# Event-related potential datasets based on three-stimulus-paradigm The event-related potentials technique is widely used in cognitive neuroscience research. The P300 waveform has been explored in many research articles because of its wide applications, such as lie detection or braincomputer interfaces (BCI). However, very few datasets are publicly available. Therefore, most researchers use only their private datasets for their analysis. This leads to minimally comparable results, particularly in braincomputer research interfaces. Here we present electroencephalography/event-related potentials (EEG/ERP) data. The data were obtained from 20 healthy subjects and was acquired using an odd-ball hardware stimulator. The visual stimulation was based on a three-stimulus paradigm and included target, non-target and distracter stimuli. > The datasets were converted to the NIX data standard from the original experiment data stored in the [EEGbase portal](http://eegdatabase.kiv.zcu.cz/).