# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Class for reading data from pCLAMP and AxoScope files (.abf version 1 and 2), developed by Molecular device/Axon technologies. - abf = Axon binary file - atf is a text file based format from axon that could be read by AsciiIO (but this file is less efficient.) This code is a port of abfload and abf2load written in Matlab (BSD-2-Clause licence) by : - Copyright (c) 2009, Forrest Collman, fcollman@princeton.edu - Copyright (c) 2004, Harald Hentschke and available here: http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/22114-abf2load Information on abf 1 and 2 formats is available here: http://www.moleculardevices.com/pages/software/developer_info.html This file supports the old (ABF1) and new (ABF2) format. ABF1 (clampfit <=9) and ABF2 (clampfit >10) All possible mode are possible : - event-driven variable-length mode 1 -> return several Segments per Block - event-driven fixed-length mode 2 or 5 -> return several Segments - gap free mode -> return one (or sevral) Segment in the Block Supported : Read Author: sgarcia, jnowacki Note: j.s.nowacki@gmail.com has a C++ library with SWIG bindings which also reads abf files - would be good to cross-check """ import struct import datetime import os from io import open, BufferedReader import numpy as np import quantities as pq from neo.io.baseio import BaseIO from neo.core import Block, Segment, AnalogSignal, Event from neo.io.tools import iteritems class StructFile(BufferedReader): def read_f(self, fmt, offset=None): if offset is not None: self.seek(offset) return struct.unpack(fmt, self.read(struct.calcsize(fmt))) def write_f(self, fmt, offset=None, *args): if offset is not None: self.seek(offset) self.write(struct.pack(fmt, *args)) def reformat_integer_v1(data, nbchannel, header): """ reformat when dtype is int16 for ABF version 1 """ chans = [chan_num for chan_num in header['nADCSamplingSeq'] if chan_num >= 0] for n, i in enumerate(chans[:nbchannel]): # respect SamplingSeq data[:, n] /= header['fInstrumentScaleFactor'][i] data[:, n] /= header['fSignalGain'][i] data[:, n] /= header['fADCProgrammableGain'][i] if header['nTelegraphEnable'][i]: data[:, n] /= header['fTelegraphAdditGain'][i] data[:, n] *= header['fADCRange'] data[:, n] /= header['lADCResolution'] data[:, n] += header['fInstrumentOffset'][i] data[:, n] -= header['fSignalOffset'][i] def reformat_integer_v2(data, nbchannel, header): """ reformat when dtype is int16 for ABF version 2 """ for i in range(nbchannel): data[:, i] /= header['listADCInfo'][i]['fInstrumentScaleFactor'] data[:, i] /= header['listADCInfo'][i]['fSignalGain'] data[:, i] /= header['listADCInfo'][i]['fADCProgrammableGain'] if header['listADCInfo'][i]['nTelegraphEnable']: data[:, i] /= header['listADCInfo'][i]['fTelegraphAdditGain'] data[:, i] *= header['protocol']['fADCRange'] data[:, i] /= header['protocol']['lADCResolution'] data[:, i] += header['listADCInfo'][i]['fInstrumentOffset'] data[:, i] -= header['listADCInfo'][i]['fSignalOffset'] def clean_string(s): s = s.rstrip(b'\x00') s = s.rstrip(b' ') return s class AxonIO(BaseIO): """ Class for reading data from pCLAMP and AxoScope files (.abf version 1 and 2), developed by Molecular Device/Axon Technologies. Usage: >>> from neo import io >>> r = io.AxonIO(filename='File_axon_1.abf') >>> bl = r.read_block(lazy=False, cascade=True) >>> print bl.segments [] >>> print bl.segments[0].analogsignals [] >>> print bl.segments[0].events [] """ is_readable = True is_writable = False supported_objects = [Block, Segment, AnalogSignal, Event] readable_objects = [Block] writeable_objects = [] has_header = False is_streameable = False read_params = {Block: []} write_params = None name = 'Axon' extensions = ['abf'] mode = 'file' def __init__(self, filename=None): """ This class read a abf file. Arguments: filename : the filename to read """ BaseIO.