# DM_new Decision making data from freely moving recordings during a 4 choice test ### Groups: Prejuvenile: 3913F2, 3258-3 Juvenile: 31099-2, 6857 Adult: 32582-2, 32582-3 ### Per animal 2 files: - 4L: learning of 4 choice paradigm - 4R: reversal learning **Baseline**: open field recording ## Data structure: (Baseline+4L or Baseline+4R) Column 1 – Distance (cm since last frame) 2 – X coordinates (0 for baseline) 3 – Y coordinates (0 for baseline) 4 – trial number (0 for baseline) 5 – choice (for learning: 1 for correct, 2 for incorrect; reversal: 2=persistent error,3= irrelevant error,4=novel error) 6 – timestamps for inhibition (1) 7+ - spiking timestamps (1) LFP (1-100 Hz), fs =1000 Hz **Sampling Rate**: 1000 Hz - Distance, X coordinates, Y coordinates were upsampled and interpolated from 60Hz (video) - Timestamps of inhibition, and spiking timestamps and LFP data were down sampled from 32552 Hz (Ephys recording) to 1000 Hz