function a6_automatic_artifact_correction(id, rootpath) if ismac % run if function is not pre-compiled id = '21'; % test for example subject currentFile = mfilename('fullpath'); [pathstr,~,~] = fileparts(currentFile); cd(fullfile(pathstr,'..', '..')) rootpath = pwd; end % inputs pn.eeg_BIDS = fullfile(rootpath, 'data', 'inputs', 'rawdata', 'eeg_BIDS'); pn.channel_locations = fullfile(rootpath, 'data', 'inputs', 'rawdata', 'channel_locations'); = fullfile(rootpath, 'data', 'inputs', 'rawdata', 'events'); = fullfile(rootpath, 'tools'); % outputs pn.eeg_ft = fullfile(rootpath, 'data', 'outputs', 'eeg'); pn.history = fullfile(rootpath, 'data', 'outputs', 'history'); if ismac % run if function is not pre-compiled addpath(fullfile(, 'fieldtrip')); ft_defaults; addpath(fullfile(, 'helpers')); end % N = 33 IDs = tdfread(fullfile(pn.eeg_BIDS, 'participants.tsv')); IDs = cellstr(IDs.participant_id); id = str2num(id); display(['processing ID ' num2str(IDs{id})]); %% load data load(fullfile(pn.eeg_ft, [IDs{id}, '_task-xxxx_eeg_seg.mat']),'data_eeg', 'events'); % remove M2 (collinear with M1 due to avg. mastoid REF: mean(M1,M2)=0) cfg_preproc = []; = {'all', '-M2'}; data_eeg = ft_preprocessing(cfg_preproc, data_eeg); data_ica = load(fullfile(pn.eeg_ft, [IDs{id}, '_task-xxxx_eeg_ica.mat']),'data'); data = data_eeg; clear data_eeg; data.elec =; data.chanlocs =; clear data_ica; %% ------------------ ARTIFACT DETECTION - PREPARATION ----------------- %% % load config load(fullfile(pn.history, [IDs{id}, '_task-xxxx_config.mat']),'config'); config.elec = data.elec; %% ICA (from weights) % ica config cfg.method = 'runica'; = {'all'}; % additional channels should be excluded already... cfg.trials = 'all'; cfg.numcomponent = 'all'; cfg.demean = 'yes'; cfg.runica.extended = 1; % ICA solution cfg.unmixing = config.ica1.unmixing; cfg.topolabel = config.ica1.topolabel; % components comp = ft_componentanalysis(cfg,data); % clear cfg clear cfg data %% remove components % get IC labels iclabels = config.ica1.iclabels.manual; % cfg for rejecting components (reject: blinks, eye movements, % ecg, ref); JQK: added artifacts and emg cfg.component = sortrows([iclabels.bli(:);; iclabels.hrt(:); iclabels.ref(:);; iclabels.emg(:)])'; cfg.demean = 'yes'; % reject components data = ft_rejectcomponent(cfg,comp); % clear cfg clear cfg comp %% remove eye & reference channels = {'all','-IO1','-IO2','-M1','-VEOG','-HEOG'}; cfg.demean = 'yes'; % remove channels tmpdat = ft_preprocessing(cfg,data); % clear cfg & data variable clear cfg data %% ------------------------- ARTIFACT DETECTION ------------------------ %% % open log file fid = fopen(fullfile(pn.history, [IDs{id}, '_task-xxxx_ArtCorr.txt']),'a'); fprintf(fid,['********************* BLOCK *********************\n']); fprintf(fid,['function: a6_automatic_artifact_correction.m \n\n']); fprintf(fid,['eeg file = ' config.data_file '\n\n']); n_trl = length(tmpdat.trial); %% get artifact contaminated channels by kurtosis, low & high frequency artifacts cfg.criterion = 3; cfg.recursive = 'no'; [index0 parm0 