\begin{longtable}{p{0.15\textwidth}|b{0.425\textwidth}|b{0.425\textwidth}} \caption{Research areas, their top-words, and their correlation with a standard classification (PACS).} \label{table:research_areas}\\ \toprule Research area & Top words & Most correlated PACS categories \\ \midrule \endfirsthead \caption[]{Research areas, their top-words, and their correlation with a standard classification (PACS).} \\ \toprule Research area & Top words & Most correlated PACS categories \\ \midrule \endhead \midrule \multicolumn{3}{r}{{Continued on next page}} \\ \midrule \endfoot \bottomrule \endlastfoot Black Holes and Cosmology & hole, black\_hole, black, gravity, cosmology, gravitational, horizon, cosmological, curvature, background, universe, primordial, era, hair, brane\_world, einstein, planck, inflationary\_universe, censorship, entropy & \shortstack[l]{Quantum aspects of black holes, [...] (0.40)\\ Particle-theory and field-theory [...] (0.34)\\ Classical black holes (0.31)\\ Modified theories of gravity (0.27)\\ Physics of black holes (0.25)}\\ \hline Equations of Motion and Invariance & equation, action, invariant, transformation, massive, motion, invariance, generalized, exact, lagrangians, paper, formulation, effective\_action, derivative, second, massless, covariant, symmetric, linearized, first & \shortstack[l]{Lagrangian and Hamiltonian approach (0.23)\\ Gauge field theories (0.21)\\ Lorentz and Poincaré invariance (0.18)\\ Relativistic wave equations (0.14)\\ Canonical formalism, Lagrangians, [...] (0.13)}\\ \hline Hadronic Collisions and Cross Sections & distribution, cross\_sections, production, collision, process, section, scattering, hadronic\_collision, cross\_section, parton, cross, proton, kinematics, hadron, prediction, correction, tomography, impact, partons, observables & \shortstack[l]{Perturbative calculations (0.33)\\ Total and inclusive cross sections [...] (0.28)\\ Polarization in interactions and [...] (0.27)\\ Inclusive production with [...] (0.27)\\ Quarks, gluons, and QCD in nuclear [...] (0.21)}\\ \hline Higgs and Standard Model Physics & higgs, standard, boson, standard\_model, sm, physic, lhc, particle, mssm, tev, top, phenomenology, collider, deviation, electroweak, search, extension, prediction, supersymmetric\_model, sensitive\_probe & \shortstack[l]{Supersymmetric models (0.35)\\ Extensions of electroweak Higgs sector (0.35)\\ Non-standard-model Higgs bosons (0.30)\\ Supersymmetric partners of known [...] (0.28)\\ Models beyond the standard model (0.26)}\\ \hline Holography and Boundary Theories & boundary, holographic, casimir, defect, conformal, dynamical, bulk, boundary\_theory, finite, holography, topological, two\_dimensional, asymptotic, replica, cfts, renormalized, boundary\_field, spatial, charge, global & \shortstack[l]{Conformal field theory, algebraic [...] (0.22)\\ Gauge/string duality (0.21)\\ Theory of quantized fields (0.16)\\ Field theories in dimensions other [...] (0.16)\\ Entanglement measures, witnesses, [...] (0.12)}\\ \hline Interactions and Decays & solution, decay, interaction, limit, value, coupling, magnetic, constant, vacuum, bound, presence, condition, strong, charge, background, weak, problem, electric, configuration, contribution & \shortstack[l]{Specific calculations (0.13)\\ Magnetic monopoles (0.13)\\ Extended classical solutions; [...] (0.12)\\ Electric and magnetic moments (0.11)\\ Electric and magnetic fields (0.08)}\\ \hline Neutrinos and Dark Matter & neutrino, dark, matter, dark\_matter, experiment, candidate, observation, detection, dm, density, leptogenesis, prospect, relic, observed, terrestrial, sun, constraint, neutron, implication, asymmetric & \shortstack[l]{Dark matter (0.53)\\ Neutrino mass and mixing (0.51)\\ Non-standard-model neutrinos, [...] (0.31)\\ Ordinary neutrinos (0.24)\\ Neutrino interactions (0.24)}\\ \hline Operators and Symmetry & operator, dimension, scale, matrix, group, structure, fermion, flavor, sector, su, representation, loop, coupling, breaking, violation, unification, mixing, minimal, length, anomalous & \shortstack[l]{Quark and lepton masses and mixing (0.28)\\ Unified theories and models of [...] (0.24)\\ Flavor symmetries (0.23)\\ Neutrino mass and mixing (0.21)\\ Unification of couplings; mass relations (0.18)}\\ \hline QCD Methods and Techniques & qcd, amplitude, approach, form, correction, factor, method, expansion, calculation, approximation, sum, perturbative, vertex, rule, evaluation, technique, integral, diagram, computation, qed & \shortstack[l]{General properties of perturbation [...] (0.25)\\ Other nonperturbative calculations (0.19)\\ Perturbative calculations (0.19)\\ Sum rules (0.18)\\ Renormalization (0.16)}\\ \hline Quantum Mechanics and Observables & quantum, time, number, spin, system, dynamic, space, momentum, information, degree, arbitrary, mechanic, freedom, wigner, variable, coordinate, characterization, physical\_observables, bounded, observables & \shortstack[l]{Quantum mechanics (0.19)\\ Foundations of quantum mechanics; [...] (0.19)\\ Formalism (0.14)\\ Entanglement and quantum nonlocality (0.13)\\ Loop quantum gravity, quantum [...] (0.12)}\\ \hline Quark-Meson Physics & quark, chiral, meson, baryon, width, form\_factors, current, \_meson, data, heavy, light, mev, light\_quark, resonance, eta\_prime, rho, channel, pion, experimental\_data, extrapolation & \shortstack[l]{Chiral Lagrangians (0.28)\\ Glueball and nonstandard multi- [...] (0.22)\\ Meson-meson interactions (0.21)\\ Relativistic quark model (0.20)\\ Decays of bottom mesons (0.20)}\\ \hline Scalar Fields and Potentials & scalar, potential, effective, spectrum, perturbation, tensor, mode, low\_energy, linear, low, real, spectral, vector, scalar\_field, effective\_field, phi, part, high, power, free & \shortstack[l]{Particle-theory and field-theory [...] (0.19)\\ Finite-temperature field theory (0.10)\\ Quantum fields in curved spacetime (0.09)\\ Cosmology (0.07)\\ Gravity in more than four [...] (0.06)}\\ \hline String Theory and Geometry & space, deformation, super, superstring, string, supersymmetric, twistor, non\_compact, deformed, modulus, subsector, superpotentials, map, sigma\_models, stringy, three\_sphere, geometry, generalisation, yangmills, construction & \shortstack[l]{Supersymmetry (0.30)\\ Strings and branes (0.26)\\ Supergravity (0.26)\\ Compactification and four- [...] (0.22)\\ M theory (0.18)}\\ \hline Thermal and Critical Phenomena & phase, temperature, transition, property, density, critical\_point, plasma, correlation, chemical, behavior, point, dynamic, viscosity, fluctuation, relativistic, flow, thermal, hot, droplet, system & \shortstack[l]{Quark-gluon plasma (0.42)\\ Quark deconfinement, quark-gluon [...] (0.32)\\ Finite-temperature field theory (0.29)\\ Relativistic heavy-ion collisions (0.27)\\ Hydrodynamic models (0.21)}\\ \hline Uninterpretable & general, various, present, different, first, previous, several, higher, single, small, relevant, numerical, obtained, similar, double, ref, dependent, alternative, main, realistic & \shortstack[l]{Atomic and molecular beam sources [...] (0.05)\\ Quark and lepton masses and mixing (0.04)\\ Modified theories of gravity (0.04)\\ History of science (0.03)\\ Numerical differentiation and [...] (0.03)}\\ \hline \end{longtable}