#!/bin/bash -e # set -x # Bash shell script to convert dicoms to bids format # # Requires dcm2bids, dcm2niix, Mrtrix3 # # @ Stefan Sunaert - UZ/KUL - stefan.sunaert@uzleuven.be # @ Ahmed Radwan - KUL - ahmed.radwan@kuleuven.be # v="v0.8 - dd 08/09/2020" # Notes # - NOW USES https://github.com/UNFmontreal/Dcm2Bids # - works for GE/Siemens/Philips # - wrap around for multiple subjects: use KUL_multisubjects_dcm2bids # ----------------------------------- MAIN --------------------------------------------- # this script defines a few functions: # - Usage (for information to the novice user) # - kul_e2cl from KUL_main_functions (for logging) # - kul_dcmtags (for reading specific parameters from dicom header) # source general functions kul_main_dir=`dirname "$0"` script=`basename "$0"` source "${kul_main_dir}/KUL_main_functions.sh" cwd=$(pwd) # BEGIN LOCAL FUNCTIONS -------------- # --- function Usage --- function Usage { cat < Depends on a config file that defines parameters with sequence information, e.g. For Philips dicom we need to manually specify the mb and pe_dir: # Identifier,search-string,fmritask/inteded_for,mb,pe_dir,acq_label # Structural scans T1w,T1_PRE cT1w,T1_Post FLAIR,3D_FLAIR T2w,3D_T2 SWI,SWI MTI,mtc_2dyn # functional scans func,rsfMRI_MB6,rest,6,j,singleTE sbref,rsfMRI_SBREF,rest,1,j,singleTE func,MB_mTE,rest,4,j,multiTE sbref,mTE_SBREF,rest,4,j,multiTE func,MB2_hand,HAND,2,j func,MB2_lip,LIP,2,j func,MB2_nback,nback,2,j sbref,MB2_SBREF,HAND nback,1,j # fmap: 'task' is now 'IntendedFor' (the func images/tasks that the B0_map is used for SDC) fmap,B0_map,[HAND LIP nback] # dMRI dwi,p1_b1200,-,3,j-,b1200 dwi,p2_b0,-,3,j-,b0 dwi,p3_b2500,-,3,j-,b2500 dwi,p4_b2500,-,3,j,rev # ASL support is very limited (not BIDS compliant for now) # Indentifier, search-string ASL,pCASL explains that the T1w scan should be found by the search string "T1_PRE" func by rsfMRI, and has multiband_factor 6, and pe_dir = j the sbref will be used for the tb_fMRI for both tasks (hands and nback) For Siemens and GE dicom it can be as simple as: # Identifier,search-string,fmritask/inteded_for,mb,pe_dir,acq_label # Structural scans T1w,T1_PRE cT1w,T1_Post FLAIR,3D_FLAIR T2w,3D_T2 # functional scans func,rsfMRI_MB6,rest,-,-,singleTE sbref,rsfMRI_SBREF,rest,-,-,singleTE func,MB_mTE,rest,-,-,multiTE sbref,mTE_SBREF,rest,-,-,multiTE func,MB2_hand,HAND,-,- func,MB2_lip,LIP,-,- func,MB2_nback,nback,-,- sbref,MB2_SBREF,HAND nback,-,- # dMRI dwi,p1_b1200,-,-,-,b1200 dwi,p2_b0,-,-,-,b0 dwi,p3_b2500,-,-,-,b2500 dwi,p4_b2500,-,-,-,rev # fmap, SWI, MTC and ASL have not been tested on Siemens or GE Example: `basename $0` -p pat001 -d pat001.zip -c definitions_of_sequences.txt -o BIDS Required arguments: -d: dicom_zip_file (the zip or tar.gz containing all your dicoms, or directory containing dicoms) -p: participant (anonymised name of the subject in bids convention) -c: definitions of sequences (T1w=MPRAGE,dwi=seq, etc..., see above) Optional arguments: -o: bids directory -s: session (for longitudinal study with multiple timepoints) -t: temporary directory (default = /tmp) -e: copy task-*_events.tsv from config to BIDS dir -a: further anonymise the subject by using pydeface (takes much longer) -v: verbose USAGE exit 1 } # check if jsontool is installed and install it if not if [[ $(which jsontool) ]]; then echo " jsontool already installed, good" $log else echo " jsontool not installed, installing it with pip using pip install jsontool" $log pip install jsontool fi # check if pydeface is installed and install it if not if [[ $(which pydeface) ]]; then echo " pydeface already installed, good" $log else echo " pydeface not installed, installing it with pip using pip install jsontool" $log pip install pydeface fi # check if the correct dcm2bids is installed and install it if not if [[ $(which dcm2bids_scaffold) ]]; then echo " dcm2bids already installed, good" $log else echo " dcm2bids not installed, installing it with pip using pip install dcm2bids" $log pip uninstall Dcm2Bids pip install dcm2bids fi # --- function kul_dcmtags (for reading specific parameters from dicom header & calculating missing BIDS parameters) --- function kul_dcmtags { local dcm_file=$1 local out=$final_dcm_tags_file # 0/ Read out standard tags for logging local seriesdescr=$(dcminfo "$dcm_file" -tag 0008 103E | cut -c 13-) local manufacturer=$(dcminfo "$dcm_file" -tag 0008 0070 | cut -c 13-) local software=$(dcminfo "$dcm_file" -tag 