"""Figure 5S2 pupil area plots, use run -i fig5S2.py""" ## collect PSTH trial matrices with same timebase as pupil area signal, masked by runspeed ## to include only sitting periods, then also masked by pupil constriction/dilation upper and ## lower quartiles. Store in arearate_mviresp DataFrame indexed by [mseu, opto] allmseustrs = mviresp.index.levels[0].values # get all mice, series, experiments, units levels = [allmseustrs, OPTOS] names = ['mseu', 'opto'] mi = pd.MultiIndex.from_product(levels, names=names) columns = ['trialmat', 'bins', 'binw', 'tq_trialmat', 'bq_trialmat', 'psth', 'tq_psth', 'bq_psth', 'pct_changes'] arearate_mviresp = pd.DataFrame(index=mi, columns=columns) arearates = {} # mse to (arearate, arearate_ts) mapping # for each row (mse) in ipos_opto df, find 1st derivative of pupil area trial matrix: for index, row in ipos_opto.iterrows(): msestr, stimtype, opto = index if not stimtype == 'mvi': continue print(msestr, stimtype, opto) DX = 1 # decimation factor, e.g. 5 increases sampling period by 5X, from ~20 ms to ~100 ms area_trialmat = row['area_trialmat'][:, ::DX] area_trialts = row['area_trialts'][::DX] ntrials, nt = area_trialmat.shape arearate = np.diff(area_trialmat, axis=1) # 2D: ntrials, nt-1 arearate_ts = area_trialts[:-1] # drop the last timepoint due to diff arearates[msestr] = arearate.copy(), arearate_ts.copy() # get locomotion info and mask out all instances of running: runrow = runspeed.loc[msestr, 'nat', opto] assert (row['trialis'] == runrow['trialis']).all() # sanity check run_ts, speed = runrow['t'], runrow['speed'] # each runspeed trial can have slightly different number of timepoints, so have to # resample each runspeed trial separately: assert len(speed) == ntrials for i in range(ntrials): # iterate over trials f = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(run_ts[i], speed[i], axis=-1, kind='linear', fill_value='extrapolate') rs_speed = f(arearate_ts) # runspeed signal resampled to arearate_ts ## TODO: maybe apply continuous_runs() here to further smooth out running periods # mask out arearate during running periods: runmask = rs_speed > 0.25 # cm/s arearate[i, runmask] = np.nan # these points shouldn't influence the percentile calc # get top and bottom quartiles for each timepoint, averaged across all trials: tq, bq = np.nanpercentile(arearate, [75, 25], axis=0) # each is nt-1 assert len(tq) == nt - 1 assert len(bq) == nt - 1 # mask out timepoints per trial in which arearate falls in top or bottom quartile: tqmask = np.int8(arearate >= tq) # 2D binary: ntrials, nt-1 bqmask = np.int8(arearate <= bq) # create top and bottom quartile arearate arrays: arearatetq = np.full(arearate.shape, np.nan) arearatetq[tqmask] = arearate[tqmask] arearatebq = np.full(arearate.shape, np.nan) arearatebq[bqmask] = arearate[bqmask] # get all mseu for this mse: hits = findmse(allmseustrs, msestr) mseustrs = allmseustrs[hits] # all mseu that belong to this mse # get bins for calculating PSTHs using arearate timepoints: binw = np.median(np.diff(arearate_ts)) ledges = arearate_ts # left edges redges = np.hstack([arearate_ts[1:], arearate_ts[-1]+binw]) # right