currentFile = mfilename('fullpath'); [pathstr,~,~] = fileparts(currentFile); cd(fullfile(pathstr,'..')) rootpath = pwd; pn.data_eeg = fullfile(rootpath, '..', 'eegmp_preproc', 'data', 'outputs', 'eeg'); pn.data_erp = fullfile(rootpath, 'data', 'erp'); pn.data_erf = fullfile(rootpath, 'data', 'erf'); = fullfile(rootpath, 'tools'); addpath(fullfile(rootpath, '..', 'eegmp_preproc', 'tools', 'fieldtrip')); ft_defaults addpath(fullfile(, 'BrewerMap')); addpath(fullfile(, 'shadedErrorBar')); pn.figures = fullfile(rootpath, 'figures'); %% load erp for ind_id = 1:33 id = sprintf('sub-%03d', ind_id); load(fullfile(pn.data_erp, [id,'_erp_bl.mat'])); for ind_option = 1:numel(conds.old) if ind_id == 1 erpgroup.old.(conds.old{ind_option}) = erp_bl.old{ind_option}; erpgroup.old.(conds.old{ind_option}) = ... rmfield(erpgroup.old.(conds.old{ind_option}), {'avg', 'var', 'dof'}); erpgroup.old.(conds.old{ind_option}).dimord = 'sub_chan_time'; end erpgroup.old.(conds.old{ind_option}).avg(ind_id,:,:) = erp_bl.old{ind_option}.avg; end end time = erpgroup.old.old.time; elec = erpgroup.old.old.elec; channels = erpgroup.old.old.label; mergeddata = cat(4, erpgroup.old.old.avg, ...; %% plot ERP topography % % % set custom colormap % cBrew = brewermap(500,'RdBu'); % cBrew = flipud(cBrew); % colormap(cBrew) % % h = figure('units','centimeters','position',[0 0 10 10]); % set(gcf,'renderer','Painters') % % cfg = []; % cfg.layout = 'biosemi64.lay'; % cfg.parameter = 'powspctrm'; % cfg.comment = 'no'; % cfg.colormap = cBrew; % cfg.colorbar = 'EastOutside'; % % plotData = []; % plotData.label = elec.label; % {1 x N} % plotData.dimord = 'chan'; % plotData.powspctrm = squeeze(nanmean(nanmean(nanmean(mergeddata(:,:,time>=0.3& time <=0.5,1:2),3),1),4))'; % % cfg.zlim = [-14 14]*10^-4; % cfg.figure = h; % ft_topoplotER(cfg,plotData); % cb = colorbar('location', 'EastOutside'); set(get(cb,'ylabel'),'string','Amplitude'); % % figureName = ['xxx']; % % saveas(h, fullfile(pn.figures, figureName), 'epsc'); % % saveas(h, fullfile(pn.figures, figureName), 'png'); %% visualize frontal ERP idx_chans = [38]; % avg across channels and conditions condAvg = squeeze(nanmean(nanmean(mergeddata(:,idx_chans,:,1:2),2),4)); h = figure('units','centimeters','position',[0 0 10 8]); cla; hold on; % highlight relevant phase in background patches.timeVec = [0.3 0.5]; patches.colorVec = [1 .95 .8]; for indP = 1:size(patches.timeVec,2)-1 YLim = [-8 2]*10^-4; p = patch([patches.timeVec(indP) patches.timeVec(indP+1) patches.timeVec(indP+1) patches.timeVec(indP)], ... [YLim(1) YLim(1) YLim(2), YLim(2)], patches.colorVec(indP,:)); p.EdgeColor = 'none'; end % new value = old value ? subject average + grand average curData = squeeze(nanmean(mergeddata(:,idx_chans,:,1),2)); curData = curData-condAvg+repmat(nanmean(condAvg,1),size(condAvg,1),1); standError = nanstd(curData,1)./sqrt(size(curData,1)); l1 = shadedErrorBar(time,nanmean(curData,1),standError, 'lineprops', {'color', 'k','linewidth', 2}, 'patchSaturation', .1); curData = squeeze(nanmean(mergeddata(:,idx_chans,:,2),2)); curData = curData-condAvg+repmat(nanmean(condAvg,1),size(condAvg,1),1); standError = nanstd(curData,1)./sqrt(size(curData,1)); l2 = shadedErrorBar(time,nanmean(curData,1),standError, 'lineprops', {'color', 'r','linewidth', 2}, 'patchSaturation', .1); % ax = gca; ax.YDir = 'reverse'; legend([l1.mainLine, l2.mainLine],{'old', 'new'}, ... 