
add documents and survey answer

julien colomb 5 年之前


minutes/20190718_thomas → minutes/2019-07-18_thomas

+ 1 - 1

@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 library (googlesheets)
-PIlist = gs_url ("https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ZRLAgKTZsi62fbSCweGJBoi7cE5RhkNm9aRFg3yFrD8/edit#gid=390395480")
+PIlist = gs_url ("https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jVBj0RBZ4zFwtL1dcy-D9UA_QRvkGhX8s5_sWI8toEk/edit#gid=390395480")
 data= googlesheets::gs_read_csv(PIlist, skip =2)

+ 17 - 0
surveys/Tell us about your digital needs and habits. (Responses) - Form Responses 1.tsv

@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+Timestamp	Indicate your name (+ orcid id)	Indicate your twitter handle	How much space will you need to save all the data produced during the next year.  Please give an estimation in TB.	How big is your biggest data file (one unique file)	Are you working for the Human brain project	position	Your operating system	How do you document your lab work	What is your data back up strategy?	Have you ever published data	Have you ever published data, if yes where	Are you using these software/commands at your work here.	What git based tools you are already using	Programming language knowledge [R]	Programming language knowledge [python]	Programming language knowledge [matlab]	Programming language knowledge [other]	Name of the other programming language(s)	How often do you use  command line functions (terminal)	Are some experiments running on an old OS (pre-windows 7), if yes which one and do you plan on upgrading soon ?	Please, feel welcome to add free text comments about your data flow, software use/need or question you might have.
+5/8/2019 16:55:02	Jiyun Shin	@jshin92	2 TB	100 MB < x < 1TB	No	Phd student	Windows	I have one/several paper notebook	Charite server + hard drive	No		slack	None	None	I can read it, but not write it	I managed to get things done, somewhat	None		only when there is no other solution		
+5/13/2019 12:47:47	Christian Ebner, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5421-7139	NA	0.2	100 MB < x < 1TB	Yes	Phd student	Windows	I have one/several paper notebook	I am using network drive space to store copies of the raw data. The Charité network drive (Larkum lab space) for Ephys data and OMERO for microscopy images.	No		slack, latex, Dropbox	None	None	I can read it, but not write it	I can teach it	I can teach it	HOC/NMODL (NEURON), some C++	only when there is no other solution	Nope.	
+5/21/2019 13:04:40	Jaan Aru	@jaaanaru	<1 TB	x <100 MB	No	Postdoc	Windows	I have one/several paper notebook	external hard drive	Yes	osf.io	slack, latex	None	I can read it, but not write it	I can read it, but not write it	I can teach it			only when there is no other solution	no	
+4/24/2019 16:27:31	Albert Gidon	NA	1-2 TB	100 MB < x < 1TB	Yes	Postdoc	Windows	I use another electronic lab notebook	Network backup	No		slack, markdown	None		I can teach it	I can teach it	I can teach it	C,C++,C#, java, javascript, vb, igor, neuron,sql,...	frequently	No.	I am started using Veusz a year ago (opensource, and python front-end) as a preliminary step to publishing data. It holds both the data and publication quality graphs and can retrieve data from multiple database platforms (in my case sqlite).
+4/24/2019 22:05:31	Keisuke Sehara	NA	1 TB	100 MB < x < 1TB	Yes	Postdoc	Mac OS	I have one/several paper notebook	Git, External HD	No		slack, git, latex, markdown	GitHub, GitLab, GIN	I managed to get things done, somewhat	I can teach it	I managed to get things done, somewhat			frequently	XP and Vista for experiments. No plan of upgrading	I want everything to be done fast and automatic.  I don't want to spend my time describing about the data format (and being told that my way does not conform to some specifications), or waiting for hours for a file to be uploaded (only to know next morning that it failed). To me, describing about things something with second importance. I want to avoid it, but I feel obliged to do it because I think it is important to some extent. Otherwise, I would consider it to be a waste of time. There are other important issues that I must put efforts into.  In this sense, building an internal server sounds like a very good first step. I would be very happy if pushing large data becomes easier and faster.
+4/26/2019 11:01:12	Anna Nasr	NA	4TB	100 MB < x < 1TB	No	Undergraduate	Windows	I use a paper notebook and digital documents	Data is stored on 3 different hard drives and once per week a backup	No		slack, Dropbox	None	None	I can teach it	I managed to get things done, somewhat	I can teach it	C++,C#,Java,Javascript,MySQL,PHP	frequently	No	
+7/3/2019 13:11:59	Hatem Oraby	Inactive account so, N/A	2.5TB	100 MB < x < 1TB	No	Phd student	Windows	part papernotebook + part stored as part of animals config	Onedrive account + googledrive backup + an external harddisk that I'm not actively backing up	Yes	Github + airtrack website. Both, shamefully, are incomplete work but seems good enough for people to start sending us more questions when they are stuck	slack, git, markdown	GitHub	I can read it, but not write it	I can teach it	I managed to get things done, somewhat	I can teach it	D, C, Arduino, bash scripting and few things here and ther	frequently	None	My first and utmost priority is for the data to be automatically backed up once they are acquired, I don't want for anyone to go few steps to get things backed up, otherwise a mess starts to happen. I have few restrictions imposed on our workflow, we use MATLAB, which we can't ditch on the short-run, and our license comes from HU. Accordingly to use MATLAB, we have to be on the HU VPN. I also try to have a remote desktop access for easier debugging, I use TeamViewer but recently I started switching to chrome remote desktop. All our training machines are using the same OneDrive account, this is great for couple of reasons: 1. Animals data and run configuration are shared among all computers. 