%% (2) Randomly-select partial dataset % Getting full frame list frame_directory = 'data/frames/'; video_names = dir( [frame_directory 'sample*' ]); full_frame_names = {}; counter = 1; for videoIdx = 1:length( video_names ) frame_names = dir( [frame_directory video_names(videoIdx).name '/*.jpg']); for frameIdx = 1:length( frame_names ) full_frame_names{ counter, 1 } = [... frame_names(frameIdx).folder... '/' frame_names(frameIdx).name]; counter=counter+1; end end % Random select & copy trainset_directory = 'data/trainset/'; if ~isdir(trainset_directory), mkdir(trainset_directory); end n_all_image = length(full_frame_names); n_train_image = 101; rng(abs(010-6207-8179)) % Fix random seed target_frame_number = randi( n_all_image, [1 n_train_image] ); for frameIdx = 1:n_train_image copyfile( full_frame_names{target_frame_number(frameIdx)}, trainset_directory ); end %% (3) Manual segmentation mask_directory = trainset_directory; img_list = dir( [trainset_directory 'frame*.jpg'] ); close all; for frameIdx = 1:length(img_list) img_fname = img_list(frameIdx).name; mask_fname = ['mask' img_list(frameIdx).name(6:end-4) '.jpg']; frame = imread( [trainset_directory img_fname] ); % Visualization % open frame; figure(1); clf; imagesc( frame ); drawnow; colormap gray; % Check existence if exist([trainset_directory mask_fname]) disp(['Already exist::: ' trainset_directory mask_fname]); else figure(2); clf; gcf_pos = [50 50 1500 600]; set(gcf, 'Position', gcf_pos, 'Color', [1 1 1]); % Segmentation subplot(1,2,1); try % if exist mask = image_ROI_selection(frame, [ 'Select area' ... '.. imgIdx=' num2str(sprintf('%04d',frameIdx))]); catch % in case of no mouse mask = zeros(size(frame)); end xlabel(img_fname) set(gca, 'FontSize', 15, 'Box', 'off', 'LineWidth', 2); % Show result subplot(1,2,2); imagesc( mask ); colormap gray; title('Result mask (binary)'); drawnow; imwrite( mask, [mask_directory mask_fname]); end end %open mask zip( 'data/trainset.zip', 'data/trainset/') zip( 'data/frames.zip','data/frames/' ) %% Subfunctions %% Subfunction function mask = image_ROI_selection(I, textInput) if nargin == 1, textInput = ''; end colormap(gray); imshow(uint8(I), 'DisplayRange', [], 'InitialMagnification',600/max(size(I))*100 ); title( textInput ) %%-- Display instructions to user %title('click points to make an initial contour, right click to close contour and finish'); disp('click points to make an initial contour,'); disp('right click to close contour and finish'); %%-- begin getting points [y1 x1 b] = ginput(1); xi = x1; yi = y1; if(b ~= 1) return; end [ny nx c] = size(I); mask = zeros(ny,nx); while(1) x2 = x1; y2 = y1; [y1 x1 b] = ginput(1); if(b ~= 1) x1 = xi; y1 = yi; end %%--figure out the length of x & y component lx = x2-x1; ly = y2-y1; %%--figure out line length = pythagorian length + fudge factor len = ceil((lx^2+ly^2)^(1/2))+1; %%--make a linearly spaced vector (some values repeated) x = round(x1:(lx)/(len-1):x2); y = round(y1:(ly)/(len-1):y2); %make another one for y %%--if it was a constant level the lines above mess up make a constant line if(length(x) == 0) x = round(x1) * ones(1,len); end if(length(y) == 0) y = round(y1) * ones(1,len); end this_index2 = sub2ind(size(mask),x, y); if size(this_index2) == [1 1] title('Try Again!', 'FontSize', 18) sprintf Try_Again! end try mask(this_index2) = 1; end idx = find(mask==1); backup_mask = mask; %%-- draw the users line in the image (color or grayscale) if(c-1) Ir = I(:,:,1); Ig = I(:,:,2); Ib = I(:,:,3); Ir(idx) = 0; Ig(idx) = 255; Ib(idx) = 0; I(:,:,1) = Ir; I(:,:,2) = Ig; I(:,:,3) = Ib; else I(idx) = 255; end imshow(uint8(I),'DisplayRange', [], 'InitialMagnification', 600/max(size(I))*100); title( textInput ) if(b ~= 1) break; end end mask = bwfill(mask, 'holes'); % mask = ~mask; end