# 1. Dataset information
A set of high-density EEG (electroencephalogram) recording obtained from awake, freely-moving mice (*mus musculus*) (n = 6). Details of experimental method are described in the original research article using the same dataset [Hwang et al., 2019, *Brain Structure and Function*].
* Title: High-density EEG recording in mice for auditory steady-state response with optogenetic stimulation in the basal forebrain
* Authors: Eunjin Hwang, Hio-Been Han, Jeong-Yeong Kim, & Jee Hyun Choi [corresponding: jeechoi@kist.re.kr]
* Version: 1.0.0
* Related publication: [Hwang et al., 2019, *Brain Structure and Function*](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00429-019-01845-5).
* Dataset repository: G-Node GIN (DOI will be provided soon) https://gin.g-node.org/hiobeen/Mouse_hdEEG_ASSR_Hwang_et_al/
**Step-by-step tutorial is included, fully functioning with _Google Colaboratory_ environment.**
[![Open In Colab](https://colab.research.google.com/assets/colab-badge.svg)](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1LRmR0fxqWFvwxaNIJxMJkMQVblcuTazk)
# 2. File organization
Raw EEG data are saved in EEGLAB dataset format (*.set). Below are the list of files included in this dataset.
**a) Meta data file (1 csv file)**
**b) Electrode montage file (1 csv file)**
**c) EEG data files (6 set files, 6 fdt files)**
[rawdata/epochs_animal1.set, rawdata/epochs_animal1.fdt]
[rawdata/epochs_animal2.set, rawdata/epochs_animal2.fdt]
[rawdata/epochs_animal3.set, rawdata/epochs_animal3.fdt]
[rawdata/epochs_animal4.set, rawdata/epochs_animal4.fdt]
[rawdata/epochs_animal5.set, rawdata/epochs_animal5.fdt]
[rawdata/epochs_animal6.set, rawdata/epochs_animal6.fdt]
**d) Example python scripts**
* written and tested on Google Colab - Python 3 environment
# 3. How to get started (Python 3 without _gin_)
As the data are saved in EEGLAB format, you need to install appropriate module to access the data in Python3 environment. The fastest way would be to use read_epochs_eeglab()
function in *MNE-python* module. You can download the toolbox from the link below (or use pip install mne
in terminal shell).
*[MNE-python]* https://martinos.org/mne/stable/index.html
## Part 1. Accessing dataset
### 1-1. Download dataset and MNE-python module
The dataset has been uploaded on G-Node and can be accessed by git command, by typing git clone https://gin.g-node.org/hiobeen/Mouse_hdEEG_ASSR_Hwang_et_al
. However, it's currently not functioning because of the large size of each dataset (>100 MB). Instead, you can use *gin* command or custom function written below to copy dataset into your work environment. In *gin* repository, a python script download_sample.py
is provided. It doesn't require *git* or *gin* command, simply using request
module in Python 3. Try typing python download_sample.py
on terminal/command after changing desired directory. Demo 1-1 is composed of download_sample.py script in this Jupyter-Notebook document.
> Warning: Direct cloning using *git clone git@gin.g-node.org:/hiobeen/Mouse_hdEEG_ASSR_Hwang_et_al.git* may not work because of the large size of each dataset (>100 MB).
Also, you need to install *MNE-Python* module using *pip* command to load EEGLAB-formatted EEG data. Install command using *pip* is located at the end of script download_sample.py
. To download dataset and install MNE-python module into your environment (local machine/COLAB), try running scripts below.
> Note: Through this step-by-step demonstration, we will use data from one animal (#Animal 2). Unnecessary data files will not be downloaded to prevent long download time. To download whole dataset, change dataset_to_download = [2]
into dataset_to_download = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
# Demo 1-1. Setting an enviroment (download_sample.py)
from os import listdir, mkdir, path, system, getcwd
import warnings; warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
dir_origin = dir_origin = getcwd()+'/' # <- Change this in local machine
dir_dataset= 'dataset/'
print('\n1)============ Start Downloading =================\n')
print('Target directory ... => [%s%s]'%(dir_origin,dir_dataset))
#!rm -rf /content/dataset/
import requests, time
def download_dataset( dataset_to_download = range(1,7), dir_dataset = dir_dataset ):
# Check directory
if not path.isdir('%s%s'%(dir_origin,dir_dataset)):
# File names to be downloaded
file_ids = [ 'meta.csv', 'montage.csv' ]
for set_id in dataset_to_download:
file_ids.append( 'rawdata/epochs_animal%s.set'%set_id )
file_ids.append( 'rawdata/epochs_animal%s.fdt'%set_id )
# Request & download
repo_url = 'https://gin.g-node.org/hiobeen/Mouse_hdEEG_ASSR_Hwang_et_al/raw/3fa95eeb11021cf740ded020c9948c6aa0d1c904/'
for file_id in file_ids:
fname_dest = "%s%s%s"%(dir_origin, dir_dataset, file_id)
if path.isfile(fname_dest) is False:
print('...copying to [%s]...'%fname_dest)
file_url = '%s%s'%(repo_url, file_id)
r = requests.get(file_url, stream = True)
with open(fname_dest, "wb") as file:
for block in r.iter_content(chunk_size=1024):
if block: file.write(block)
time.sleep(1) # wait a second to prevent possible errors
print('...skipping already existing file [%s]...'%fname_dest)
# Initiate downloading
dataset_to_download = [2] # Partial download to prevent long download time
#dataset_to_download = [1,2,3,4,5,6] # Full download
print('\n============= Download finished ==================\n\n')
# List up 'dataset/' directory
print('\n2)=== List of available files in google drive ====\n')
print('\n============= End of the list ==================\n\n')
# List up dataset/rawdata/*.set and ~/*.fdt files
print('\n3)=== List of available files in google drive ====\n')
print('\n============= End of the list ==================\n\n')
# Install mne-python module
system('pip install mne');
# Make figure output directory
dir_fig = 'figures/'
if not path.isdir(dir_fig): mkdir('%s%s'%(dir_origin, dir_fig))
1)============ Start Downloading =================
Target directory ... => [/content/dataset/]
...copying to [/content/dataset/meta.csv]...