0018 1020 | cut -c 13-) local imagetype=$(dcminfo "$dcm_file" -tag 0008 0008 2>/dev/null | cut -c 13- | head -n 1) local patid=$(dcminfo "$dcm_file" -tag 0010 0020 | cut -c 13-) local pixelspacing=$(dcminfo "$dcm_file" -tag 0028 0030 2>/dev/null | cut -c 13- | head -n 1) local slicethickness=$(dcminfo "$dcm_file" -tag 0018 0088 2>/dev/null | cut -c 13- | head -n 1) local acquisitionMatrix=$(dcminfo "$dcm_file" -tag 0018 1310 2>/dev/null | cut -c 13- | head -n 1) local FovAP=$(dcminfo "$dcm_file" -tag 2005 1074 | cut -c 13-) local FovFH=$(dcminfo "$dcm_file" -tag 2005 1075 | cut -c 13-) local FovRL=$(dcminfo "$dcm_file" -tag 2005 1076 | cut -c 13-) # local echonumber=$(dcminfo "$dcm_file" -tag 0018 0086 2>/dev/null | cut -c 13- | head -n 1) # need to add local echonumber or something similar for mTE (0018,0086) # Now we need to determine what vendor it is. # Philips needs all the following calculations # Siemens works out of the box # GE most recent version also seem to work fine #echo $manufacturer if [ "$manufacturer" = "SIEMENS" ]; then slicetime_provided_by_vendor=1 ees_trt_provided_by_vendor=1 #elif [ "$manufacturer" = 'GE ] # need to be tested else slicetime_provided_by_vendor=0 ees_trt_provided_by_vendor=0 fi # 1/ Calculate ess/trt; needed are : FieldStrength, WaterFatShift, EPIFactor # Note: only calculate it when it is provided (sometimes this has been thrown away by anonymising the dicom-data) # We check whether needed tags exist tags_are_present=1 test_waterfatshift=$(dcminfo "$dcm_file" -tag 2001 1022) if [ -z "$test_waterfatshift" ]; then tags_are_present=0 local waterfatshift="empty" else local waterfatshift=$(dcminfo "$dcm_file" -tag 2001 1022 | awk '{print $(NF)}') fi test_fieldstrength=$(dcminfo "$dcm_file" -tag 0018 0087) if [ -z "$test_fieldstrength" ]; then tags_are_present=0 local fieldstrength="empty" else local fieldstrength=$(dcminfo "$dcm_file" -tag 0018 0087 | awk '{print $(NF)}') fi test_epifactor=$(dcminfo "$dcm_file" -tag 2001 1013) if [ -z "$test_epifactor" ]; then tags_are_present=0 local epifactor="empty" else local epifactor=$(dcminfo "$dcm_file" -tag 2001 1013 | awk '{print $(NF)}') fi if [ $tags_are_present -eq 0 ]; then ees_sec="empty" trt_sec="empty" else local water_fat_diff_ppm=3.3995 local resonance_freq_mhz_tesla=42.576 local water_fat_shift_hz=$(echo $fieldstrength $water_fat_diff_ppm $resonance_freq_mhz_tesla echo $fieldstrength $water_fat_diff_ppm | awk '{print $1 * $2 * $3}') #effective_echo_spacing_msec = 1000 * WFS_PIXEL/(water_fat_shift_hz * (EPI_FACTOR + 1)) ees_sec=$(echo $waterfatshift $water_fat_shift_hz $epifactor | awk '{print $1 / ($2 * ($3 + 1))}') #total_readout_time_fsl_msec = EPI_FACTOR * effective_echo_spacing_msec; trt_sec=$(echo $epifactor $ees_sec | awk '{print $1 * $2 }') fi # 2/ Calculate slice SliceTiming #function SliceTime=KUL_slicetiming(MB, NS, TR) #%MB = 1; % Multiband factor #%NS = 30; % Number of Slices #%TR = 1.7; % TR in seconds #st = repmat(0:TR/(NS/MB):TR-.0000001,1,MB); #SliceTime = sprintf('%.8f,' , st); #SliceTime = ['"SliceTiming": [' SliceTime(1:end-1) ']']; #end multiband_factor=$mb # if mb is not found in the config file or is set to 0 # simply set it to 1 and run if [[ -z ${multiband_factor} ]] || [[ ${multiband_factor} == 0 ]]; then multiband_factor=1 fi tags_are_present=1 test_number_of_slices=$(dcminfo "$dcm_file" -tag 2001 1018) if [ -z "$test_number_of_slices" ]; then tags_are_present=0 local number_of_slices="empty" else local number_of_slices=$(dcminfo "$dcm_file" -tag 2001 1018 | awk '{print $(NF)}') fi test_repetion_time_msec=$(dcminfo "$dcm_file" -tag 0018 0080 ) if [ -z "$test_repetion_time_msec" ]; then tags_are_present=0 local repetion_time_msec="empty" else local repetion_time_msec=$(dcminfo "$dcm_file" -tag 0018 0080 | awk '{print $(NF)}') fi test_slice_scan_order=$(dcminfo "$dcm_file" -tag 2005 1081 ) if [ -z "$test_slice_scan_order" ]; then #tags_are_present=0 local slice_scan_order="empty" else local slice_scan_order=$(dcminfo "$dcm_file" -tag 2005 1081 | head -n 1 | awk '{print $(NF)}') fi if [ $tags_are_present -eq 1 ]; then if [ ! $multiband_factor = "" ];then #single_slice_time (in seconds) local single_slice_time=$(echo $repetion_time_msec $number_of_slices $multiband_factor | awk '{print $1 / ($2 / $3) / 1000}') # number of excitations given multiband # e = n. of excitations/slices per band local e=$(echo $number_of_slices $multiband_factor | awk '{print ($1 / $2) -1 }') local spb=$((${e}+1)); echo $e echo $spb echo "${slice_scan_order}" # here we need to adapt to account for different slice orders # e.g. if [[ "${slice_scan_order}" == "rev. central" ]]; then # this is a bit different from interleaved... namely we split it into 2 gps # lower group is regular ascending and second group is regular descending half_e=$(echo "scale=2;(${spb}/2)" | bc | awk '{print int($1+0.5)}') for (( zc=0; zc<${half_e}; zc++ )); do sl1=$(echo $zc $single_slice_time | awk '{print $1 * $2}') if [[ -z ${slit1} ]]; then slit1="${sl1}" else slit1="${slit1}, ${sl1}" fi done for (( zx=${e}; zx>=${half_e}; zx-- )); do sl2=$(echo $zx $single_slice_time | awk '{print $1 * $2}') if [[ -z ${slit2} ]]; then slit2="${sl2}" else slit2="${slit2}, ${sl2}" fi done slit="${slit1}, ${slit2}" echo "${slit}" for iz in ${!tmp_order[@]}; do sl=$(echo $((${tmp_order[$iz]})) ${single_slice_time} | awk '{print $1 * $2}'); echo ${sl} if [[ -z ${slit} ]]; then slit="${sl}" echo ${slit} else slit="${slit}, ${sl}" echo ${slit} fi done # interleaved is ready! elif [[ "${slice_scan_order}" == "interleaved" ]]; then declare -a tmp_order step=$(echo "sqrt(${spb})" | bc) unset tmp_order curr bh ik slgp; slgp=0; declare -a tmp_order; tmp_order[0]=0; for ik in $(seq 1 ${e}); do bh=$((${ik}-1)); curr=$((${tmp_order[$bh]}+${step})); if [[ ${curr} -gt ${e} ]]; then ((slgp++)); curr=${slgp}; fi; tmp_order[$ik]=${curr}; done; for iz in ${!tmp_order[@]}; do sl=$(echo $((${tmp_order[$iz]})) ${single_slice_time} | awk '{print $1 * $2}'); echo ${sl} if [[ -z ${slit} ]]; then slit="${sl}" echo ${slit} else slit="${slit}, ${sl}" echo ${slit} fi done elif [[ "${slice_scan_order}" == "FH" ]]; then for (( c=0; c<=$e; c++ )); do sl=$(echo $c $single_slice_time | awk '{print $1 * $2}') if [[ -z ${slit} ]]; then slit="${sl}" else slit="${slit}, ${sl}" fi done elif [[ "${slice_scan_order}" == "HF" ]]; then for (( c=${e}; c>=0; c-- )); do sl=$(echo $c $single_slice_time | awk '{print $1 * $2}') if [[ -z ${slit} ]]; then slit="${sl}" else slit="${slit}, ${sl}" fi done elif [[ "${slice_scan_order}" == "default" ]]; then echo ${slice_scan_order} a=$((${spb} %2)); echo ${a} # this is still untested if [[ "${spb}" -le 6 ]]; then step=2; hlpp=$(($((${e}+1))/${step})); lpsl=0; lpal=${lpsl}; hpsl=${e}; hpal=${hpsl}; order=0; for ii in $(seq 0 1 ${spb}); do if [[ ${lpal} -lt $((${hlpp}-1)) ]]; then tmp_order[${order}]=${lpal}; lpal=$((${lpal}+${step})); ((order++)) elif [[ ${hpal} -ge $((${hlpp}-1)) ]]; then tmp_order[${order}]=${hpal}; hpal=$((${hpal}-${step})); ((order++)) else lpal=$((${lpsl}+1)) hpal=$((${hpsl}-1)) fi done # We will not add a 1 as done in the matlab version but we iterate over spb not e also for iz in ${!tmp_order[@]}; do sl=$(echo $((${tmp_order[$iz]})) ${single_slice_time} | awk '{print $1 * $2}'); if [[ -z ${slit} ]]; then slit="${sl}" else slit="${slit}, ${sl}" fi done # this is still untested elif [[ "${spb}" == 8 ]]; then declare -a tmp_order step=$(echo "sqrt(${spb})" | bc) echo "step is ${step}" unset tmp_order curr bh ik slgp; slgp=0; declare -a tmp_order; tmp_order[0]=0; echo ${tmp_order[@]}; for ik in $(seq 1 ${e}); do echo " ik is ${ik}"; bh=$((${ik}-1)); echo "bh is ${bh}"; curr=$((${tmp_order[$bh]}+${step})); echo "tmp_order of bh is ${tmp_order[$bh]}; echo "initially tmp_order of ik is ${tmp_order[$ik]}; echo "step is ${step}"; if [[ ${curr} -gt ${e} ]]; then echo "slgp is ${slgp}"; ((slgp++)); echo "inceremented slgp is ${slgp}"; curr=${slgp}; echo "now curr = ${slgp}"; fi; tmp_order[$ik]=${curr}; echo "tmp_order of ik is ${tmp_order[$ik]}"; done; echo ${tmp_order[@]} for iz in ${!tmp_order[@]}; do sl=$(echo $((${tmp_order[$iz]})) ${single_slice_time} | awk '{print $1 * $2}'); if [[ -z ${slit} ]]; then slit="${sl}" else slit="${slit}, ${sl}" fi done else # if we have an odd no. of slices per band if [[ ${a} == 1 ]]; then for zc in $(seq 0 2 ${e} ); do sl1=$(echo $zc $single_slice_time | awk '{print $1 * $2}') if [[ -z ${slit1} ]]; then slit1="${sl1}" else slit1="${slit1}, ${sl1}" fi done for zx in $(seq 1 2 ${e} ); do sl2=$(echo $zx $single_slice_time | awk '{print $1 * $2}') if [[ -z ${slit2} ]]; then slit2="${sl2}" else slit2="${slit2}, ${sl2}" fi done slit="${slit1}, ${slit2}" echo "${slit}" # if we have an odd no. of slices per band elif [[ ${a} == 0 ]]; then step=2; hlpp=$(($((${e}+1))/${step})); lpsl=0; lpal=${lpsl}; hpsl=${e}; hpal=${hpsl}; order=0; for