2. They share the code base for the experiment, I update it on the onedrive webview and it automatically propagates to all machines. - One shortcoming of such system is that each Bpod (our training behavior system) has its own configuration (e.g Calibration profile of the solenoids reaction time). To get around that while still backing up the files, we use symbolic links where all Bpods use the same configuration folder, but on each computer, the folder points to a different backed-up directory  - For Onedrive, if you are running Windows 10, then each computer downloads only the parts it needs so that saves on space. Unfortunately, we have couple of Windows 7 computers and they have to synchronize and download everything. I think we can update one computer to Windows 10 but the second is difficult to update for the time being.  Our data analysis is split between Python and Matlab. For Matlab, we are reusing code base from a lab that we are collaborating with, Adam Kepecs lab. Anything I'm writing new, I write in Python and Matplotlib. I'm not a very good user of numpy, but I like to use Pandas to analyze and work my data.  For what I like to have, I would like to have: 1. Automated backup for data (which we have for the most part) 2. Putting git on the training machines creates a small files that slows the computers, and makes simple code uploads more tedious. Therefore I don't upload the git folders, but on the other hand there is no easy way for the people who train to switch back to previous version of the code if I introduced a bug one day and I wasn't available on site. 3. Ideally, I would like to trigger daily chron jobs to do some post-processing on the acquired data.   I'm happy to go into more details in any of these points.
+4/24/2019 15:52:03	David Kaplan	NA	Approx 1TB	100 MB < x < 1TB	No	Postdoc	Windows	Paper notebooks and one note	Dropbox, lab server and external hardrive	Yes	During my time in the lab I contributed to Julie's nat. comm. paper	slack, Dropbox	None	None	I managed to get things done, somewhat	I can teach it		NEURON, very basic C++	only when there is no other solution	No	I would be curious about ideas you have for organising analysis scripts
+5/8/2019 11:35:17	Mostafa Nashaat	@MEnashaat	5 TB	100 MB < x < 1TB	No	Postdoc	Mac OS	electronic and paper notebooks	Backup harddrive, Google drive	Yes	J Neurophys, Eneuro, Nature Neuroscience, J Neuroscience	slack	None		I managed to get things done, somewhat	I can read it, but not write it			only when there is no other solution	nope	
+5/18/2019 14:19:19	Marcel Staab	Marci33789590	4	x <100 MB	Yes	Undergraduate	Windows	I have one/several paper notebook	Have my data on external hardrives and Google drive	No		slack, git, Dropbox	GitHub	None	I managed to get things done, somewhat	None	None		never / What is that?	None	I just started a o learn python for analysis
+8/7/2019 23:13:32	Moritz Drueke	NA	less than 1	100 MB < x < 1TB	No	Undergraduate	Mac OS	I have one/several paper notebook	private drives	Yes	Small, BioRxiv	slack, latex	None	I can read it, but not write it	I managed to get things done, somewhat	I managed to get things done, somewhat	I managed to get things done, somewhat	Java	only when there is no other solution	No	My Setup's PCs are badly connected to the lab servers, makes it hard to backup data properly.
+4/24/2019 16:25:35	Naoya Takahashi, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6008-4627	@na0ya_takahashi	2 TB	100 MB < x < 1TB	No	Postdoc	Mac OS	I use another electronic lab notebook	Backuped to external HDDs using TrueImage (Windows) or Time Machine (Mac)	No		slack, Dropbox	None	None	None	I can teach it	I managed to get things done, somewhat	Igor, Visual Basic, C++	only when there is no other solution	My Ephys PC is running on Windows 7. I don't have a plan to upgrade it. 	
+5/8/2019 12:51:40	Christina Bocklisch	NA	0.5 TB	100 MB < x < 1TB	No	Postdoc	Windows	I have one/several paper notebook	Charite Server	Yes	Science, J Neurosci, Front Cell Neurosci, PLoS One  	slack, Dropbox	None	None	None	None	None				
+5/20/2019 10:30:34	Malinda Tantirigama, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0791-9389	MalindaLST	2	100 MB < x < 1TB	No	Postdoc	Windows	I have one/several paper notebook	backup to external HDD	No		slack, Dropbox	None	I managed to get things done, somewhat	None	I can teach it			never / What is that?	no	
+6/3/2019 19:12:49	Robert Sachdev (https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6627-0199)	Robert.sachdev	30 TB	100 MB < x < 1TB	Yes	Postdoc	Windows	I use another electronic lab notebook	backup hard disks	No		slack, Dropbox	GitHub, GitLab		None	I managed to get things done, somewhat	I managed to get things done, somewhat	Scripts for spike2, Matthematica	only when there is no other solution	No	
+5/19/2019 15:31:20	Tim 	NA	0.5	100 MB < x < 1TB	No	Postdoc	Windows	I use another electronic lab notebook	external hard drive	Yes	J Phys.	slack	None			I can read it, but not write it			only when there is no other solution	WindowsXP, No plans