# INF - **Richard not answering** - interaction neurocure - ELN: not a important point # smartfigure - new version with authors in prep. - working toward an open page, no work on design. - **SFB sketches ?** # gintonic - going forward, new folder template, extended/automated lab-sharing-concept # lab - jiyun data + next steps, email sent - julia's figure, hanna's paper - central software repos. in general, there is very little feedback or collaboration. same for sfb actually. Disconnect between idealistic way of how science should work and how it works. Needs to be used without login. 1. Get an open smart gallery now, see if people are attracted. (not do the publishing part yet). 2. It needs to show up filled up metadata so that people get motivated to fill up their smartfigures "It is all a trick !" general announcement -> few people engage make meetings is more effective group size 5-8.