'location', 'southwest'); legend('boxoff') xlabel('Time (s) from stim onset') xlim([-.05 .6]); %ylim([-.03 .18]) ylabel({'ERP';'(microVolts)'}); xlabel({'Time (s)'}); set(findall(gcf,'-property','FontSize'),'FontSize',14) figureName = ['c_novelty_frontalERP']; saveas(h, fullfile(pn.figures, figureName), 'epsc'); saveas(h, fullfile(pn.figures, figureName), 'png'); %% visualize central ERP idx_chans = [32, 19, 56]; % avg across channels and conditions condAvg = squeeze(nanmean(nanmean(mergeddata(:,idx_chans,:,1:2),2),4)); h = figure('units','centimeters','position',[0 0 10 8]); cla; hold on; % highlight relevant phase in background patches.timeVec = [0.3 0.5]; patches.colorVec = [1 .95 .8]; for indP = 1:size(patches.timeVec,2)-1 YLim = [-8 4]*10^-4; p = patch([patches.timeVec(indP) patches.timeVec(indP+1) patches.timeVec(indP+1) patches.timeVec(indP)], ... [YLim(1) YLim(1) YLim(2), YLim(2)], patches.colorVec(indP,:)); p.EdgeColor = 'none'; end % new value = old value ? subject average + grand average curData = squeeze(nanmean(mergeddata(:,idx_chans,:,1),2)); curData = curData-condAvg+repmat(nanmean(condAvg,1),size(condAvg,1),1); standError = nanstd(curData,1)./sqrt(size(curData,1)); l1 = shadedErrorBar(time,nanmean(curData,1),standError, 'lineprops', {'color', 'k','linewidth', 2}, 'patchSaturation', .1); curData = squeeze(nanmean(mergeddata(:,idx_chans,:,2),2)); curData = curData-condAvg+repmat(nanmean(condAvg,1),size(condAvg,1),1); standError = nanstd(curData,1)./sqrt(size(curData,1)); l2 = shadedErrorBar(time,nanmean(curData,1),standError, 'lineprops', {'color', 'r','linewidth', 2}, 'patchSaturation', .1); % ax = gca; ax.YDir = 'reverse'; legend([l1.mainLine, l2.mainLine],{'old', 'new'}, ... 'location', 'southwest'); legend('boxoff') xlabel('Time (s) from stim onset') xlim([-.05 .6]); %ylim([-.03 .18]) ylabel({'ERP';'(microVolts)'}); xlabel({'Time (s)'}); set(findall(gcf,'-property','FontSize'),'FontSize',14) figureName = ['c_novelty_centralERP']; saveas(h, fullfile(pn.figures, figureName), 'epsc'); saveas(h, fullfile(pn.figures, figureName), 'png'); %% plot by group idx_chans = [4, 38]; % avg across channels and conditions condAvg = squeeze(nanmean(nanmean(mergeddata(1:17,idx_chans,:,1:2),2),4)); h = figure('units','centimeters','position',[0 0 20 8]); subplot(1,2,1); cla; hold on; % highlight relevant phase in background patches.timeVec = [0.3 0.5]; patches.colorVec = [1 .95 .8]; for indP = 1:size(patches.timeVec,2)-1 YLim = [-8 2]*10^-4; p = patch([patches.timeVec(indP) patches.timeVec(indP+1) patches.timeVec(indP+1) patches.timeVec(indP)], ... [YLim(1) YLim(1) YLim(2), YLim(2)], patches.colorVec(indP,:)); p.EdgeColor = 'none'; end % new value = old value ? subject average + grand average curData = squeeze(nanmean(mergeddata(1:17,idx_chans,:,1),2)); curData = curData-condAvg+repmat(nanmean(condAvg,1),size(condAvg,1),1); standError = nanstd(curData,1)./sqrt(size(curData,1)); l1 = shadedErrorBar(time,nanmean(curData,1),standError, 'lineprops', {'color', 'k','linewidth', 2}, 'patchSaturation', .1); curData = squeeze(nanmean(mergeddata(1:17,idx_chans,:,2),2)); curData = curData-condAvg+repmat(nanmean(condAvg,1),size(condAvg,1),1); standError = nanstd(curData,1)./sqrt(size(curData,1)); l2 = shadedErrorBar(time,nanmean(curData,1),standError, 'lineprops', {'color', 'r','linewidth', 2}, 'patchSaturation', .1); % ax = gca; ax.YDir = 'reverse'; legend([l1.mainLine, l2.mainLine],{'old', 'new'}, ... 