zval0] = cm_MWB_channel_x_epoch_artifacts_20170922(cfg,tmpdat); % write log tmp_log = ''; for j = 1:length(index0.c) tmp_log = [tmp_log num2str(index0.c(j)) ' ']; end; clear j tmp_log = [tmp_log(1:end-1) '\n']; fprintf(fid,'(1) automatic bad channel detection:\n'); fprintf(fid,['MWB: channel(s) ' tmp_log]); % clear cfg clear cfg tmp_log %% get artifact contaminated channels by FASTER cfg.criterion = 3; cfg.recursive = 'no'; [index1 parm1 zval1] = THG_FASTER_1_channel_artifacts_20140302(cfg,tmpdat); % write log tmp_log = ''; for j = 1:length(index1) tmp_log = [tmp_log num2str(index1(j)) ' ']; end; clear j tmp_log = [tmp_log(1:end-1) '\n']; fprintf(fid,['FASTER: channel(s) ' tmp_log]); % clear cfg clear cfg tmp_log %% interpolate artifact contaminated channels % collect bad channels badchan = unique([index0.c; index1]); if ~isempty(badchan) fprintf(fid,['--> ' num2str(length(badchan)) ' channels interpolated\n\n']); cfg.method = 'spline'; cfg.badchannel = tmpdat.label(badchan); cfg.trials = 'all'; cfg.lambda = 1e-5; cfg.order = 4; cfg.elec = config.elec; % interpolate tmpdat = ft_channelrepair(cfg,tmpdat); % clear cfg clear cfg end %% equalize duration of trials to the trial with fewest samples for indTrial = 1:numel(tmpdat.trial) TrialLength(indTrial) = size(tmpdat.trial{indTrial},2); end [val, idx] = min(TrialLength); for indTrial = 1:numel(tmpdat.trial) tmpdat.trial{indTrial} = tmpdat.trial{indTrial}(:,1:val); tmpdat.time{indTrial} = tmpdat.time{idx}; end %% get artifact contaminated epochs & exclude epochs % includes: - THG_MWB_channel_x_epoch_artifacts_20140311 % - THG_FASTER_2_epoch_artifacts_20140302 % recursive epoch exclusion! [tmpdat index] = THG_automatic_artifact_correction_trials_20170922(tmpdat); % write log fprintf(fid,'(2) automatic recursive bad epoch detection:\n'); fprintf(fid,['MWB & FASTER: ' num2str(n_trl-length(index)) ' bad epoch(s) detected\n\n']); %% get channel x epoch artifacts % cfg cfg.criterion = 3; cfg.recursive = 'yes'; [index3 parm3 zval3] = THG_FASTER_4_channel_x_epoch_artifacts_20140302(cfg,tmpdat); % write log fprintf(fid,'(3) automatic single epoch/channel detection:\n'); fprintf(fid,['FASTER: ' num2str(sum(sum(index3))) ' channel(s) x trial(s) detected\n\n']); % clear cfg clear cfg %% collect and save detected artifacts & artifact correction infos % include ArtDect.parameters % bad channels ArtDect.channels = badchan; % bad trials tmp = zeros(n_trl,1); tmp(index,1) = 1; badtrl = find(tmp==0); ArtDect.trials = badtrl; clear tmp % bad single epoch(s)/channel(s) - after exclusion of bad epochs ArtDect.channels_x_trials = index3; % overview ind = [1:n_trl]; ind(badtrl) = []; tmp = ones(length(tmpdat.label),n_trl); tmp(:,ind) = index3; tmp(badchan,:) = 1; ArtDect.channels_x_trials_all = tmp; clear tmp % save version ArtDect.version = 'JQK 20180123'; % add to config config.ArtDect = ArtDect; % save config save(fullfile(pn.history, [IDs{id}, '_task-xxxx_config.mat']),'config'); %% finalize log % log fprintf(fid,'Artifact detection completed.\n'); fprintf(fid,['Information saved to: ' IDs{id} '_config.mat\n\n']); fclose(fid); end