edges bins = np.column_stack((ledges, redges)) # calculate PSTHs and binned % rate change for each rate percentile range for each mseu: for mseustr in mseustrs: trialmat = np.full(arearate.shape, np.nan) mviresprow = mviresp.loc[mseustr, 'nat', 'none', opto] if np.isnan(mviresprow['dt']) or mviresprow['snr'] < SNRTHRESH: continue #raster, braster = mviresprow['raster'], mviresprow['braster'] raster = mviresprow['raster'] # generate trial-based psth matrix, binned at bins: for triali, trspkts in enumerate(raster): # tres is ignored when kernel == None trpsth = raster2psth([trspkts], bins, binw, None, kernel=None) trialmat[triali] = trpsth # create top quartile trialmat by masking out all entries in trialmat which are not # in top quartile: tq_trialmat = trialmat.copy() tq_trialmat[tqmask == 0] = np.nan # create bottom quartile trialmat by masking out all entries in trialmat which are not # in bottom quartile: bq_trialmat = trialmat.copy() bq_trialmat[bqmask == 0] = np.nan # compute mean across trials, only timepoints remain: psth = np.nanmean(trialmat, axis=0) tq_psth = np.nanmean(tq_trialmat, axis=0) bq_psth = np.nanmean(bq_trialmat, axis=0) # get firing rate percentile threshold ranges of the psth: lo, bq, mid, tq, hi = np.percentile(psth, [0, 25, 50, 75, 100]) rpctileranges = [[lo, bq], [bq, mid], [mid, tq], [tq, hi]] # calculate binned percent change of PSTH of top quartile vs bottom quartile pupil # arearate, for each firing rate percentile range: pct_changes = [] for rpctilerange in rpctileranges: # find PSTH timepoints that fall in this rate percentile range: tis = (rpctilerange[0] < psth) & (psth <= rpctilerange[1]) # bool array if (tis == False).all(): # no timepoints in this rpctilerange pct_change = np.nan else: tqmean = tq_psth[tis].mean() bqmean = bq_psth[tis].mean() if bqmean > 0: pct_change = (tqmean - bqmean) / bqmean * 100 else: #print('bqmean', bqmean) pct_change = np.nan pct_changes.append(pct_change) pct_changes = np.array(pct_changes) arearate_mviresprow = arearate_mviresp.loc[mseustr, opto] arearate_mviresprow['trialmat'] = trialmat arearate_mviresprow['tq_trialmat'] = tq_trialmat arearate_mviresprow['bq_trialmat'] = bq_trialmat arearate_mviresprow['bins'] = bins arearate_mviresprow['binw'] = binw arearate_mviresprow['psth'] = psth arearate_mviresprow['tq_psth'] = tq_psth arearate_mviresprow['bq_psth'] = bq_psth arearate_mviresprow['pct_changes'] = pct_changes # length 4, 1 value per FR quartile ## collect % change values for both opto conditions, and resample them to allow ## confidence interval calculations; keep only rows that have non-nan entries in pct_changes: arearate_mviresp_notna = arearate_mviresp.dropna(subset=['pct_changes']) pcoffs = np.vstack(arearate_mviresp_notna.loc[(slice(None), False), 'pct_changes'].values) pcons = np.vstack(arearate_mviresp_notna.loc[(slice(None), True), 'pct_changes'].values) noffs, nons = len(pcoffs), len(pcons) # not necessarily the same, some can be unpaired NSAMPLES = 5000 rspcoffmeds = np.full((NSAMPLES, 4), np.nan) # resampled % change opto off medians rspconmeds = np.full((NSAMPLES, 