with the highest migration scores $m_a$. $D(\bm{I_a})$ and $D(\bm{S_a})$ measure the diversity of intellectual and social capital. Numbers in parentheses indicate the share of attention dedicated to each research area during each time-period. Asterisks ($\ast$) indicate physicists with a stable affiliation (tenured positions).} \label{table:top_migration} \begin{tabular}{p{0.15\textwidth}|c|c|c|b{0.25\textwidth}|b{0.25\textwidth}} \toprule Physicist & $m_a$ & $D(\bm{I_a})$ & $D(\bm{S_a})$ & Previous main area & Current main area \\ \midrule T.Fuchs & 0.95 & 4.38 & 6.50 & QCD (0.53$\to$0.00) & Neutrinos and flavour physics (0.00$\to$0.64)\\ \hline N.G.Sanchez ($\ast$) & 0.93 & 7.52 & 13.08 & Black holes (0.37$\to$0.03) & Dark matter (0.00$\to$0.57)\\ \hline V.V.Braguta ($\ast$) & 0.93 & 5.03 & 8.04 & Hadrons (0.45$\to$0.00) & QCD (0.05$\to$0.60)\\ \hline S.D.Katz ($\ast$) & 0.91 & 6.50 & 10.85 & Dark matter (0.42$\to$0.03) & QCD (0.06$\to$0.47)\\ \hline J. Camalich & 0.91 & 2.34 & 4.57 & QCD (0.78$\to$0.03) & Hadrons (0.06$\to$0.38)\\ \hline Z.Fodor & 0.90 & 5.59 & 10.40 & Dark matter (0.42$\to$0.04) & QCD (0.04$\to$0.40)\\ \hline G.Ferretti ($\ast$) & 0.90 & 5.22 & 6.18 & String theory and supergravity (0.52$\to$0.00) & Electroweak sector (0.01$\to$0.58)\\ \hline H.Ebrahim & 0.90 & 3.90 & 6.81 & Black holes (0.44$\to$0.06) & AdS/CFT (0.02$\to$0.34)\\ \hline G.B.Cleaver & 0.90 & 6.34 & 12.22 & String theory and supergravity (0.40$\to$0.00) & Cosmology (0.03$\to$0.62)\\ \hline A.L.Fitzpatrick & 0.90 & 9.75 & 12.39 & Neutrinos and flavour physics (0.19$\to$0.00) & AdS/CFT (0.02$\to$0.37)\\ \hline  N.Kapustin ($\ast$) & 0.90 & 3.57 & 6.53 & String theory and supergravity (0.68$\to$0.03) & Quantum Field Theory (0.05$\to$0.22)\\ \hline V.K.Oikonomou & 0.89 & 8.05 & 6.18 & Thermodynamics (0.24$\to$0.02) & Cosmology (0.00$\to$0.47)\\ \hline S.Tulin & 0.89 & 8.03 & 10.66 & Electroweak sector (0.35$\to$0.12) & Dark matter (0.01$\to$0.63)\\ \hline S.G.Naculich ($\ast$) & 0.89 & 3.44 & 7.96 & String theory and supergravity (0.61$\to$0.05) & Perturbative methods (0.20$\to$0.47)\\ \hline D.Shih & 0.89 & 5.74 & 10.21 & String theory and supergravity (0.52$\to$0.01) & Electroweak sector (0.06$\to$0.45)\\ \hline Y.Nomura ($\ast$) & 0.89 & 7.17 & 10.19 & Electroweak sector (0.39$\to$0.10) & Black holes (0.00$\to$0.29)\\ \hline H.L.Verlinde ($\ast$) & 0.89 & 5.32 & 8.88 & String theory and supergravity (0.60$\to$0.04) & AdS/CFT (0.02$\to$0.35)\\ \hline   Yang ($\ast$) & 0.89 & 3.58 & 7.80 & Hadrons (0.63$\to$0.03) & Dark matter (0.00$\to$0.78)\\ \hline M.A.Luty & 0.88 & 9.50 & 11.97 & Electroweak sector (0.21) & Electroweak sector (0.46)\\ \hline K.Narayan & 0.88 & 3.83 & 7.13 & String theory and supergravity (0.62$\to$0.00) & AdS/CFT (0.03$\to$0.52)\\ \hline \bottomrule \end{tabular} \end{table}