__init__(self) self.filename = filename def read_block(self, lazy=False, cascade=True): header = self.read_header() version = header['fFileVersionNumber'] bl = Block() bl.file_origin = os.path.basename(self.filename) bl.annotate(abf_version=str(version)) # date and time if version < 2.: YY = 1900 MM = 1 DD = 1 hh = int(header['lFileStartTime'] / 3600.) mm = int((header['lFileStartTime'] - hh * 3600) / 60) ss = header['lFileStartTime'] - hh * 3600 - mm * 60 ms = int(np.mod(ss, 1) * 1e6) ss = int(ss) elif version >= 2.: YY = int(header['uFileStartDate'] / 10000) MM = int((header['uFileStartDate'] - YY * 10000) / 100) DD = int(header['uFileStartDate'] - YY * 10000 - MM * 100) hh = int(header['uFileStartTimeMS'] / 1000. / 3600.) mm = int((header['uFileStartTimeMS'] / 1000. - hh * 3600) / 60) ss = header['uFileStartTimeMS'] / 1000. - hh * 3600 - mm * 60 ms = int(np.mod(ss, 1) * 1e6) ss = int(ss) bl.rec_datetime = datetime.datetime(YY, MM, DD, hh, mm, ss, ms) if not cascade: return bl # file format if header['nDataFormat'] == 0: dt = np.dtype('i2') elif header['nDataFormat'] == 1: dt = np.dtype('f4') if version < 2.: nbchannel = header['nADCNumChannels'] head_offset = header['lDataSectionPtr'] * BLOCKSIZE + header[ 'nNumPointsIgnored'] * dt.itemsize totalsize = header['lActualAcqLength'] elif version >= 2.: nbchannel = header['sections']['ADCSection']['llNumEntries'] head_offset = header['sections']['DataSection'][ 'uBlockIndex'] * BLOCKSIZE totalsize = header['sections']['DataSection']['llNumEntries'] data = np.memmap(self.filename, dt, 'r', shape=(totalsize,), offset=head_offset) # 3 possible modes if version < 2.: mode = header['nOperationMode'] elif version >= 2.: mode = header['protocol']['nOperationMode'] if (mode == 1) or (mode == 2) or (mode == 5) or (mode == 3): # event-driven variable-length mode (mode 1) # event-driven fixed-length mode (mode 2 or 5) # gap free mode (mode 3) can be in several episodes # read sweep pos if version < 2.: nbepisod = header['lSynchArraySize'] offset_episode = header['lSynchArrayPtr'] * BLOCKSIZE elif version >= 2.: nbepisod = header['sections']['SynchArraySection'][ 'llNumEntries'] offset_episode = header['sections']['SynchArraySection'][ 'uBlockIndex'] * BLOCKSIZE if nbepisod > 0: episode_array = np.memmap( self.filename, [('offset', 'i4'), ('len', 'i4')], 'r', shape=nbepisod, offset=offset_episode) else: episode_array = np.empty(1, [('offset', 'i4'), ('len', 'i4')]) episode_array[0]['len'] = data.size episode_array[0]['offset'] = 0 # sampling_rate if version < 2.: sampling_rate = 1. / (header['fADCSampleInterval'] * nbchannel * 1.e-6) * pq.Hz elif version >= 2.: sampling_rate = 1.e6 / \ header['protocol']['fADCSequenceInterval'] * pq.Hz # construct block # one sweep = one segment in a block pos = 0 for j in range(episode_array.size): seg = Segment(index=j) length = episode_array[j]['len'] if version < 2.: fSynchTimeUnit = header['fSynchTimeUnit'] elif version >= 2.: fSynchTimeUnit = header['protocol']['fSynchTimeUnit'] if (fSynchTimeUnit != 0) and (mode == 1): length /= fSynchTimeUnit if not lazy: subdata = data[pos:pos+length] subdata = subdata.reshape((int(subdata.size/nbchannel), nbchannel)).astype('f') if dt == np.dtype('i2'): if version < 2.: reformat_integer_v1(subdata, nbchannel, header) elif version >= 2.: reformat_integer_v2(subdata, nbchannel, header) pos += length if version < 2.: chans = [chan_num for chan_num in header['nADCSamplingSeq'] if chan_num >= 0] else: chans = range(nbchannel) for n, i in enumerate(chans[:nbchannel]): # fix SamplingSeq if version < 2.: name = header['sADCChannelName'][i].replace(b' ', b'') unit = header['sADCUnits'][i].replace(b'\xb5', b'u').\ replace(b' ', b'').decode('utf-8') # \xb5 is µ num = header['nADCPtoLChannelMap'][i] elif version >= 2.: lADCIi = header['listADCInfo'][i] name = lADCIi['ADCChNames'].replace(b' ', b'') unit = lADCIi['ADCChUnits'].replace(b'\xb5', b'u').\ replace(b' ', b'').decode('utf-8') num = header['listADCInfo'][i]['nADCNum'] if (fSynchTimeUnit == 0): t_start = float(episode_array[j]['offset']) / sampling_rate else: t_start = float(episode_array[j]['offset']) * fSynchTimeUnit *1e-6* pq.s t_start = t_start.rescale('s') try: pq.Quantity(1, unit) except: unit = '' if lazy: signal = [] * pq.Quantity(1, unit) else: signal = pq.Quantity(subdata[:, n], unit) anaSig = AnalogSignal(signal, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, t_start=t_start, name=name.decode("utf-8"), channel_index=int(num)) if lazy: anaSig.lazy_shape = length / nbchannel seg.analogsignals.append(anaSig) bl.segments.append(seg) if mode in [3, 5]: # TODO check if tags exits in other mode # tag is EventArray that should be attached to Block # It is attched to the first Segment times = [] labels = [] comments = [] for i, tag in enumerate(header['listTag']): times.append(tag['lTagTime']/sampling_rate) labels.append(str(tag['nTagType'])) comments.append(clean_string(tag['sComment'])) times = np.array(times) labels = np.array(labels, dtype='S') comments = np.array(comments, dtype='S') # attach all tags to the first segment. seg = bl.segments[0] if lazy: ea = Event(times=[] * pq.s, labels=np.array([], dtype='S')) ea.lazy_shape = len(times) else: ea = Event(times=times * pq.s, labels=labels, comments=comments) seg.events.append(ea) bl.create_many_to_one_relationship() return bl def read_header(self,): """ read the header of the file The strategy here differs from the original script under Matlab. In the original script for ABF2, it completes the header with information that is located in other structures. In ABF2 this function returns header with sub dict: sections (ABF2) protocol (ABF2) listTags (ABF1&2) listADCInfo (ABF2) listDACInfo (ABF2) dictEpochInfoPerDAC (ABF2) that contains more information. """ fid = StructFile(open(self.filename, 'rb')) # fix for py3 # version f_file_signature = fid.read(4) if f_file_signature == b'ABF ': # fix for p3 where read returns bytes header_description = headerDescriptionV1 elif f_file_signature == b'ABF2': header_description = headerDescriptionV2 else: return None # construct dict header = {} for key, offset, fmt in header_description: val = fid.read_f(fmt, offset=offset) if len(val) == 1: header[key] = val[0] else: header[key] = np.array(val) # correction of version number and starttime if f_file_signature == b'ABF ': header['lFileStartTime'] += header[ 'nFileStartMillisecs'] * .001 elif f_file_signature == b'ABF2': n = header['fFileVersionNumber'] header['fFileVersionNumber'] = n[3] + 