Forráskód Böngészése

modify notes after looking at the ppt

julien colomb 4 éve
1 módosított fájl, 7 hozzáadás és 4 törlés
  1. 7 4

+ 7 - 4

@@ -1,24 +1,27 @@
-# update sdash
+# update from sdash
 another person will work from the SIB (switzerland team),
 nothing else done (steve works for another project in parallel)
+One new picture was shared, commenting works but not ideal.
-# roadmap
+# putative roadmap
 1. Group: creation, invitation, joining request, administration, information + link on figures
 2. Profile for researchers and groups
 3. Commenting system : email integration like github?
 4. Following (tag, people,group): what does it mean
+# Postoned:
 - linking figures
 - public RG (and figure publication)
-- tag enhancement (clickable)
+- tag enhancement (clickable,..)
 - hierachy of figures
 - combining figures
 Will be done by hand until we get data on how to implement it:
 - email and slack alerts and summaries
 - recommend, ask for help