function [p alpha] = circ_vmpdf(alpha, thetahat, kappa) % [p alpha] = circ_vmpdf(alpha, w, p) % Computes the circular von Mises pdf with preferred direction thetahat % and concentration kappa at each of the angles in alpha % % The vmpdf is given by f(phi) = % (1/(2pi*I0(kappa))*exp(kappa*cos(phi-thetahat) % % Input: % alpha angles to evaluate pdf at, if empty alphas are chosen to % 100 uniformly spaced points around the circle % [thetahat preferred direction, default is 0] % [kappa concentration parameter, default is 1] % % Output: % p von Mises pdf evaluated at alpha % alpha angles at which pdf was evaluated % % % References: % Statistical analysis of circular data, Fisher % % Circular Statistics Toolbox for Matlab % By Philipp Berens and Marc J. Velasco, 2009 % % if no angles are supplied, 100 evenly spaced points around the circle are % chosen if nargin < 1 || isempty(alpha) alpha = linspace(0, 2*pi, 101)'; alpha = alpha(1:end-1); end if nargin < 3 kappa = 1; end if nargin < 2 thetahat = 0; end alpha = alpha(:); % evaluate pdf C = 1./(2*pi*besseli(0,kappa)); p = C .* exp(kappa.*cos(alpha-thetahat));