"""Collect rasters of responses for all LGN opto experiments as a function of stimulus type (movies, gratings), run state, and opto state. Then, calculate various measures and save results to DataFrames. Some variables (DataFrames and mseu string lists) can be optionally saved to and loaded from .pickle files to avoid long and unnecessary recalculation times. Run this script at the IPython/Jupyter command line; the `-i` runs scripts in IPython's namespace instead of an empty one: `run -i main.py` `pvmvis` (default), `ntsrmvis` or `negntsrmvis` can be provided as an `--exptype=` argument to this script, to load and later plot PV-Cre (most of the paper), Ntsr1-Cre (Fig1S4), or Ntsr negative (Fig1S5) data, respectively. """ import os import sys import argparse from numpy import pi from numpy.random import choice import scipy.stats from scipy.stats import (linregress, ttest_rel, ttest_ind, ttest_1samp, wilcoxon, ks_2samp) from scipy.stats.mstats import gmean from scipy.optimize import least_squares import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.offsetbox import AnchoredText from matplotlib.ticker import ScalarFormatter, FormatStrFormatter import seaborn as sns import pandas as pd from util import (load, load_all, save, export2csv, desat, axes_disable_scientific, ms2msstr, msu2msustr, mseustr2msustr, mseustrs2msustrs, mseustr2mstr, mseustrs2mstrs, mseustr2msestr, mseustrs2msestrs, findmse, fitmodel, residual_rsquared, linear_loss, get_max_snr, intround, split_tranges, wrap_raster, cf, saveall, wintitle, simpletraster, raster2psth, raster2freqcomp, sparseness, reliability, snr_baden2016, get_psth_peaks_gac, vector_OSI, percentile_ci, sum_of_gaussians) ## Define constants: EXPTYPE = 'pvmvis' # pvmvis, ntsrmvis, negntsrmvis if __name__ == '__main__': # parse command-line arguments: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Main script for natfeedback paper') parser.add_argument("--exptype", help="pvmvis, ntsrmvis, negntsrmvis") args = parser.parse_args() EXPTYPE = args.exptype or EXPTYPE print('*** EXPTYPE: %r' % EXPTYPE) RATETHRESH = 0.01 # mean firing rate threshold for unit inclusion, across all trial types, Hz SNRTHRESH = 0.015 SCATTERPTHRESH = 0.05 SGNF2ALPHA = {True: 1, False: 0.4} # visual drive unit inclusion criteria for gratings, ignores st8 and opto: VDNCRIT = 1 # min num points in tuning curve that are at least VDZCRIT sems away from spont rate VDZCRIT = 2.5 PSTHBASELINEMEDIANX = 2 # PSTH median multiplier to estimate baseline PSTHPEAKMINTHRESH = 3 # PSTH peak detection threshold relative to estimated baseline, Hz STIMTYPES = 'mvi', 'grt' stimtype2axislabel = {'grt':'grating', 'mvi':'movie'} MVIKINDS = 'nat', ALLSTIMTYPES = MVIKINDS + ('grt',) STIMTYPESPLUSALL = list(STIMTYPES) + ['mvi+grt'] # strings STIMTYPESPLUSALLI = list(STIMTYPES) + [slice(None)] # for use as indices # iterate over run states in this order: ST8S = ['run', 'sit'] # excludes 'none' ALLST8S = ['none', 'run', 'sit'] ST8COMBOS = [['none'], ['run', 'sit'], ['run', 'sit']] OPTOCOMBOS = [[False, True], [False], [True]] st82crit = {'run':'(run_speed > 1).mean() > 0.5', 'sit':'(run_speed < 0.25).mean() > 0.5', 'none':'none'} rungreen = '#' + ''.join([ format(val, '02x') for val in [66, 168, 117] ]) sitorange = '#' + ''.join([ format(val, '02x') for val in [235, 115, 9] ]) st82clr = {'run':rungreen, 'sit':sitorange, 'none':'black'} st82alpha = {None:1, 'run':1, 'sit':0.5} # sitting is like suppression, so desaturate colour st82clrmap = {'run':plt.cm.Greens, 'sit':plt.cm.Oranges, 'none':plt.cm.Greys} # define example mseus and their colors: green = '#007f00' # deep green violet = '#9f3fff' # pure violet (7f00ff) is a little too dark darkblue = '#000064' # control condition optoblue = '#2a7fff' # light shade of blue for opto condition black = '#000000' asterisk = 5, 2, 0 # 5 sided, asterisk style, 0 deg rotation, has rounded corners though DEFSZ = 50 # default scatter plot point size (open points) exmpli2clr = {1:violet, 