0.1 * n[2] +\ 0.01 * n[1] + 0.001 * n[0] header['lFileStartTime'] = header['uFileStartTimeMS'] * .001 if header['fFileVersionNumber'] < 2.: # tags listTag = [] for i in range(header['lNumTagEntries']): fid.seek(header['lTagSectionPtr'] + i * 64) tag = {} for key, fmt in TagInfoDescription: val = fid.read_f(fmt) if len(val) == 1: tag[key] = val[0] else: tag[key] = np.array(val) listTag.append(tag) header['listTag'] = listTag #protocol name formatting #TODO move to read_protocol? header['sProtocolPath'] = clean_string(header['sProtocolPath']) header['sProtocolPath'] = header['sProtocolPath'].\ replace(b'\\', b'/') elif header['fFileVersionNumber'] >= 2.: # in abf2 some info are in other place # sections sections = {} for s, sectionName in enumerate(sectionNames): uBlockIndex, uBytes, llNumEntries =\ fid.read_f('IIl', offset=76 + s * 16) sections[sectionName] = {} sections[sectionName]['uBlockIndex'] = uBlockIndex sections[sectionName]['uBytes'] = uBytes sections[sectionName]['llNumEntries'] = llNumEntries header['sections'] = sections # strings sections # hack for reading channels names and units fid.seek(sections['StringsSection']['uBlockIndex'] * BLOCKSIZE) big_string = fid.read(sections['StringsSection']['uBytes']) goodstart=-1 for key in [b'AXENGN', b'clampex', b'Clampex', b'CLAMPEX', b'axoscope']: #goodstart = big_string.lower().find(key) goodstart = big_string.find(key) if goodstart!=-1: break assert goodstart!=-1, 'This file does not contain clampex, axoscope or clampfit in the header' big_string = big_string[goodstart:] strings = big_string.split(b'\x00') # ADC sections header['listADCInfo'] = [] for i in range(sections['ADCSection']['llNumEntries']): # read ADCInfo fid.seek(sections['ADCSection']['uBlockIndex'] * BLOCKSIZE + sections['ADCSection']['uBytes'] * i) ADCInfo = {} for key, fmt in ADCInfoDescription: val = fid.read_f(fmt) if len(val) == 1: ADCInfo[key] = val[0] else: ADCInfo[key] = np.array(val) ADCInfo['ADCChNames'] = strings[ADCInfo['lADCChannelNameIndex'] - 1] ADCInfo['ADCChUnits'] = strings[ADCInfo['lADCUnitsIndex'] - 1] header['listADCInfo'].append(ADCInfo) # protocol sections protocol = {} fid.seek(sections['ProtocolSection']['uBlockIndex'] * BLOCKSIZE) for key, fmt in protocolInfoDescription: val = fid.read_f(fmt) if len(val) == 1: protocol[key] = val[0] else: protocol[key] = np.array(val) header['protocol'] = protocol header['sProtocolPath'] = strings[header['uProtocolPathIndex']-1] # tags listTag = [] for i in range(sections['TagSection']['llNumEntries']): fid.seek(sections['TagSection']['uBlockIndex'] * BLOCKSIZE + sections['TagSection']['uBytes'] * i) tag = {} for key, fmt in TagInfoDescription: val = fid.read_f(fmt) if len(val) == 1: tag[key] = val[0] else: tag[key] = np.array(val) listTag.append(tag) header['listTag'] = listTag # DAC sections header['listDACInfo'] = [] for i in range(sections['DACSection']['llNumEntries']): # read DACInfo fid.seek(sections['DACSection']['uBlockIndex'] * BLOCKSIZE + sections['DACSection']['uBytes'] * i) DACInfo = {} for key, fmt in DACInfoDescription: val = fid.read_f(fmt) if len(val) == 1: DACInfo[key] = val[0] else: DACInfo[key] = np.array(val) DACInfo['DACChNames'] = strings[DACInfo['lDACChannelNameIndex'] - 1] DACInfo['DACChUnits'] = strings[ DACInfo['lDACChannelUnitsIndex'] - 1] header['listDACInfo'].append(DACInfo) # EpochPerDAC sections # header['dictEpochInfoPerDAC'] is dict of dicts: # - the first index is the DAC