ii in $(seq 0 1 ${spb}); do if [[ ${lpal} -lt $((${hlpp}-1)) ]]; then tmp_order[${order}]=${lpal}; lpal=$((${lpal}+${step})); ((order++)) elif [[ ${hpal} -ge $((${hlpp}-1)) ]]; then tmp_order[${order}]=${hpal}; hpal=$((${hpal}-${step})); ((order++)) else lpal=$((${lpsl}+1)) hpal=$((${hpsl}-1)) fi done # We will not add a 1 as done in the matlab version but we iterate over spb not e also for iz in ${!tmp_order[@]}; do sl=$(echo $((${tmp_order[$iz]})) ${single_slice_time} | awk '{print $1 * $2}'); if [[ -z ${slit} ]]; then slit="${sl}" else slit="${slit}, ${sl}" fi done fi fi fi slit2=$slit rep=$(echo $multiband_factor | awk '{print $1 - 1}') for (( c=1; c<=$rep; c++ )); do slit2="$slit2, $slit" done slice_time=[$slit2] fi else slice_time="empty" fi if [ $silent -eq 0 ]; then echo " patid = $patid" echo " the dicom file we are reading = $dcm_file" echo " manufacturer = $manufacturer" echo " software version = $software" echo " imagetype = $imagetype" echo " acquisitionMatrix = $acquisitionMatrix" echo " FovAP = $FovAP" echo " FovFH = $FovFH" echo " FovRL = $FovRL" echo " pixelspacing = $pixelspacing" echo " slicethickness = $slicethickness" echo " series = $seriesdescr" echo " fieldstrength = $fieldstrength" echo " waterfatshift = $waterfatshift" echo " epifactor = $epifactor" echo " calulated ees = $ees_sec" echo " calculated trt = $trt_sec" echo " number of slices = $number_of_slices" echo " repetion_time_msec = $repetion_time_msec" echo " slice_scan_order = $slice_scan_order" if [ ! $multiband_factor = "" ];then echo " multiband_factor = $mb" echo " calculated single_slice_time = $single_slice_time" echo " number of excitations - 1 = $e" echo " for 1 multiband = $slit" echo " complete slice_time = $slice_time" fi fi if [ ! -f $out ]; then echo -e "participant,session,dcm_file,manufacturer,software_version,series_descr,imagetype,fieldstrength,acquisitionMatrix,FovAP,FovFH,FovRL,pixelspacing,slicethickness,epifactor,wfs,ees_sec,trt_sec,nr_slices,slice_scan_order,repetion_time_msec,multiband_factor" > $out fi echo -e "$subj,${sess},$dcm_file,$manufacturer,$software,$seriesdescr,$imagetype,$fieldstrength,$acquisitionMatrix,$FovAP,$FovFH,$FovRL,$pixelspacing,$slicethickness,$epifactor,$waterfatshift,$ees_sec,$trt_sec,$number_of_slices,$slice_scan_order,$repetion_time_msec,$multiband_factor" >> $out } function kul_find_relevant_dicom_file { kul_e2cl " Searching for ${identifier} using search_string $search_string" $log # find the search_string in the dicom dump_file # search for search_string in dump_file, find ORIGINAL, remove dicom tags, sort, take first line, remove trailing space seq_file=$(grep $search_string $dump_file | grep ORIGINAL - | cut -f1 -d"[" | sort | head -n 1 | sed -e 's/[[:space:]]*$//') if [ "$seq_file" = "" ]; then kul_e2cl " ${identifier} dicoms are NOT FOUND" $log seq_found=0 else seq_found=1 kul_e2cl " a relevant ${identifier} dicom is $(basename "${seq_file}") " $log fi } # END LOCAL FUNCTIONS -------------- # CHECK COMMAND LINE OPTIONS ------------- # # Set defaults sess="" bids_output=BIDS # Set flags subj_flag=0 sess_flag=0 dcm_flag=0 conf_flag=0 bids_flag=0 tmp_flag=0 events_flag=0 n_sbref_tasks=0 silent=1 anon=0 if [ "$#" -lt 4 ]; then Usage >&2 exit 1 else while getopts "c:d:p:o:s:t:aveh" OPT; do case $OPT in d) #dicom_zip_file dcm_flag=1 dcm=$OPTARG ;; p) #participant subj_flag=1 subj=$OPTARG ;; c) #config_file conf_flag=1 conf=$OPTARG ;; o) #bids output directory bids_flag=1 bids_output=$OPTARG ;; s) #session sess_flag=1 sess=$OPTARG ;; a) #pydeface anon=1 ;; v) #verbose silent=0 ;; e) #events for task based fmri events_flag=1 ;; t) #temporary directory tmp_flag=1 tempo=$OPTARG ;; h) #help Usage >&2 exit 0 ;; \?) echo "Invalid option: -$OPTARG" >&2 echo Usage >&2 exit 1 ;; :) echo "Option -$OPTARG requires an argument." >&2 echo Usage >&2 exit 1 ;; esac done fi # check for required options if [ $dcm_flag -eq 0 ] ; then echo echo "Option -d is required: give the file with your raw dicoms either .zip of tar.gz" >&2 echo exit 2 fi if [ $subj_flag -eq 0 ] ; then echo echo "Option -p is required: give the anonymised name of a subject this will create a directory subject_preproc with results." >&2 echo exit 2 fi if [ $conf_flag -eq 0 ] ; then echo echo "Option -c is required: give the path to the file that describes the sequences" >&2 echo exit 2 elif [ ! -f $conf ] ; then echo echo "The config file $conf does not exist" echo exit 2 fi # INITIATE --- # main log file naming d=$(date "+%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") log=$log_dir/${subj}_main_log_${d}.txt # file for initial dicom tags dump_file=${log_dir}/${subj}_${sess}_initial_dicom_info.txt # file with final dicom tags final_dcm_tags_file=${log_dir}/${subj}_${sess}_final_dicom_info.csv # location of bids_config_json_file bids_config_json_file=${log_dir}/${subj}_${sess}_bids_config.json # location of dcm2niix_log_file dcm2niix_log_file=$log_dir/${subj}_${sess}_dcm2niix_log_file.txt if [[ $tmp_flag -eq 1 ]] ; then tmp=${cwd}/${tempo} else tmp="/tmp/${subj}" fi rm -fr ${tmp} # exit # remove previous existances to start fresh rm -f $dump_file rm -f $final_dcm_tags_file rm -f $bids_config_json_file # rm -fr ${cwd}/${tmp}/$subj # ----------- SAY HELLO ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if [[ $silent -eq 0 ]]; then echo " The script you are running has basename `basename "$0"`, located in dirname $kul_main_dir" echo " The present working directory is `pwd`" fi # uncompress the zip file with dicoms or link the directory to tmp # clear the /tmp directory mkdir -p ${tmp} if [[ -d "$dcm" ]]; then # it is a directory kul_e2cl " you gave the directory $dcm as input; linking to to $tmp/$subj" $log ln -s "${cwd}/${dcm}" $tmp/$subj else kul_e2cl " uncompressing the zip file $dcm to $tmp/$subj" $log # Check the extention of the archive arch_ext="${dcm##*.}" #echo $arch_ext if [[ $arch_ext = "zip" ]]; then unzip -q -o ${dcm} -d ${tmp} elif [[] $arch_ext = "tar" ]]; then tar --strip-components=5 -C ${tmp} -xzf ${dcm} fi fi # dump the dicom tags of all dicoms in a file kul_e2cl " brute force extraction of some relevant dicom tags of all dicom files of subject $subj into file $dump_file" $log # check if a DICOMIR file exists and archive it (we do a brute force extraction and don't need the DICOMDIR file) test_DICOMDIR=($(find -L ${tmp} -type f -name "DICOMDIR" )) #echo "DICOMDIR = $test_DICOMDIR" if [[ $test_DICOMDIR == "" ]]; then echo " OK there is no DICOMDIR" else gzip $test_DICOMDIR fi # Do the bruce force extract echo hello > $dump_file task(){ dcm1=$(dcminfo "$dcm_file" -tag 0008 103E -tag 0008 0008 -tag 0008 0070 -nthreads 4 2>/dev/null | tr -s '\n' ' ') echo "$dcm_file" $dcm1 >> $dump_file } ( find -L ${tmp} -type f | while IFS= read -r dcm_file; do task done ) kul_e2cl " done reading dicom tags of $dcm" $log # create empty bids description # bids="" # we read the config file declare -a sub_bids while IFS=, read identifier search_string task mb pe_dir acq_label; do bs=$(( $bs + 1)) if [[ ! ${identifier} == \#* ]]; then if [[ ${identifier} == "T1w" ]]; then kul_find_relevant_dicom_file if [ $seq_found -eq 1 ]; then # read the relevant dicom tags kul_dcmtags "${seq_file}" sub_bids_T1='{"dataType": "anat", "modalityLabel": "T1w", "criteria": { "SeriesDescription": "*'${search_string}'*"}}' sub_bids_[$bs]=$(echo ${sub_bids_T1} | python -m json.tool ) fi fi if [[ ${identifier} == "cT1w" ]]; then kul_find_relevant_dicom_file if [ $seq_found -eq 1 ]; then # read the relevant dicom tags kul_dcmtags "${seq_file}" sub_bids_T1='{"dataType": "anat", "modalityLabel": "T1w", "criteria": { "SeriesDescription": "*'${search_string}'*"}, "customLabels": "ce-gadolinium", "sidecarChanges": {"KUL_dcm2bids": "yes","ContrastBolusIngredient": "gadolinium"} }' sub_bids_[$bs]=$(echo ${sub_bids_T1} | python -m json.tool ) fi fi if [[ ${identifier} == "T2w" ]]; then kul_find_relevant_dicom_file if [ $seq_found -eq 1 ]; then # read the relevant dicom tags kul_dcmtags "${seq_file}" sub_bids_T2='{"dataType": "anat", "modalityLabel": "T2w", "criteria": { "SeriesDescription": "*'${search_string}'*"}}' sub_bids_[$bs]=$(echo ${sub_bids_T2} | python -m json.tool) fi fi if [[ ${identifier} == "PD" ]]; then kul_find_relevant_dicom_file The complete ASL if [ $seq_found -eq 1 ]; then # read the relevant dicom tags kul_dcmtags "${seq_file}" sub_bids_PD='{"dataType": "anat", "modalityLabel": "PD", "criteria": { "SeriesDescription": "*'${search_string}'*"}}' sub_bids_[$bs]=$(echo ${sub_bids_PD} | python -m json.tool) fi fi if [[ ${identifier} == "SWI" ]]; then kul_find_relevant_dicom_file if [ $seq_found -eq 1 ]; then # read the relevant dicom tags kul_dcmtags "${seq_file}" sub_bids_SWI='{"dataType": "anat", "modalityLabel": "SWI", "criteria": { "SeriesDescription": "*'${search_string}'*"}}' sub_bids_[$bs]=$(echo ${sub_bids_SWI} | python -m json.tool) fi fi if [[ ${identifier} == "MTI" ]]; then kul_find_relevant_dicom_file if [ $seq_found -eq 1 ]; then # read the relevant dicom tags kul_dcmtags "${seq_file}" sub_bids_SWI='{"dataType": "anat", "modalityLabel": "MTI", "criteria": { "SeriesDescription": "*'${search_string}'*","ImageType": [ "ORIGINAL","PRIMARY","M","FFE","M","FFE"]}}' sub_bids_[$bs]=$(echo ${sub_bids_SWI} | python -m json.tool) fi fi if [[ ${identifier} == "ASL" ]]; then kul_find_relevant_dicom_file if [ $seq_found -eq 1 ]; then # read the relevant dicom tags kul_dcmtags "${seq_file}" sub_bids_SWI='{"dataType": "perf", "modalityLabel": "asl", "criteria": { "SeriesDescription": "*'${search_string}'*", "ImageType": [ "ORIGINAL","PRIMARY","PERFUSION","NONE","REAL" ]}}' sub_bids_[$bs]=$(echo ${sub_bids_SWI} | python -m json.tool) fi fi if [[ ${identifier} == "FLAIR" ]]; then kul_find_relevant_dicom_file if [ $seq_found -eq 1 ]; then # read the relevant dicom tags kul_dcmtags "${seq_file}" sub_bids_FL='{"dataType": "anat", "modalityLabel": "FLAIR", "criteria": { "SeriesDescription": "*'${search_string}'*"}}' sub_bids_[$bs]=$(echo ${sub_bids_FL} | python -m json.tool) fi fi if [[ ${identifier} == "fmap" ]]; then kul_find_relevant_dicom_file if [ $seq_found -eq 1 ]; then # read the relevant dicom tags kul_dcmtags "${seq_file}" sub_bids_fm1=' { "dataType": "fmap", "modalityLabel": "magnitude", "criteria": { "SeriesDescription": "*'${search_string}'*", "EchoNumber": 1 } }' #echo $sub_bids_fm1 sub_bids_fm1a=$(echo ${sub_bids_fm1} | python -m json.tool) sub_bids_fm2=' { "dataType": "fmap", "modalityLabel": "fieldmap", "criteria": { "SeriesDescription": "'*${search_string}'*", "EchoNumber": 2 }, "sidecarChanges": {"Units": "Hz","IntendedFor": "##REPLACE_ME_INTENDED_FOR##"} }' #echo $sub_bids_fm2 sub_bids_fm2a=$(echo ${sub_bids_fm2} | python -m json.tool) sub_bids_[$bs]="${sub_bids_fm1a},${sub_bids_fm2a}" echo $sub_bids_[$bs] fmap_task=$task intended_tasks_array=($task) fi fi if [[ ${identifier} == "func" ]]; then kul_find_relevant_dicom_file if [ $seq_found -eq 1 ]; then # read the relevant dicom tags kul_dcmtags "${seq_file}" # remove any whitespaces task_nospace="$(echo -e "${task}" | tr -d '[:space:]')" sub_bids_fu1='{"dataType": "func","modalityLabel": "bold","criteria": {"SeriesDescription": "*'${search_string}'*"}, "customLabels": "task-'${task_nospace}'' # add an acq_label if any if [ "$acq_label" = "" ];then sub_bids_fu1b='"', else sub_bids_fu1b='_acq-'${acq_label}'",' fi sub_bids_fu1c='"sidecarChanges": {"KUL_dcm2bids": "yes","TaskName": "'${task}'"' # for siemens (& ge?) ess/trt is not necessary as sidecarChanges # also not for philips, when it cannot be calculated #echo "ess_trt_provided_by_vendor: $ees_trt_provided_by_vendor" #echo "ees_sec: $ees_sec" if [ $ees_trt_provided_by_vendor -eq 1 ] || [ $ees_sec = "empty" ]; then if [ $ees_trt_provided_by_vendor -eq 1 ]; then kul_e2cl " It's a SIEMENS, ees/trt are in the dicom-header" $log else kul_e2cl " It's NOT original dicom data (anonymised?): ees/trt could not be calculated" $log fi sub_bids_fu2="" else kul_e2cl " It's a PHILIPS, ees/trt are were calculated" $log sub_bids_fu2=',"EffectiveEchoSpacing": '${ees_sec}',"TotalReadoutTime": '${trt_sec}',"MultibandAccelerationFactor": '${mb}',"PhaseEncodingDirection": "'${pe_dir}'"' fi # for siemens (& ge?) slicetiming is not necessary as sidecarChanges # also not for philips, when it cannot be calculated #echo "slicetime_provided_by_vendor: $slicetime_provided_by_vendor" #echo "slice_time: $slice_time" if [ $slicetime_provided_by_vendor -eq 1 ] || [ "$slice_time" = "empty" ]; then if [ $slicetime_provided_by_vendor -eq 1 ]; then kul_e2cl " It's a SIEMENS, slicetiming is in the dicom-header" $log else kul_e2cl " It's NOT original dicom data (anonymised?): slicetiming could not be calculated" $log fi sub_bids_fu3='}}' else kul_e2cl " It's a PHILIPS, slicetiming was calculated" $log sub_bids_fu3=',"SliceTiming": '${slice_time}'}}' fi sub_bids_[$bs]=$(echo ${sub_bids_fu1}${sub_bids_fu1b}${sub_bids_fu1c}${sub_bids_fu2}${sub_bids_fu3} | python -m json.tool) fi fi if [[ ${identifier} == "sbref" ]]; then kul_find_relevant_dicom_file if [ $seq_found -eq 1 ]; then # read the relevant dicom tags kul_dcmtags "${seq_file}" # Take care of fact that 1 sbref could be used for multiple funcs # we convert the first here, and copy later (see below) sbref_tasks=($task) n_sbref_tasks=${#sbref_tasks[@]} sbref_task1=${sbref_tasks[0]} #echo $sbref_task1 sub_bids_sb1='{"dataType": "func","modalityLabel": "sbref","criteria": {"SeriesDescription": "*'${search_string}'*"}, "customLabels": "task-'${sbref_task1}'' if [ "$acq_label" = "" ];then sub_bids_sb1b='"', else sub_bids_sb1b='_acq-'${acq_label}'",' fi sub_bids_sb1c='"sidecarChanges": {"KUL_dcm2bids": "yes","TaskName": "'${sbref_task1}'"' # for siemens (& ge?) ess/trt is not necessary as sidecarChanges # also not for philips, when it cannot be calculated #echo "ess_trt_provided_by_vendor: $ees_trt_provided_by_vendor" #echo "ees_sec: $ees_sec" if [ $ees_trt_provided_by_vendor -eq 1 ] || [ $ees_sec = "empty" ]; then if [ $ees_trt_provided_by_vendor -eq 1 ]; then kul_e2cl " It's a SIEMENS, ees/trt are in the dicom-header" $log else kul_e2cl " It's NOT original dicom data (anonymised?): ees/trt could not be calculated" $log fi sub_bids_sb2="" else kul_e2cl " It's a PHILIPS, ees/trt are were calculated" $log sub_bids_sb2=',"EffectiveEchoSpacing": '${ees_sec}',"TotalReadoutTime": '${trt_sec}',"MultibandAccelerationFactor": '${mb}',"PhaseEncodingDirection": "'${pe_dir}'"' fi # for siemens (& ge?) slicetiming is not necessary as sidecarChanges # also not for philips, when it cannot be calculated #echo "slicetime_provided_by_vendor: $slicetime_provided_by_vendor" #echo "slice_time: $slice_time" if [ $slicetime_provided_by_vendor -eq 1 ] || [ "$slice_time" = "empty" ]; then if [ $slicetime_provided_by_vendor -eq 1 ]; then kul_e2cl " It's a SIEMENS, slicetiming is in the dicom-header" $log else kul_e2cl " It's NOT original dicom data (anonymised?): slicetiming could not be calculated" $log fi sub_bids_sb3='}}' else kul_e2cl " It's a PHILIPS, slicetiming was calculated" $log sub_bids_sb3=',"SliceTiming": '${slice_time}'}}' fi sub_bids_[$bs]=$(echo ${sub_bids_sb1}${sub_bids_sb1b}${sub_bids_sb1c}${sub_bids_sb2}${sub_bids_sb3} | python -m json.tool) fi fi if [[ ${identifier} == "dwi" ]]; then kul_find_relevant_dicom_file if [ $seq_found -eq 1 ]; then # read the relevant dicom tags kul_dcmtags "${seq_file}" sub_bids_dw1='{"dataType": "dwi","modalityLabel": "dwi", "criteria": {"SeriesDescription": "*'${search_string}'*"},' if [ "$acq_label" = "" ];then sub_bids_dw1b="" else sub_bids_dw1b='"customLabels": "acq-'${acq_label}'",' fi sub_bids_dw1c='"sidecarChanges": {"KUL_dcm2bids": "yes"' # for siemens (& ge?) ess/trt is not necessary as sidecarChanges # also not for philips, when it cannot be calculated #echo "ees_trt_provided_by_vendor: $ees_trt_provided_by_vendor" #echo "ees_sec: $ees_sec" if [ $ees_trt_provided_by_vendor -eq 1 ] || [ $ees_sec = "empty" ]; then if [ $ees_trt_provided_by_vendor -eq 1 ]; then kul_e2cl " It's a SIEMENS, ees/trt are in the dicom-header" $log else kul_e2cl " It's NOT original dicom data (anonymised?): ees/trt could not be calculated" $log fi sub_bids_dw2="" else kul_e2cl " It's a PHILIPS, ees/trt were calculated" $log sub_bids_dw2=',"EffectiveEchoSpacing": '${ees_sec}', "TotalReadoutTime": '${trt_sec}', "MultibandAccelerationFactor": '${mb}', "PhaseEncodingDirection": "'${pe_dir}'"' fi # for siemens (& ge?) slicetiming is not necessary as sidecarChanges # also not for philips, when it cannot be calculated #echo "slicetime_provided_by_vendor: $slicetime_provided_by_vendor" #echo "slice_time: $slice_time" if [ $slicetime_provided_by_vendor -eq 1 ] || [ "$slice_time" = "empty" ]; then if [ $slicetime_provided_by_vendor -eq 1 ]; then kul_e2cl " It's a SIEMENS, slicetiming is in the dicom-header" $log else kul_e2cl " It's NOT original dicom data (anonymised?): slicetiming could not be calculated" $log fi sub_bids_dw3='}}' else kul_e2cl " It's a PHILIPS, slicetiming was calculated" $log sub_bids_dw3=', "SliceTiming": '${slice_time}'}}' fi sub_bids_[$bs]=$(echo ${sub_bids_dw1}${sub_bids_dw1b}${sub_bids_dw1c}${sub_bids_dw2}${sub_bids_dw3} | python -m json.tool) fi fi fi done < $conf # make the full bids_conf string and write it to file bids_conf="" for bf in ${!sub_bids_[@]}; do #echo "now generating dcm2bids config files" if [[ ! ${bids_conf} ]]; then #echo "first field" bids_conf="${sub_bids_[$bf]}" else #echo "Series ${bf}" bids_conf="${bids_conf}, ${sub_bids_[$bf]}" fi done # WRITE THE .JSON FILE USED BY dcm2bids # Note: we also set dcm2niix options here and set pydeface json_anon="" if [ $anon -eq 1 ]; then $json_anon='"defaceTpl": "pydeface --outfile {dstFile} {srcFile}",' fi bids_conf_str="{${json_anon} \"dcm2niixOptions\": \"-b y -ba y -z y -i y -f '%3s_%f_%p_%t'\", \"descriptions\":[ ${bids_conf} ] }" #echo ${bids_conf_str} echo ${bids_conf_str} | python -m json.tool > ${bids_config_json_file} # MAIN HERE - WE RUN dcm2bids - HERE # invoke dcm2bids kul_e2cl " Calling dcm2bids... (for the output see $dcm2niix_log_file)" $log if [ ! -d BIDS ];then mkdir -p BIDS cd BIDS dcm2bids_scaffold echo "tmp_dcm2bids/*" > .bidsignore echo "*/anat/*SWI*" >> .bidsignore echo "*/anat/*MTI*" >> .bidsignore echo "*/perf/*asl*" >> .bidsignore cd .. fi if [ $sess_flag -eq 1 ]; then dcm2bids_session=" -s ${sess} " else dcm2bids_session="" fi dcm2bids -d "${tmp}" -p $subj $dcm2bids_session -c $bids_config_json_file \ -o $bids_output -l DEBUG --clobber > $dcm2niix_log_file # Multi Echo func needs extra work. dcm2bids does not convert these correctly. "run" needs to be "echo" if [[ ${sess} = "" ]] ; then ses_long="" else ses_long="/ses-${sess}" fi me_file=($(grep EchoNumber ${bids_output}/sub-${subj}${ses_long}/func/*.json 2> /dev/null | awk -F ':' '{print $1}')) me_echo=($(grep EchoNumber ${bids_output}/sub-${subj}${ses_long}/func/*.json 2> /dev/null | awk -F ':' '{print $3}' | cut -c 2 )) if [[ ${me_file} = "" ]] ; then echo " No Multiecho fMRI data found " else echo " Multiecho fMRI data found " n_multi_echo=${#me_echo[@]} for echo_number in $(seq 0 $(($n_multi_echo-1)) ) ; do me_file_before_run=$(echo ${me_file[$echo_number]} | awk -F '_run-' '{print $1}') me_file_after_run=$(echo ${me_file[$echo_number]} | awk -F '_run-' '{print $2}') me_file_after_run=${me_file_after_run:2} cmd_json="mv ${me_file[$echo_number]} ${me_file_before_run}_echo-${me_echo[$echo_number]}${me_file_after_run}" cmd_nii=$(echo $cmd_json | perl -p -e 's/json/nii.gz/g') eval $cmd_json eval $cmd_nii done fi # Update the Intended For of the fmaps # Here we define the Intended For according to the BIDS specs # It tells fmriprep how to use the fmap, notably for which func(s) # fmap_task variable (1 strings or space-separated string) is used if [[ ${fmap_task} ]] ; then for intended_task in "${intended_tasks_array[@]}"; do #echo $intended_task #echo $cwd search_runs_of_task=($(find ${cwd}/${bids_output}/sub-${subj}/func -type f | grep task-${intended_task} | grep nii.gz)) #echo ${search_runs_of_task[@]} n_runs=${#search_runs_of_task[@]} echo " we found $n_runs of task $intended_task" for run_func in ${search_runs_of_task[@]}; do if [[ $sess = "" ]]; then intended_for_string="func\/$(basename $run_func)" else intended_for_string="ses-${sess}\/func\/$(basename $run_func)" fi full_intended_for_string="$full_intended_for_string, \"${intended_for_string}\"" done done full_intended_for_string="[ ${full_intended_for_string:1} ]" # Now we replace it in the json file echo " NOTE: we set the following string as Intended_For in the fieldmap: ${full_intended_for_string}" if [[ $sess = "" ]]; then perl -pi -e "s/\"##REPLACE_ME_INTENDED_FOR##\"/${full_intended_for_string}/g" ${bids_output}/sub-${subj}/fmap/sub-${subj}_fieldmap.json else perl -pi -e "s/\"##REPLACE_ME_INTENDED_FOR##\"/${full_intended_for_string}/g" ${bids_output}/sub-${subj}/ses-${sess}/fmap/sub-${subj}_fieldmap.json fi else echo " No fmap tasks given " fi # Take care of fact that 1 sbref could be used for multiple funcs # we convert the first above, now copy for each task i=$((n_bref_tasks-1)) if [ $n_sbref_tasks -gt 1 ];then for t in ${sbref_tasks[@]:0-$i}; do cp ${bids_output}/sub-${subj}/func/sub-${subj}_task-${sbref_tasks[0]}_sbref.json \ ${bids_output}/sub-${subj}/func/sub-${subj}_task-${t}_sbref.json cp ${bids_output}/sub-${subj}/func/sub-${subj}_task-${sbref_tasks[0]}_sbref.nii.gz \ ${bids_output}/sub-${subj}/func/sub-${subj}_task-${t}_sbref.nii.gz done fi # copying task based events.tsv to BIDS directory if [ $events_flag -eq 1 ]; then test_events_exist=$(ls -l *conf*/task-*_events.tsv | grep "No such file") #echo $test_events_exist if [ "$test_events_exist" = "" ]; then kul_e2cl "Copying task based events.tsv to BIDS directory" $log cp *conf*/task-*_events.tsv $bids_output fi fi # clean up cleanup="rm -fr ${tmp}" echo ${cleanup} eval ${cleanup} # Fix BIDS validation echo "This BIDS was made using KUL_NeuroImagingTools" >> ${bids_output}/README sed -i.bck 's/"Funding": ""/"Funding": [""]/' ${bids_output}/dataset_description.json rm ${bids_output}/dataset_description.json.bck # Run BIDS validation docker run -ti --rm -v ${cwd}/${bids_output}:/data:ro bids/validator /data kul_e2cl "Finished $script" $log