4), np.nan) rng = np.random.default_rng(0) # init random number generator with seed 0 for samplei in range(NSAMPLES): rspcoffs = rng.choice(pcoffs, noffs, replace=True, axis=0) rspcons = rng.choice(pcons, nons, replace=True, axis=0) rspcoffmeds[samplei] = np.nanmedian(rspcoffs, axis=0) rspconmeds[samplei] = np.nanmedian(rspcons, axis=0) # calculate medians and percentiles for CIs: med_pcoffs = np.nanmedian(pcoffs, axis=0) med_rspcoffmeds = np.nanmedian(rspcoffmeds, axis=0) lci_rspcoffmeds = np.nanpercentile(rspcoffmeds, 2.5, axis=0) uci_rspcoffmeds = np.nanpercentile(rspcoffmeds, 97.5, axis=0) med_pcons = np.nanmedian(pcons, axis=0) med_rspconmeds = np.nanmedian(rspconmeds, axis=0) lci_rspconmeds = np.nanpercentile(rspconmeds, 2.5, axis=0) uci_rspconmeds = np.nanpercentile(rspconmeds, 97.5, axis=0) print('median pcoffs: ', med_pcoffs) print('median rspcoffmeds:', med_rspcoffmeds) print(' 2.5% rspcoffmeds:', lci_rspcoffmeds) print(' 97.5% rspcoffmeds:', uci_rspcoffmeds) print('median pcons: ', med_pcons) print('median rspconmeds: ', med_rspconmeds) print(' 2.5% rspconmeds: ', lci_rspconmeds) print(' 97.5% rspconmeds: ', uci_rspconmeds) ## plot arearate trial matrix for example experiment: exmplmsestrs = ['PVCre_2017_0006_s03_e03', 'PVCre_2017_0015_s07_e04', 'PVCre_2019_0002_s08_e04'] for msestr in exmplmsestrs:#list(arearates): arearate, arearate_ts = arearates[msestr] binw = np.median(np.diff(arearate_ts)) # s arearate = arearate / binw # normalized pupil area per sec ntrials = len(arearate) tmin, tmax = arearate_ts[0], np.ceil(arearate_ts[-1]) extent = tmin, tmax, ntrials, 1 f, a = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 3)) wintitle('arearate trialmat %s' % msestr) #std = np.nanstd(arearate) #vlim = 3*std vlim = 0.3 # might result in a bit of clipping of outlier values im = a.imshow(arearate, extent=extent, aspect='auto', origin='upper', cmap='seismic', interpolation='nearest', vmin=-vlim, vmax=vlim) plt.colorbar(im, ticks=[-vlim, 0, vlim]) #a.set_xticks(np.arange(5)) a.set_xlabel('Time (s)') a.set_ylabel('Trial') #a.set_xticks(tmin, tmax, 50) yticks = np.arange(0, ntrials+1, 50) yticks[0] = 1 a.set_yticks(yticks) ## plot example raster plot: exmplmseustr = 'PVCre_2019_0002_s08_e04_u32' mviresprow = mviresp.loc[exmplmseustr, 'nat', 'none', False] raster = mviresprow['raster'] dt = mviresprow['dt'] # stimulus duration (s) SCATTER = False # True: low quality, but fast; False: high quality, but slow title = 'movie raster %s %s' % (mseustr, False) a = simpletraster(raster=raster, alpha=0.5, s=1, dt=dt, offsets=[0, 0], scatter=SCATTER, title=title, inchespersec=1.5*RASTERSCALEX, inchespertrial=1/50*RASTERSCALEX, xaxis=True) a.spines['left'].set_position(('outward', 4)) a.spines['bottom'].set_position(('outward', 4)) yticks = np.arange(0, ntrials+1, 50) yticks[0] = 1 a.set_yticks(yticks) ## plot example PSTHs: exmplmsestr = 'PVCre_2019_0002_s08_e04' hits = findmse(allmseustrs, exmplmsestr) exmplmseustrs = allmseustrs[hits] alpha = 0.5 for mseustr in [exmplmseustr]:#exmplmseustrs: psthoptos = arearate_mviresp.loc[mseustr][['tq_psth', 'bq_psth']] #maxpsth = np.vstack(psthoptos.values).max() # max of mean PSTH across both opto conditions maxpsth = np.hstack(psthoptos.values.flatten()).max() for opto in OPTOS: row = arearate_mviresp.loc[(mseustr, opto)] bins, psth, tq_psth, bq_psth = row[['bins', 'psth', 'tq_psth', 'bq_psth']] if np.any(np.isnan(bins)): continue t = bins.mean(axis=1) f, a = plt.subplots(figsize=(5, 3)) wintitle('top bottom qrt PSTH %s opto=%s' % (mseustr, opto)) #maxpsth = psth.max() #a.plot(t, psth/maxpsth, '-', color='black', alpha=alpha, label='Mean') a.plot(t, tq_psth, '-', color='red', alpha=alpha, label='Top quartile') a.plot(t, bq_psth, '-', color='blue', alpha=alpha, label='Bottom quartile') a.spines['left'].set_position(('outward', 4)) a.spines['bottom'].set_position(('outward', 4)) a.set_xlabel('Time (s)') a.set_ylabel('Normalized firing rate') a.set_xlim(0, 5) a.set_ylim(-1, maxpsth) a.set_xticks([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) #a.set_yticks([0, 1]) #a.legend() ## bar plot % change of firing for top vs bottom quartile pupil arearate, median ## across population, one value per firing rate quartile. Separate plots for ## each opto condition. See Reimer2014 fig5e: opto2height = {False:med_pcoffs, True:med_pcons} opto2yerr = {False:np.array([med_pcoffs-lci_rspcoffmeds, uci_rspcoffmeds-med_pcoffs]), True:np.array([med_pcons-lci_rspconmeds, uci_rspconmeds-med_pcons])} for opto in OPTOS: f, a = plt.subplots(figsize=(3, 4)) wintitle('top bottom qrt pct FR change bar opto=%s' % opto) x = np.arange(4) height = opto2height[opto] yerr = opto2yerr[opto] color = opto2clr[opto] a.bar(x, height, yerr=yerr, color=color, ecolor='gray') #a.hlines(0, 0, 3) #a.axhline(y=0, c='k', ls='--', alpha=0.5) a.set_xlabel('Firing rate quartile') a.set_ylabel('% Change') a.spines['left'].set_position(('outward', 4)) a.spines['bottom'].set_position(('outward', 4)) #a.spines['bottom'].set_visible(False) a.set_xticks([0, 1, 2, 3]) a.set_xticklabels(['0-25%', '25-50%', '50-75%', '75-100%'], rotation=45, ha='center') ## bar plot % change of firing for top vs bottom quartile pupil arearate, median ## across population, one value per firing rate quartile. One plot for both opto conditions. ## See Reimer2014 fig5e: w = 0.4 # bar width opto2x = {False:np.arange(-w/2, 4-w/2, 1), True:np.arange(w/2, 4+w/2, 1)} opto2height = {False:med_pcoffs, True:med_pcons} opto2yerr = {False:np.array([med_pcoffs-lci_rspcoffmeds, uci_rspcoffmeds-med_pcoffs]), True:np.array([med_pcons-lci_rspconmeds, uci_rspconmeds-med_pcons])} opto2label = {False:'V1 Control', True:'V1 Suppressed'} f, a = plt.subplots(figsize=(3, 3)) wintitle('top bottom qrt pct FR change bar opto=both') for opto in OPTOS: x = opto2x[opto] height = opto2height[opto] yerr = opto2yerr[opto] color = opto2clr[opto] label = opto2label[opto] a.bar(x, height, width=w, yerr=yerr, color=color, label=label, ecolor='gray') #a.hlines(0, 0, 3) #a.axhline(y=0, c='k', ls='--', alpha=0.5) a.set_xlabel('Firing rate quartile') a.set_ylabel('% Firing rate change') a.spines['left'].set_position(('outward', 4)) a.spines['bottom'].set_position(('outward', 4)) #a.spines['bottom'].set_visible(False) a.set_xticks([0, 