'location', 'southwest'); legend('boxoff') xlabel('Time (s) from stim onset') xlim([-.05 .6]); %ylim([-.03 .18]) ylabel({'ERP';'(microVolts)'}); xlabel({'Time (s)'}); title('Initial 17') set(findall(gcf,'-property','FontSize'),'FontSize',14) subplot(1,2,2); cla; hold on; % avg across channels and conditions condAvg = squeeze(nanmean(nanmean(mergeddata(18:end,idx_chans,:,1:2),2),4)); % highlight relevant phase in background patches.timeVec = [0.3 0.5]; patches.colorVec = [1 .95 .8]; for indP = 1:size(patches.timeVec,2)-1 YLim = [-8 2]*10^-4; p = patch([patches.timeVec(indP) patches.timeVec(indP+1) patches.timeVec(indP+1) patches.timeVec(indP)], ... [YLim(1) YLim(1) YLim(2), YLim(2)], patches.colorVec(indP,:)); p.EdgeColor = 'none'; end % new value = old value ? subject average + grand average curData = squeeze(nanmean(mergeddata(18:end,idx_chans,:,1),2)); curData = curData-condAvg+repmat(nanmean(condAvg,1),size(condAvg,1),1); standError = nanstd(curData,1)./sqrt(size(curData,1)); l1 = shadedErrorBar(time,nanmean(curData,1),standError, 'lineprops', {'color', 'k','linewidth', 2}, 'patchSaturation', .1); curData = squeeze(nanmean(mergeddata(18:end,idx_chans,:,2),2)); curData = curData-condAvg+repmat(nanmean(condAvg,1),size(condAvg,1),1); standError = nanstd(curData,1)./sqrt(size(curData,1)); l2 = shadedErrorBar(time,nanmean(curData,1),standError, 'lineprops', {'color', 'r','linewidth', 2}, 'patchSaturation', .1); % ax = gca; ax.YDir = 'reverse'; legend([l1.mainLine, l2.mainLine],{'old', 'new'}, ... 'location', 'southwest'); legend('boxoff') xlabel('Time (s) from stim onset') xlim([-.05 .6]); %ylim([-.03 .18]) ylabel({'ERP';'(microVolts)'}); xlabel({'Time (s)'}); title('Final 16') set(findall(gcf,'-property','FontSize'),'FontSize',14) figureName = ['c_novelty_frontalERP_bygroup']; saveas(h, fullfile(pn.figures, figureName), 'epsc'); saveas(h, fullfile(pn.figures, figureName), 'png'); %% plot difference idx_chans = [38]; h = figure('units','centimeters','position',[0 0 10 8]); cla; hold on; % highlight relevant phase in background patches.timeVec = [0.3 0.5]; patches.colorVec = [1 .95 .8]; for indP = 1:size(patches.timeVec,2)-1 YLim = [-10 5]*10^-5; p = patch([patches.timeVec(indP) patches.timeVec(indP+1) patches.timeVec(indP+1) patches.timeVec(indP)], ... [YLim(1) YLim(1) YLim(2), YLim(2)], patches.colorVec(indP,:)); p.EdgeColor = 'none'; end % new value = old value ? subject average + grand average curData = squeeze(mergeddata(:,idx_chans,:,2)-mergeddata(:,idx_chans,:,1)); standError = nanstd(curData,1)./sqrt(size(curData,1)); l1 = shadedErrorBar(time,nanmean(curData,1),standError, 'lineprops', {'color', 'k','linewidth', 2}, 'patchSaturation', .1); legend([l1.mainLine],{'new-old'}, ... 'location', 'southwest'); legend('boxoff') xlabel('Time (s) from stim onset') xlim([-.05 .6]); %ylim([-.03 .18]) ylabel({'ERP';'(microVolts)'}); xlabel({'Time (s)'}); set(findall(gcf,'-property','FontSize'),'FontSize',14) %% plot difference between conditions h = figure('units','centimeters','position',[0 0 10 10]); set(gcf,'renderer','Painters') cfg = []; cfg.layout = 'biosemi64.lay'; cfg.parameter = 'powspctrm'; cfg.comment = 'no'; cfg.colormap = cBrew; cfg.colorbar = 'EastOutside'; plotData = []; plotData.label = elec.label; % {1 x N} plotData.dimord = 'chan'; oldminnew = mergeddata(:,:,:,1)-mergeddata(:,:,:,2); plotData.powspctrm = squeeze(nanmean(nanmean(oldminnew(:,:,time>=.3 & time <=.5),3),1))'; cfg.figure = h; ft_topoplotER(cfg,plotData); cb = colorbar('location', 'EastOutside'); set(get(cb,'ylabel'),'string','Amplitude');