import odml import odml.terminology as terminology import weakref from functools import wraps # late import, as the proxy module relies on the latest available # concrete odml-class implementations, that would not be available if they # were directly imported in the beginning proxy = None class mapped(object): """ Keeps information for objects that can have a current mapped object associated with them """ __active_mapping = None @property def _active_mapping(self): if self.__active_mapping is None: return None return self.__active_mapping() @_active_mapping.setter def _active_mapping(self, new_value): self.__active_mapping = weakref.ref(new_value) @_active_mapping.deleter def _active_mapping(self): if not self.__active_mapping is None: del self.__active_mapping class mapable(mapped): """ Provides assisting functionality for objects that support the mapping attribute (i.e. sections and properties) """ def get_mapping(self): """ returns the current valid mapping for this section / property which may be defined by the object itsself, by its terminology equivalent or inherited from its parent """ mapping = self.mapping if mapping is None: if self.parent.parent is not None: # i.e. not the root node return self.parent.get_mapping() return (self, mapping) @staticmethod def parse_mapping(url): """ parse u url of format http://host/file.xml#section_type:property_name returns a 3-tuple: (url, stype, prop_name) where stype or prop_name may be None """ stype = None prop_name = None if '#' in url: url, stype = url.split('#', 1) if ':' in stype: stype, prop_name = stype.split(':', 1) terminology.deferred_load(url) return (url, stype, prop_name) @staticmethod def get_mapping_object(url): """ returns the object instance a mapping-url points to """ url, stype, prop_name = mapable.parse_mapping(url) term = terminology.load(url) if term is None: raise MappingError("Terminology '%s' could not be loaded" % url) if stype is None: return term.sections[0] sec = term.find_related(type=stype) if sec is None: raise MappingError("No section of type '%s' could be found" % stype) if prop_name is None: return sec try: return[prop_name] except KeyError: raise MappingError("No property named '%s' could be found in section '%s'" % (prop_name, @property def mapped_object(self): """ if there is a mapping defined (or inherited), returns the corresponding mapping object """ url = self.mapping if url is not None: return self.get_mapping_object(url) return None #if self.parent is not None: # i.e. not the root node # obj = self.parent.mapped_object # if obj is not None: # return obj.contains(self) @property def mapping(self): """ return the applicable mapping-url (which may be provided by the terminology) """ if self._mapping is None: term = self.get_terminology_equivalent() if term is not None: return term._mapping return self._mapping @mapping.setter def mapping(self, new_value): if new_value == '': new_value = None term = self.get_terminology_equivalent() if term is not None and term._mapping == new_value: new_value = None if self._mapping == new_value: return remap = None # TODO should save the old index when unmapping and then use insert to # (re)introduce the new mapping, to keep order intact if self._active_mapping is not None: remap = self.unmap() self._mapping = new_value if remap is not None: self.remap(remap) def unmap(self): """ unestablish the mapping for this object """ raise NotImplementedError def remap(self, mobj): """ reestablish the mapping for this object """ raise NotImplementedError class mapableProperty(mapable): def unmap(self): """ uninstall the property mapping by removing its proxy object from its mapped section """ return unmap_property(prop=self) def remap(self, mprop): """ install the mapping for this property """ create_property_mapping(self.parent, self) class mapableSection(mapable): def unmap(self): """ recursively unmap this section in certain configurations, a mapping cannot be completely removed for a whole section. In this case, this will raise a MappingError-Exception. To still do it, unmap the whole document (or destroy the mapped view) prior to the change execution. """ return unmap_section(self) def remap(self, msec): """ reestablish a mapping assuming that this section was successfully unmapped earlier. To avoid undefined side-effects, only call this, if this section is the only section without an established mapping. """ # map the section subtree nmsec = create_section_mapping(self) # remap all the properties for child in self.itersections(recursive=True, yield_self=True): for prop in create_property_mapping(child, prop) def remapable_append(func): """ decorator for append-functions to deal with Proxy objects """ @wraps(func) def f(self, obj): ret = func(self, obj) if (proxy and not isinstance(obj, proxy.Proxy)) and hasattr(obj, "_remap_info"): obj.remap(obj._remap_info) return ret return f def remapable_insert(func): """ decorator for insert-functions to deal with Proxy objects """ @wraps(func) def f(self, position, obj): ret = func(self, position, obj) if (proxy and not isinstance(obj, proxy.Proxy)) and hasattr(obj, "_remap_info"): obj.remap(obj._remap_info) return ret return f def remapable_remove(func): """ decorator for remove-functions to deal with Proxy objects """ @wraps(func) def f(self, obj): # don't attempt anything on proxy objects if (proxy and not isinstance(obj, proxy.Proxy)) and obj._active_mapping is not None: obj._remap_info = obj.unmap() return func(self, obj) return f class MappingError(TypeError): pass def create_mapping(doc): """ install the mapping for the document 1. recursively map all sections 2. afterwards map all their properties """ global proxy # we install the proxy only late time import as proxy mdoc = proxy.DocumentProxy(doc) # TODO copy attributes, but also make this generic mdoc._proxy_obj = doc doc._active_mapping = mdoc # iterate each section and property # take the mapped object and try to put it at a meaningful place for sec in doc.sections: create_section_mapping(sec) # this recurses on its own for sec in doc.itersections(recursive=True): for prop in # not needed anymore: [:]: create_property_mapping(sec, prop) return mdoc def create_section_mapping(sec): """ recursively install the mapping for a section Note: the mappings for the properties contained in the sections need to be installed afterwards (after all sections have been mapped) manually """ obj = sec.mapped_object msec = proxy.MappedSection(sec, template=obj) sec._active_mapping = msec sec.parent._active_mapping.proxy_append(msec) if