1, 2, 3]) a.set_xticklabels(['0-25%', '25-50%', '50-75%', '75-100%'], rotation=45, ha='center') #ymin = np.floor(min(lci_rspcoffmeds.min(), lci_rspconmeds.min())) ymin = -1.5 ymax = np.ceil(max(uci_rspcoffmeds.max(), uci_rspconmeds.max())) a.set_ylim(ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax) #a.legend() ## calculate mean FR, reliability, and SNR for top and bottom pupil arearate quartiles: columns = ['mseu', 'opto', 'tqr', 'bqr', 'tqrel', 'bqrel', 'tqsnr', 'bqsnr'] fig5S2 = [] for mseustr in allmseustrs: arearate_mviresprow = arearate_mviresp.loc[mseustr] tq_trialmats = arearate_mviresprow['tq_trialmat'] bq_trialmats = arearate_mviresprow['bq_trialmat'] if np.any(pd.isna(tq_trialmats)) or np.any(pd.isna(bq_trialmats)): continue for opto in OPTOS: tq_trialmat = tq_trialmats[opto] bq_trialmat = bq_trialmats[opto] tqr = np.nanmean(tq_trialmat) # top quartile, mean rate bqr = np.nanmean(bq_trialmat) # bottom quartile, mean rate tqrel, _ = reliability(tq_trialmat, average='mean', ignore_nan=True) bqrel, _ = reliability(bq_trialmat, average='mean', ignore_nan=True) tqsnr = snr_baden2016(tq_trialmat) bqsnr = snr_baden2016(bq_trialmat) # skip mseu that have mean rates that fall below thresh due to being limited # by periods of pupil area dynamics: if tqr < RATETHRESH and bqr < RATETHRESH: continue row = {} row['mseu'] = mseustr row['opto'] = opto row['tqr'] = tqr # top quartile mean firing rate row['bqr'] = bqr row['tqrel'] = tqrel # top quartile reliability row['bqrel'] = bqrel row['tqsnr'] = tqsnr # top quartile SNR row['bqsnr'] = bqsnr fig5S2.append(row) fig5S2 = pd.DataFrame(fig5S2).set_index(['mseu', 'opto']) ## scatter plot top vs bottom pupil arearate quartiles for meanrate, reliability, and SNR. ## See Reimer2014 fig5fghi: figsize = DEFAULTFIGURESIZE[0]*1.02, DEFAULTFIGURESIZE[1] # tweak to make space for log units for opto in OPTOS: rows = fig5S2.loc[(slice(None), opto), :] normlis, = np.where(rows.reset_index()['mseu'] != exmplmseustr) exmpli, = np.where(rows.reset_index()['mseu'] == exmplmseustr) ## scatter plot mean firing rates during top vs. bottom quartile pupil area ## dilation/constriction rate: f, a = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) wintitle('top bottom qrt scatter meanrate opto=%s' % opto) # replace any FRs < MINFRVAL with MINFRVAL, and any > MAXFRVAL with MAXFRVAL, for plotting: #logmin, logmax = -0.5, 1.7 logmin, logmax = -0.9, 1.9 logticks = np.array([0, 1]) MINFRVAL, MAXFRVAL = 10**logmin, 10**logmax tqr, bqr = rows['tqr'].values, rows['bqr'].values tqr[tqr < MINFRVAL] = MINFRVAL bqr[bqr < MINFRVAL] = MINFRVAL tqr[tqr > MAXFRVAL] = MAXFRVAL bqr[bqr > MAXFRVAL] = MAXFRVAL # plot y=x line: linmin, linmax = MINFRVAL, MAXFRVAL xyline = [linmin, linmax], [linmin, linmax] a.plot(xyline[0], xyline[1], '--', color='gray', zorder=-1) # plot normal points: a.scatter(bqr[normlis], tqr[normlis], clip_on=False, marker='.', c='None', edgecolor='black', s=DEFSZ) # plot example point: a.scatter(bqr[exmpli], tqr[exmpli], clip_on=False, marker='x', c=green, s=60) a.set_title('FR (Hz), opto=%s' % opto) a.set_ylabel("Top 1/4 