------------------------------------------ Setting up environment variables --- LD_LIBRARY_PATH is .:/opt/matlab/R2016b/runtime/glnxa64:/opt/matlab/R2016b/bin/glnxa64:/opt/matlab/R2016b/sys/os/glnxa64:/opt/matlab/R2016b/sys/opengl/lib/glnxa64 processing ID sub-001 Warning: sampleinfo in the configuration is inconsistent with the actual data In '/mnt/beegfs/home/kosciessa/.mcrCache9.1/a6_aut0/mnt/beegfs/home/kosciessa/EEGManyPipelines/eegmp_preproc/tools/fieldtrip/utilities/private/fixsampleinfo.m' at line 100 In '/mnt/beegfs/home/kosciessa/.mcrCache9.1/a6_aut0/mnt/beegfs/home/kosciessa/EEGManyPipelines/eegmp_preproc/tools/fieldtrip/utilities/ft_datatype_raw.m' at line 148 In '/mnt/beegfs/home/kosciessa/.mcrCache9.1/a6_aut0/mnt/beegfs/home/kosciessa/EEGManyPipelines/eegmp_preproc/tools/fieldtrip/utilities/ft_checkdata.m' at line 277 In '/mnt/beegfs/home/kosciessa/.mcrCache9.1/a6_aut0/mnt/beegfs/home/kosciessa/EEGManyPipelines/eegmp_preproc/tools/fieldtrip/ft_preprocessing.m' at line 288 Warning: reconstructing sampleinfo by assuming that the trials are consecutive segments of a continuous recording the call to "ft_selectdata" took 1 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 988 MB preprocessing preprocessing trial 6 from 1200preprocessing trial 130 from 1200preprocessing trial 263 from 1200preprocessing trial 373 from 1200preprocessing trial 509 from 1200preprocessing trial 645 from 1200preprocessing trial 781 from 1200preprocessing trial 923 from 1200preprocessing trial 1057 from 1200preprocessing trial 1191 from 1200preprocessing trial 1200 from 1200 the call to "ft_preprocessing" took 3 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 1010 MB the input is raw data with 71 channels and 1200 trials Warning: could not determine dimord of "chanlocs" in: hdr: [1x1 struct] fsample: 500 sampleinfo: [1200x2 double] trial: {1x1200 cell} time: {1x1200 cell} label: {71x1 cell} cfg: [1x1 struct] elec: [1x1 struct] chanlocs: [1x72 struct] Warning: could not determine dimord of "chanlocs" in: hdr: [1x1 struct] fsample: 500 sampleinfo: [1200x2 double] trial: {1x1200 cell} time: {1x1200 cell} label: {71x1 cell} cfg: [1x1 struct] elec: [1x1 struct] chanlocs: [1x72 struct] Warning: could not determine dimord of "chanlocs" in: hdr: [1x1 struct] fsample: 500 sampleinfo: [1200x2 double] trial: {1x1200 cell} time: {1x1200 cell} label: {71x1 cell} cfg: [1x1 struct] elec: [1x1 struct] chanlocs: [1x72 struct] Warning: could not determine dimord of "chanlocs" in: hdr: [1x1 struct] fsample: 500 sampleinfo: [1200x2 double] trial: {1x1200 cell} time: {1x1200 cell} label: {71x1 cell} cfg: [1x1 struct] elec: [1x1 struct] chanlocs: [1x72 struct] Warning: could not determine dimord of "chanlocs" in: hdr: [1x1 struct] fsample: 500 sampleinfo: [1200x2 double] trial: {1x1200 cell} time: {1x1200 cell} label: {71x1 cell} cfg: [1x1 struct] elec: [1x1 struct] chanlocs: [1x72 struct] the call to "ft_selectdata" took 0 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 1 MB baseline correcting data scaling data with 1 over 121.131884 not concatenating data starting decomposition using predetermined unmixing matrix also applying the unmixing matrix to the elec structure Warning: copying input chantype to montage Warning: copying input chanunit to montage the call to "ft_componentanalysis" took 4 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 1010 MB removing 8 components keeping 63 components the call to "ft_selectdata" took 0 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 1 MB processing trials processing trial 131 from 1200processing trial 256 from 1200processing trial 397 from 1200processing trial 549 from 1200processing trial 703 from 1200processing trial 860 from 1200processing trial 1012 from 1200processing trial 1149 from 1200processing trial 1200 from 1200 also applying the backprojection matrix to the elec structure Warning: copying input chantype to montage Warning: copying input chanunit to montage the call to "ft_rejectcomponent" took 3 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 0 MB the call to "ft_selectdata" took 1 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 36 MB preprocessing preprocessing trial 35 from 1200preprocessing trial 73 from 1200preprocessing trial 111 from 1200preprocessing trial 150 from 1200preprocessing trial 186 from 1200preprocessing trial 225 from 1200preprocessing trial 262 from 1200preprocessing trial 300 from 1200preprocessing trial 337 from 1200preprocessing trial 375 from 1200preprocessing trial 414 from 1200preprocessing trial 452 from 1200preprocessing trial 477 from 1200preprocessing trial 516 from 1200preprocessing trial 553 from 1200preprocessing trial 593 from 1200preprocessing trial 632 from 1200preprocessing trial 669 from 1200preprocessing trial 707 from 1200preprocessing trial 747 from 1200preprocessing trial 787 from 1200preprocessing trial 827 from 1200preprocessing trial 866 from 1200preprocessing trial 905 from 1200preprocessing trial 944 from 1200preprocessing trial 983 from 1200preprocessing trial 1017 from 1200preprocessing trial 1042 from 1200preprocessing trial 1067 from 1200preprocessing trial 1091 from 1200preprocessing trial 1117 from 1200preprocessing trial 1153 from 1200preprocessing trial 1191 from 1200preprocessing trial 1200 from 1200 the call to "ft_preprocessing" took 4 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 36 MB Error using fprintf Invalid file identifier. Use fopen to generate a valid file identifier. Error in a6_automatic_artifact_correction (line 108) MATLAB:FileIO:InvalidFid