#!/usr/bin/bash # ============================================================================== # SCRIPT INFORMATION: # ============================================================================== # SCRIPT: CREATE GROUP-LEVEL MRIQC REPORTS FOR A BIDS-STRUCTURED DATASET # NOTE: ONLY RUN AFTER ALL PARTICIPANT-LEVEL REPORTS ARE FINISHED! # PROJECT: HIGHSPEED # WRITTEN BY LENNART WITTKUHN, 2018 - 2020 # CONTACT: WITTKUHN AT MPIB HYPHEN BERLIN DOT MPG DOT DE # MAX PLANCK RESEARCH GROUP NEUROCODE # MAX PLANCK INSTITUTE FOR HUMAN DEVELOPMENT (MPIB) # MAX PLANCK UCL CENTRE FOR COMPUTATIONAL PSYCHIATRY AND AGEING RESEARCH # LENTZEALLEE 94, 14195 BERLIN, GERMANY # ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: THANKS TO ALEXANDER SKOWRON AND NIR MONETA @ MPIB FOR HELP # ============================================================================== # DEFINE ALL PATHS: # ============================================================================== # path to the base directory: PATH_BASE="${HOME}" # path to the project root directory PATH_ROOT="${PATH_BASE}/highspeed" # define the name of the project: PROJECT_NAME="highspeed-mriqc" # define the path to the project folder: PATH_PROJECT="${PATH_ROOT}/${PROJECT_NAME}" # define the name of the current task: TASK_NAME="mriqc" # define the path to the script main directory: PATH_CODE="${PATH_PROJECT}/code" # cd into the directory of the current task: cd "${PATH_CODE}" # define the path to the singularity container: PATH_CONTAINER="${PATH_PROJECT}/tools/${TASK_NAME}/${TASK_NAME}_0.15.2rc1.sif" # define the path for the templateflow cache PATH_TEMPLATEFLOW="${PATH_BASE}/.cache/templateflow" # path to the data directory (in bids format): PATH_INPUT="${PATH_PROJECT}/bids" # path to the output directory: PATH_OUTPUT=${PATH_PROJECT} # path to the working directory: PATH_WORK=${PATH_PROJECT}/work # path to the log directory: PATH_LOG=${PATH_PROJECT}/logs # ============================================================================== # CREATE RELEVANT DIRECTORIES: # ============================================================================== # create working directory: if [ ! -d ${PATH_WORK} ] then mkdir -p ${PATH_WORK} fi # create directory for log files: if [ ! -d ${PATH_LOG} ] then mkdir -p ${PATH_LOG} fi # ============================================================================== # RUN MRIQC TO CREATE THE GROUP REPORTS: # ============================================================================== # create group reports for the functional data: singularity run -B ${PATH_INPUT}:/input:ro \ -B ${PATH_OUTPUT}:/output:rw -B ${PATH_WORK}:/work:rw \ -B ${PATH_TEMPLATEFLOW}:/templateflow:rw \ ${PATH_CONTAINER} /input/ /output/ group --no-sub