arearate") a.set_xlabel("Bottom 1/4 arearate") a.set_xscale('log') a.set_yscale('log') a.set_xlim(MINFRVAL, MAXFRVAL) a.set_ylim(MINFRVAL, MAXFRVAL) a.set_xticks(10.0**logticks) a.set_yticks(a.get_xticks()) # make log scale y ticks the same as x ticks a.minorticks_off() axes_disable_scientific(a) a.set_aspect('equal') a.spines['left'].set_position(('outward', 4)) a.spines['bottom'].set_position(('outward', 4)) t, p = ttest_rel(bqr, tqr) # paired t-test a.add_artist(AnchoredText('p$=$%.2g' % p, loc='lower right', frameon=False)) ## scatter plot reliability during top vs. bottom quartile pupil area ## dilation/constriction rate: f, a = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) wintitle('top bottom qrt scatter rel opto=%s' % opto) tqrel, bqrel = rows['tqrel'].values, rows['bqrel'].values # plot y=x line: linmin, linmax = -0.002, 0.06 xyline = [linmin, linmax], [linmin, linmax] a.plot(xyline[0], xyline[1], '--', color='gray', zorder=-1) # plot normal points: a.scatter(bqrel[normlis], tqrel[normlis], clip_on=False, marker='.', c='None', edgecolor='black', s=DEFSZ) # plot example point: a.scatter(bqrel[exmpli], tqrel[exmpli], clip_on=False, marker='x', c=green, s=60) a.set_title('Reliability, opto=%s' % opto) a.set_ylabel("Top 1/4 arearate") a.set_xlabel("Bottom 1/4 arearate") #a.set_xscale('log') #a.set_yscale('log') a.set_xlim(linmin, linmax) a.set_ylim(linmin, linmax) #a.set_xticks(10.0**logticks) a.set_xticks([0, linmax]) a.set_yticks(a.get_xticks()) # make log scale y ticks the same as x ticks a.minorticks_off() axes_disable_scientific(a) a.set_aspect('equal') a.spines['left'].set_position(('outward', 4)) a.spines['bottom'].set_position(('outward', 4)) # filter out nans for t-test: t, p = ttest_rel(bqrel, tqrel) # paired t-test a.add_artist(AnchoredText('p$=$%.2g' % p, loc='lower right', frameon=False)) ## scatter plot SNR during top vs. bottom quartile pupil area ## dilation/constriction rate: f, a = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) wintitle('top bottom qrt scatter snr opto=%s' % opto) tqsnr, bqsnr = rows['tqsnr'].values, rows['bqsnr'].values # plot y=x line: linmin, linmax = 0, 0.7 xyline = [linmin, linmax], [linmin, linmax] a.plot(xyline[0], xyline[1], '--', color='gray', zorder=-1) # plot normal points: a.scatter(bqsnr[normlis], tqsnr[normlis], clip_on=False, marker='.', c='None', edgecolor='black', s=DEFSZ) # plot example point: a.scatter(bqsnr[exmpli], tqsnr[exmpli], clip_on=False, marker='x', c=green, s=60) a.set_title('SNR, opto=%s' % opto) a.set_ylabel("Top 1/4 arearate") a.set_xlabel("Bottom 1/4 arearate") #a.set_xscale('log') #a.set_yscale('log') a.set_xlim(linmin, linmax) a.set_ylim(linmin, linmax) #a.set_xticks(10.0**logticks) a.set_xticks([0, linmax]) a.set_yticks(a.get_xticks()) # make log scale y ticks the same as x ticks a.minorticks_off() axes_disable_scientific(a) a.set_aspect('equal') a.spines['left'].set_position(('outward', 4)) a.spines['bottom'].set_position(('outward', 4)) # filter out nans for t-test: t, p = ttest_rel(bqsnr, tqsnr) # paired t-test a.add_artist(AnchoredText('p$=$%.2g' % p, loc='lower right', frameon=False))