# sourcedata update - wrap up Github feedback repo: https://github.com/smartfigures-dar/feedback_repo/issues - update on dvt: - group invitation on dashboard - type of resources in dropdown menu - change figure - what to get when from todo list ! (let#s see next week) - strategy to fill it up.(see use case below) - other questions ## Use case: I would create 10 figures, want to give write access/authorship to 5 people on these 10 figures. Q: give everyone write access possible problems especially while there is no versioning. # Prepare talk with Thomas - author list in metadata - format - import (crossref, datacite) - copy paste - giving writing access - link to author list - link to orcid (allow giving writing access to people not on the platform yet) - link to sourcedata and .dar: both directions, json to dar to json? - public gallery: doi, license, author list, ... if time: - write a paper - invite people via email (in group, as author) - API: when (especially for writing) - statistics - SFB next round: ask for money for server space ?