2:green, 3:optoblue} # example neurons 1, 2, 3 # use different marker shapes to help distinguish example points: exmpli2mrk = {1:'x', 2:'+', 3:asterisk} exmpli2sz = {1:60, 2:70, 3:60} # marker size exmpli2lw = {1:2, 2:2, 3:2} # (marker) line width fig1exmpli = 1 # fig1 uses example neuron 1 fig5exmpli = 1 # fig5 uses example neuron 1 # designate movie example units: pvmvimseu2exmpli = {'PVCre_2018_0003_s03_e03_u51':1, # example neuron 1 'PVCre_2017_0008_s12_e06_u56':2} # example neuron 2 ntsrmvimseu2exmpli = {'Ntsr1Cre_2019_0008_s03_e04_u18':1} negntsrmvimseu2exmpli = {} exptype2mviexmplis = {'pvmvis':pvmvimseu2exmpli, 'ntsrmvis':ntsrmvimseu2exmpli, 'negntsrmvis':negntsrmvimseu2exmpli} mvimseu2exmpli = exptype2mviexmplis[EXPTYPE] # designate grating example units: pvgrtmseu2exmpli = {'PVCre_2018_0003_s03_e02_u51':1, # example neuron 1 'PVCre_2018_0003_s05_e02_u164':3} # example neuron 3 ntsrgrtmseu2exmpli = {'Ntsr1Cre_2019_0008_s06_e02_u46':1} ntsrgrtmseu2exmpli = {} exptype2grtexmplis = {'pvmvis':pvgrtmseu2exmpli, 'ntsrmvis':ntsrgrtmseu2exmpli, 'negntsrmvis':ntsrgrtmseu2exmpli} grtmseu2exmpli = exptype2grtexmplis[EXPTYPE] mvimsu2exmpli = { mseustr2msustr(k):v for k, v in mvimseu2exmpli.items() } grtmsu2exmpli = { mseustr2msustr(k):v for k, v in grtmseu2exmpli.items() } msu2exmpli = {**mvimsu2exmpli, **grtmsu2exmpli} # merge the two burstclr = 'red' OPTOS = False, True opto2tuni = {False:0, True:1} # for indexing into tun_params field in Tuning table opto2fb = {None:'', False:'feedback', True:'suppression'} opto2clr = {None:darkblue, False:darkblue, True:optoblue} opto2alpha = {None:1, False:1, True:0.5} # with opto, feedback is removed, so desaturate colour modmeasures = ['meanrate', 'meanrate02', 'meanrate35', 'blankmeanrate', 'blankcondmeanrate', 'meanburstratio', 'blankmeanburstratio', 'blankcondmeanburstratio', 'spars', 'rel', 'meanpkw', 'snr'] modmeasuresnoblankcond = modmeasures.copy() modmeasuresnoblankcond.remove('blankcondmeanrate') modmeasuresnoblankcond.remove('blankcondmeanburstratio') modmeasuresnoblank = modmeasuresnoblankcond.copy() modmeasuresnoblank.remove('blankmeanrate') modmeasuresnoblank.remove('blankmeanburstratio') measure2axislabel = {'meanrate':'FR', 'meanrate02':'FR', 'meanrate35':'FR', 'blankmeanrate':'FR', 'blankcondmeanrate':'FR', 'meanburstratio':'burst ratio', 'blankmeanburstratio':'burst ratio', 'blankcondmeanburstratio':'burst ratio', 'spars':'sparseness', 'rel':'reliability', 'meanpkw':'mean peak width', 'snr':'SNR'} measure2axisunits = {'meanrate':' (spk/s)', 'meanrate02':' (spk/s)', 'meanrate35':' (spk/s)', 'meanpkw':' (s)'} short2longaxislabel = {'FR':'Firing rate'} fmodes = ['', 'nb', 'b', 'nr'] # (narrow) firing modes fmode2txt = {'':'all', 'nb':'nonburst', 'b':'burst', 'nr':'nonrand'} # Tuning table keys used for gratings: ivs_order = 'grat_orientation, opto1' tun_model = 'sum_of_gaussians' model = 'threshlin' # linear or threshlin relaverage = 'mean' # reliability averaging method: mean or median DEFAULTFIGURESIZE = 2.8, 2.8 # normal RASTERSCALEX = 0.75 OFFSETS = -0.5, 0.75 # wide raster time offsets, sec OFFSETS02 = 0, -3 # limits to spikes from t=0 to 2 s, assuming 5 sec movies OFFSETS35 = 3, 0 # limits to spikes from t=3 to 5 s NTRIALSMVIGRT = 120 # limit movies to first 120 trials for more direct comparison with gratings PSTHHEIGHT = 3 binw, tres, kernel = 0.02, 0.001, 'gauss' # for calculating PSTHs, sec psthplottres = 0.010 # sec ssx = intround(psthplottres / tres) # subsample factor to get the desired plot tres MINNTRIALSAMPLETHRESH = 10 # ON/OFF/transient classification: PDT = 0.050 # propagation delay time for movie onset (s) WINDT = 0.20 # duration separating start of pre and PDT, and PDT and end of post (s) EXCLTR = 0, 2*PDT # time range around PDT to treat as transient response assert EXCLTR[0] <= PDT <= EXCLTR[1] # load data from pickles: subfolder = EXPTYPE if EXPTYPE != 'pvmvis' else '' name2val = load_all(subfolder=subfolder) locals().update(name2val)