number # - the second index is the epoch number # It has to be done like that because data may not exist # and may not be in sorted order header['dictEpochInfoPerDAC'] = {} for i in range(sections['EpochPerDACSection']['llNumEntries']): # read DACInfo fid.seek(sections['EpochPerDACSection']['uBlockIndex'] * BLOCKSIZE + sections['EpochPerDACSection']['uBytes'] * i) EpochInfoPerDAC = {} for key, fmt in EpochInfoPerDACDescription: val = fid.read_f(fmt) if len(val) == 1: EpochInfoPerDAC[key] = val[0] else: EpochInfoPerDAC[key] = np.array(val) DACNum = EpochInfoPerDAC['nDACNum'] EpochNum = EpochInfoPerDAC['nEpochNum'] # Checking if the key exists, if not, the value is empty # so we have to create empty dict to populate if DACNum not in header['dictEpochInfoPerDAC']: header['dictEpochInfoPerDAC'][DACNum] = {} header['dictEpochInfoPerDAC'][DACNum][EpochNum] =\ EpochInfoPerDAC fid.close() return header def read_protocol(self): """ Read the protocol waveform of the file, if present; function works with ABF2 only. Protocols can be reconstructed from the ABF1 header. Returns: list of segments (one for every episode) with list of analog signls (one for every DAC). """ header = self.read_header() if header['fFileVersionNumber'] < 2.: raise IOError("Protocol section is only present in ABF2 files.") nADC = header['sections']['ADCSection'][ 'llNumEntries'] # Number of ADC channels nDAC = header['sections']['DACSection'][ 'llNumEntries'] # Number of DAC channels nSam = int(header['protocol'][ 'lNumSamplesPerEpisode'] / nADC) # Number of samples per episode nEpi = header['lActualEpisodes'] # Actual number of episodes sampling_rate = 1.e6 / header['protocol'][ 'fADCSequenceInterval'] * pq.Hz # Make a list of segments with analog signals with just holding levels # List of segments relates to number of episodes, as for recorded data segments = [] for epiNum in range(nEpi): seg = Segment(index=epiNum) # One analog signal for each DAC in segment (episode) for DACNum in range(nDAC): t_start = 0 * pq.s # TODO: Possibly check with episode array name = header['listDACInfo'][DACNum]['DACChNames'] unit = header['listDACInfo'][DACNum]['DACChUnits'].\ replace(b'\xb5', b'u').decode('utf-8') # \xb5 is µ signal = np.ones(nSam) *\ header['listDACInfo'][DACNum]['fDACHoldingLevel'] *\ pq.Quantity(1, unit) ana_sig = AnalogSignal(signal, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, t_start=t_start, name=name.decode("utf-8"), channel_index=DACNum) # If there are epoch infos for this DAC if DACNum in header['dictEpochInfoPerDAC']: # Save last sample index i_last = int(nSam * 15625 / 10**6) # TODO guess for first holding # Go over EpochInfoPerDAC and change the analog signal # according to the epochs epochInfo = header['dictEpochInfoPerDAC'][DACNum] for epochNum, epoch in iteritems(epochInfo): i_begin = i_last i_end = i_last + epoch['lEpochInitDuration'] +\ epoch['lEpochDurationInc'] * epiNum dif = i_end-i_begin ana_sig[i_begin:i_end] = np.ones((dif, 1)) *\ pq.Quantity(1, unit) * (epoch['fEpochInitLevel'] + epoch['fEpochLevelInc'] * epiNum) i_last += epoch['lEpochInitDuration'] seg.analogsignals.append(ana_sig) segments.append(seg) return segments BLOCKSIZE = 512 headerDescriptionV1 = [ ('fFileSignature', 0, '4s'), ('fFileVersionNumber', 4, 'f'), ('nOperationMode', 8, 'h'), ('lActualAcqLength', 10, 'i'), ('nNumPointsIgnored', 14, 'h'), ('lActualEpisodes', 16, 'i'), ('lFileStartTime', 24, 'i'), ('lDataSectionPtr', 40, 'i'), ('lTagSectionPtr', 