Catch-up call with JC 08th June 2020;

Public page: Everybody wants a public page asap - so that’s agreed on. There are still some potential issues or things that may require a change of order

  • figure have to have a license and for this it also needs an author (+ title – for some legal restriction.) Thus, we need the multiple authors function, before getting a public page.

  • Adding multiple authors may need a bit of thought on the UX side, since adding the same 10 authors to 20 figures is not a good UX. Can we somehow import author lists maybe from ORcid? This would entail ORCID integration also before public page.

  • When a figure is set to public with multiple authors: would each author need to agree to putting the figure public? Would each author get write access to all aspects of the smartfigure?(Eg. Edit title/keywords the figure itsself)

  • Can we just give the figure owner the responsibility to ask each author first or agree to some license for all of the authors? Is it as strict as a publication in paper form? We could include this in the “mini requirements” before publication.

  • Versioning of public content-is it possible to change stuff after publication? Can keywords or tags be changed after publication or would that be a new version?

Sorting/facetted navigation

  • JC doesnt really prioritize the facetted navigation. More important to have a custom sorting ideally according to “most relevant” content such as similarity of keywords and maybe authors(?) It would be good if custom sorting is in place when a public page is established, and then facetted navigation is a nice add on. But this discussion goes in a similar direction regarding what the use case really is (see above).


  • There will be a very visible feedback widget on the dashboard. For now I would simply get the feedback via email and keep track using the sfb1315 project Z feedback forum. I also think it is okay to have a single free text field and the option to write an email. Anyways this repository will be used going forward to coordinate discussions.


  • JC wants to write a paper about the gallery which should be discussed in a larger group. (ML, TL, JC,HS…? Who else? Paper is due early next year)

  • Sdash has to be open source until then, which shouldn’t be a problem. I will check with the dev team how and when in will be opened.