# brainage ## get_brainage.sh This script is used for brain age prediction. Below is a description of each input arguments: ### Usage ``` ./get_brainage.sh -input \ -output \ -BIDS \ -CONDOR \ -RAW \ -RUN_FILE \ -SAVE_ALL \ -CONTAINER_PATH \ ``` * input: input directory (can be a folder containing raw or preprocessed T1 MR Image which can be .nii, .nii.gz or .mgz) * output: output directory where the results will be stored in `_.csv` * BIDS: are the input files stored in BIDS format ? * CONDOR: provides a `condor.submit` file * RAW: are the input files raw ? * RUN_FILE: path to the `run_.sh` file * SAVE_ALL: Do you want to save the intermidiate files (for ex: `subject_features`), if yes then the files will be stored in the folder `_` * CONTAINER_PATH: path to the directory containing the container images ### 'brainageR' folder: 1) Building the container `singularity build brainageR.sif brainageR.def` (**not working at the moment**) 2) Run the `get_brainage.sh` with the proper files and paths Example: ``` ./get_brainage.sh -input \ -output \ -BIDS \ -CONDOR \ -RAW \ -RUN_FILE run_brainageR.sh \ -SAVE_ALL \ -CONTAINER_PATH \ ``` ### 'Enigma' folder: 1) Building the containers Preprocessing: `singularity build --fakeroot cat_preprocessing.simg Singularity_r2042` Prediction: `singularity build --fakeroot enigma_stacking_agepred.simg enigma_stacking_pred.def` /!\ It is important to not change the name of the containers 2) Run the `get_brainage.sh` with the proper files and paths Example: ``` ./get_brainage.sh -input \ -output \ -BIDS \ -CONDOR \ -RAW \ -RUN_FILE run_enigma.sh \ -SAVE_ALL \ -CONTAINER_PATH \ ``` ### 'More' folder: 1) Downloading the files You should first download the following files: `Singularity_r2042`, `BA_predict.recipe` and `run_more.sh` 2) Building the containers Preprocessing: `singularity build --fakeroot cat_preprocessing.simg Singularity_r2042` Prediction: `singularity build --fakeroot BA_predict.sif BA_predict.recipe ` /!\ It is important to not change the name of the containers 3) Run the appropriate bash script for one subject or several Examples: **For one subject**: ``` ./run_more.sh -input \ -output \ -RAW \ -SAVE_FILE \ -CONTAINER_PATH \ -MODEL_NAME ``` * input: path to a single T1 weighted MRI file (nii, nii.gz or mgz) * output: path to the output directory * raw: is the input file raw or preprocessed ? (default: yes) * save_file: Do you want to save intermidiate files ? (default: no) * container_path: path where the container(s) should be stored * Model_name: name of the trained model that you want to use (default: 4sites.S4_R4_pca.gauss.models) **For several subjects**: ``` ./get_brainage.sh -input \ -output \ -BIDS \ -CONDOR \ -RAW \ -RUN_FILE run_more.sh \ -SAVE_ALL \ -CONTAINER_PATH \ -MODEL_NAME ```