obj: term = obj.get_repository() if msec.get_repository() != term: msec.repository = term # map all child sections for child in sec.sections: create_section_mapping(child) return msec def create_property_mapping(sec, prop): """ map a property to its destination place using the mapping rules (see test/ Note: all sections of the document need already to be mapped """ msec = sec._active_mapping mprop = proxy.PropertyProxy(prop) mprop._section = None prop._active_mapping = mprop mapping = prop.mapped_object if mapping is None: # easy case: just proxy the property msec.proxy_append(mprop) return = dst_type = mapping._section.type # rule 4c: target-type == section-type # copy attributes, keep property if dst_type == msec.type: msec.proxy_append(mprop) return mprop # rule 4d: one child has the type child = msec.find_related(type=dst_type, siblings=False, parents=False, findAll=True) if child is None: # rule 4e: a sibling has the type sibling = msec.find_related(type=dst_type, children=False, parents=False) if sibling is not None: rel = sibling.find_related(type=msec.type, findAll=True) if len(rel) > 1: # rule 4e2: create a subsection linked to the sibling # TODO set repository and other attributes? child = proxy.NonexistantSection(, sibling.type) child.proxy_append(mprop) msec.proxy_append(child) # TODO the link will have trouble to be resolved, as the # nonexistant section does not allow to create any attributes in it # as it cannot be proxied child._link = sibling.get_path() return mprop # rule 4e1: exactly one relation for sibling child = sibling # once we found the target section, the code stays the same else: # rule 4f: no sibling, create a new section # TODO set repository and other attributes? child = proxy.NonexistantSection(, dst_type) msec.proxy_append(child) elif len(child) > 1: raise MappingError("""Your data organisation does not make sense, there are %d children of type '%s'. Don't know how to handle.""" % (len(child), dst_type)) else: # exactly one child found child = child[0] # corner-case: we are remapping and/or the section already contains a property # with the same name # however this will also hold true, if multiple properties map to the same target # for now live with it being there multiple times (TODO) obj = child.contains(mprop) if obj is not None: pass #child.proxy_remove(obj) child.proxy_append(mprop) return mprop def unmap_property(prop=None, mprop=None): """ uninstall the property mapping by removing its proxy object from its mapped section """ if mprop is None: if prop is None or prop._active_mapping is None: return mprop = prop._active_mapping if prop is None: prop = mprop._proxy_obj # the section where the property is mapped to msec = mprop.parent msec.proxy_remove(mprop) # figure out, if we can safely remove mprop's section # the section can either be a MappedSection that directly corresponds to a section # in the original document, or it is a NonexistantSection (either linked or plain) # if isinstance(msec, proxy.NonexistantSection): if msec.is_merged: # the section is merged, i.e. it has a link attribute set (can't be include # as it is a non-existant section) # for now all properties that are no proxies (they are installed using # clone()-call) are just copies l = len(filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, proxy.Proxy), else: l = len( if l == 0: # there are no subsections/properties left msec.parent.proxy_remove(msec) # TODO cascade till toplevel? probably not del prop._active_mapping return mprop def can_unmap_section(sec, top): """ check if a section including its subsections, properties and properties of mapped subsections (i.e. NonexistantSections) can safely be unmapped """ # all subsections must be unmap-able for sec in sec.sections: if not can_unmap_section(sec, top): return False msec = sec._active_mapping if not can_unmap_all_properties(msec, top): return False # proxy sections that only exist in the mapping, must fulfill the property condition too for mchild in msec.sections: if isinstance(mchild, proxy.NonexistantSection) and not can_unmap_all_properties(mchild, top): return False return True def can_unmap_all_properties(msec, top): """ find out if the mapped section *msec* contains any property whose origin (its proxied object) is not within the subtree indicated by section *top* """ for mprop in p = mprop._proxy_obj.parent while p is not None: if p is top: break p = p.parent else: # top is not a parent of p return False return True def unmap_section(sec, check=True): """ try to unmap the section (including its children), but make sure, that there are no dependencies: i.e. we cannot unmap a section if properties from other sections are mapped here, this would break stuff """ if sec._active_mapping is None: return msec = sec._active_mapping if check and not can_unmap_section(sec, sec): raise MappingError(""" There are other active mappings to this section (or one of its children) Unmapping can't be done safely. Destroy the mapped view before editing. """) # first unmap all properties of this section for child in sec.itersections(recursive=True, yield_self=True): for prop in mprop = prop._active_mapping if mprop is not None: # this may happen for linked sections unmap_property(mprop=mprop) # now each mapped section should not have any properties left for mchild in msec.itersections(recursive=True, yield_self=True): assert len( == 0 # and we are safe to remove the mappings for child in sec.itersections(recursive=True, yield_self=True): del child._active_mapping # TODO do we need to do anything more with this section? # finally we can remove this section from the tree assert isinstance(msec.parent, proxy.Proxy) msec.parent.proxy_remove(msec) return msec def unmap_document(doc): """ clear all mappings from the document """ for sec in doc.itersections(recursive=True): del sec._active_mapping for prop in del prop._active_mapping del doc._active_mapping def get_object_from_mapped_equivalent(mobj): """ This function tries to find out which object was responsible for creating the *mobj*. This is straightforward in several cases (i.e. *mobj* being a BaseProxy instance) but is not for others (e.g. *mobj* being a section solely created for mapping of a property). """ if isinstance(mobj, proxy.BaseProxy): return mobj._proxy_obj # TODO which other cases may we have? assert isinstance(mobj, proxy.NonexistantSection) # get the first property (TODO this may not always be the one who caused the section to be created) for mprop in return get_object_from_mapped_equivalent(mprop) return None