44, 'i'), ('lNumTagEntries', 48, 'i'), ('lSynchArrayPtr', 92, 'i'), ('lSynchArraySize', 96, 'i'), ('nDataFormat', 100, 'h'), ('nADCNumChannels', 120, 'h'), ('fADCSampleInterval', 122, 'f'), ('fSynchTimeUnit', 130, 'f'), ('lNumSamplesPerEpisode', 138, 'i'), ('lPreTriggerSamples', 142, 'i'), ('lEpisodesPerRun', 146, 'i'), ('fADCRange', 244, 'f'), ('lADCResolution', 252, 'i'), ('nFileStartMillisecs', 366, 'h'), ('nADCPtoLChannelMap', 378, '16h'), ('nADCSamplingSeq', 410, '16h'), ('sADCChannelName', 442, '10s'*16), ('sADCUnits', 602, '8s'*16), ('fADCProgrammableGain', 730, '16f'), ('fInstrumentScaleFactor', 922, '16f'), ('fInstrumentOffset', 986, '16f'), ('fSignalGain', 1050, '16f'), ('fSignalOffset', 1114, '16f'), ('nDigitalEnable', 1436, 'h'), ('nActiveDACChannel', 1440, 'h'), ('nDigitalHolding', 1584, 'h'), ('nDigitalInterEpisode', 1586, 'h'), ('nDigitalValue', 2588, '10h'), ('lDACFilePtr', 2048, '2i'), ('lDACFileNumEpisodes', 2056, '2i'), ('fDACCalibrationFactor', 2074, '4f'), ('fDACCalibrationOffset', 2090, '4f'), ('nWaveformEnable', 2296, '2h'), ('nWaveformSource', 2300, '2h'), ('nInterEpisodeLevel', 2304, '2h'), ('nEpochType', 2308, '20h'), ('fEpochInitLevel', 2348, '20f'), ('fEpochLevelInc', 2428, '20f'), ('lEpochInitDuration', 2508, '20i'), ('lEpochDurationInc', 2588, '20i'), ('nTelegraphEnable', 4512, '16h'), ('fTelegraphAdditGain', 4576, '16f'), ('sProtocolPath', 4898, '384s'), ] headerDescriptionV2 = [ ('fFileSignature', 0, '4s'), ('fFileVersionNumber', 4, '4b'), ('uFileInfoSize', 8, 'I'), ('lActualEpisodes', 12, 'I'), ('uFileStartDate', 16, 'I'), ('uFileStartTimeMS', 20, 'I'), ('uStopwatchTime', 24, 'I'), ('nFileType', 28, 'H'), ('nDataFormat', 30, 'H'), ('nSimultaneousScan', 32, 'H'), ('nCRCEnable', 34, 'H'), ('uFileCRC', 36, 'I'), ('FileGUID', 40, 'I'), ('uCreatorVersion', 56, 'I'), ('uCreatorNameIndex', 60, 'I'), ('uModifierVersion', 64, 'I'), ('uModifierNameIndex', 68, 'I'), ('uProtocolPathIndex', 72, 'I'), ] sectionNames = [ 'ProtocolSection', 'ADCSection', 'DACSection', 'EpochSection', 'ADCPerDACSection', 'EpochPerDACSection', 'UserListSection', 'StatsRegionSection', 'MathSection', 'StringsSection', 'DataSection', 'TagSection', 'ScopeSection', 'DeltaSection', 'VoiceTagSection', 'SynchArraySection', 'AnnotationSection', 'StatsSection', ] protocolInfoDescription = [ ('nOperationMode', 'h'), ('fADCSequenceInterval', 'f'), ('bEnableFileCompression', 'b'), ('sUnused1', '3s'), ('uFileCompressionRatio', 'I'), ('fSynchTimeUnit', 'f'), ('fSecondsPerRun', 'f'), ('lNumSamplesPerEpisode', 'i'), ('lPreTriggerSamples', 'i'), ('lEpisodesPerRun', 'i'), ('lRunsPerTrial', 'i'), ('lNumberOfTrials', 'i'), ('nAveragingMode', 'h'), ('nUndoRunCount', 'h'), ('nFirstEpisodeInRun', 'h'), ('fTriggerThreshold', 'f'), ('nTriggerSource', 'h'), ('nTriggerAction', 'h'), ('nTriggerPolarity', 'h'), ('fScopeOutputInterval', 'f'), ('fEpisodeStartToStart', 'f'), ('fRunStartToStart', 'f'), ('lAverageCount', 'i'), ('fTrialStartToStart', 'f'), ('nAutoTriggerStrategy', 'h'), ('fFirstRunDelayS', 'f'), ('nChannelStatsStrategy', 'h'), ('lSamplesPerTrace', 'i'), ('lStartDisplayNum', 'i'), ('lFinishDisplayNum', 'i'), ('nShowPNRawData', 'h'), ('fStatisticsPeriod', 'f'), ('lStatisticsMeasurements', 'i'), ('nStatisticsSaveStrategy', 'h'), ('fADCRange', 'f'), ('fDACRange', 'f'), ('lADCResolution', 'i'), ('lDACResolution', 'i'), ('nExperimentType', 'h'), ('nManualInfoStrategy', 'h'), ('nCommentsEnable', 'h'), ('lFileCommentIndex', 'i'), ('nAutoAnalyseEnable', 'h'), ('nSignalType', 'h'), ('nDigitalEnable', 'h'), ('nActiveDACChannel', 'h'), ('nDigitalHolding', 'h'), ('nDigitalInterEpisode', 'h'), ('nDigitalDACChannel', 'h'), ('nDigitalTrainActiveLogic', 'h'), ('nStatsEnable', 'h'), ('nStatisticsClearStrategy', 'h'), ('nLevelHysteresis', 'h'), ('lTimeHysteresis', 'i'), ('nAllowExternalTags', 'h'), ('nAverageAlgorithm', 'h'), ('fAverageWeighting', 'f'), ('nUndoPromptStrategy', 'h'), ('nTrialTriggerSource', 'h'), ('nStatisticsDisplayStrategy', 'h'), ('nExternalTagType', 'h'), ('nScopeTriggerOut', 'h'), ('nLTPType', 'h'), ('nAlternateDACOutputState', 'h'), ('nAlternateDigitalOutputState', 'h'), ('fCellID', '3f'), ('nDigitizerADCs', 'h'), ('nDigitizerDACs', 'h'), ('nDigitizerTotalDigitalOuts', 'h'), ('nDigitizerSynchDigitalOuts', 'h'), ('nDigitizerType', 'h'), ] ADCInfoDescription = [ ('nADCNum', 'h'), ('nTelegraphEnable', 'h'), ('nTelegraphInstrument', 'h'), ('fTelegraphAdditGain', 'f'), ('fTelegraphFilter', 'f'), ('fTelegraphMembraneCap', 'f'), ('nTelegraphMode', 'h'), ('fTelegraphAccessResistance', 'f'), ('nADCPtoLChannelMap', 'h'), ('nADCSamplingSeq', 'h'), ('fADCProgrammableGain', 'f'), ('fADCDisplayAmplification', 'f'), ('fADCDisplayOffset', 'f'), ('fInstrumentScaleFactor', 'f'), ('fInstrumentOffset', 'f'), ('fSignalGain', 'f'), ('fSignalOffset', 'f'), ('fSignalLowpassFilter', 'f'), ('fSignalHighpassFilter', 'f'), ('nLowpassFilterType', 'b'), ('nHighpassFilterType', 'b'), ('fPostProcessLowpassFilter', 'f'), ('nPostProcessLowpassFilterType', 'c'), ('bEnabledDuringPN', 'b'), ('nStatsChannelPolarity', 'h'), ('lADCChannelNameIndex', 'i'), ('lADCUnitsIndex', 'i'), ] TagInfoDescription = [ ('lTagTime', 'i'), ('sComment', '56s'), ('nTagType', 'h'), ('nVoiceTagNumber_or_AnnotationIndex', 'h'), ] DACInfoDescription = [ ('nDACNum', 'h'), ('nTelegraphDACScaleFactorEnable', 'h'), ('fInstrumentHoldingLevel', 'f'), ('fDACScaleFactor', 'f'), ('fDACHoldingLevel', 'f'), ('fDACCalibrationFactor', 'f'), ('fDACCalibrationOffset', 'f'), ('lDACChannelNameIndex', 'i'), ('lDACChannelUnitsIndex', 'i'), ('lDACFilePtr', 'i'), ('lDACFileNumEpisodes', 'i'), ('nWaveformEnable', 'h'), ('nWaveformSource', 'h'), ('nInterEpisodeLevel', 'h'), ('fDACFileScale', 'f'), ('fDACFileOffset', 'f'), ('lDACFileEpisodeNum', 'i'), ('nDACFileADCNum', 'h'), ('nConditEnable', 'h'), ('lConditNumPulses', 'i'), ('fBaselineDuration', 'f'), ('fBaselineLevel', 'f'), ('fStepDuration', 'f'), ('fStepLevel', 'f'), ('fPostTrainPeriod', 'f'), ('fPostTrainLevel', 'f'), ('nMembTestEnable', 'h'), ('nLeakSubtractType', 'h'), ('nPNPolarity', 'h'), ('fPNHoldingLevel', 'f'), ('nPNNumADCChannels', 'h'), ('nPNPosition', 'h'), ('nPNNumPulses', 'h'), ('fPNSettlingTime', 'f'), ('fPNInterpulse', 'f'), ('nLTPUsageOfDAC', 'h'), ('nLTPPresynapticPulses', 'h'), ('lDACFilePathIndex', 'i'), ('fMembTestPreSettlingTimeMS', 'f'), ('fMembTestPostSettlingTimeMS', 'f'), ('nLeakSubtractADCIndex', 'h'), ('sUnused', '124s'), ] EpochInfoPerDACDescription = [ ('nEpochNum', 'h'), ('nDACNum', 'h'), ('nEpochType', 'h'), ('fEpochInitLevel', 'f'), ('fEpochLevelInc', 'f'), ('lEpochInitDuration', 'i'), ('lEpochDurationInc', 'i'), ('lEpochPulsePeriod', 'i'), ('lEpochPulseWidth', 'i'), ('sUnused', '18s'), ] EpochInfoDescription = [ ('nEpochNum', 'h'), ('nDigitalValue', 'h'), ('nDigitalTrainValue', 'h'), ('nAlternateDigitalValue', 'h'), ('nAlternateDigitalTrainValue', 'h'), ('bEpochCompression', 'b'), ('sUnused', '21s'), ]