...copying to [/content/dataset/montage.csv]...
...copying to [/content/dataset/rawdata/epochs_animal2.set]...
...copying to [/content/dataset/rawdata/epochs_animal2.fdt]...
============= Download finished ==================
2)=== List of available files in google drive ====
['meta.csv', 'montage.csv', 'rawdata']
============= End of the list ==================
3)=== List of available files in google drive ====
['epochs_animal2.set', 'epochs_animal2.fdt']
============= End of the list ==================
### 1-2. Accessing meta-data table
File *meta.csv* contains the demographic information of 6 mice. Using read_csv()
of *pandas* module, meta-datat able can be visualized as follow.
## Demo 1-2. Display meta-data file
from pandas import read_csv
meta = read_csv('%s%smeta.csv'%(dir_origin, dir_dataset));
print('Table 1. Meta-data')
Table 1. Meta-data
subject_name | file_name | n_trials | age_in_month | sex | |
0 | animal1 | epochs_animal1.set | 589 | 4 | Male |
1 | animal2 | epochs_animal2.set | 557 | 4 | Male |
2 | animal3 | epochs_animal3.set | 349 | 4 | Male |
3 | animal4 | epochs_animal4.set | 493 | 4 | Female |
4 | animal5 | epochs_animal5.set | 956 | 5 | Male |
5 | animal6 | epochs_animal6.set | 959 | 4 | Male |
is defined below. To maintain original dimensionality order (cf. channel-time-trial in EEGLAB of Matlab), np.moveaxis()
was applied.
# Demo 1-3. Data loading and dimensionality check
from mne.io import read_epochs_eeglab as loadeeg
import numpy as np
def get_eeg_data(dataset_idx=1, CAL=1e-6):
f_name = '%s%srawdata/%s'%(dir_origin,dir_dataset,meta.file_name[dataset_idx])
EEG = loadeeg(f_name, verbose=False)
EEG.data = np.moveaxis(EEG.get_data(), 0, 2) / CAL
return EEG, f_name
# Data loading
EEG, f_name = get_eeg_data( dataset_idx = 1 ) # idx = from 0 to 5 (1st to 6th)
# Dimension check
print('File name : [%s]'%f_name)
print('File contains [%d channels, %4d time points, %3d trials]'%(EEG.data.shape))
File name : [/content/dataset/rawdata/epochs_animal2.set]
File contains [38 channels, 5200 time points, 557 trials]
Note that voltage calibration value (*CAL*) is set to 1e-6 in 0.11.0 version of [eeglab.py](https://github.com/mne-tools/mne-python/blob/master/mne/io/eeglab/eeglab.py]).
### 1-4. Getting channel coordinates
The EEG data are recorded with 38 electrode array, and two of the electrodes were used as ground and reference site - total 36 channel data are available. Coordinates of each electrode are in the file [data/montage.csv], and can be accessed and visualized by following script.
# Demo 1-4. Import montage matrix
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt; plt.style.use('ggplot')
plt.rcParams['text.color']='black'; plt.rcParams['axes.labelcolor']='black'
plt.rcParams['xtick.color']='black'; plt.rcParams['ytick.color']='black'
from pandas import read_csv
montage_table = read_csv('%s%smontage.csv'%(dir_origin, dir_dataset))
elec_montage = np.array(montage_table)[:, 1:3]
# Open figure handle
# Plot EEG channels position (total 36 channels)
plt.plot( elec_montage[:36,0], elec_montage[:36,1], 'go' )
for chanIdx in range(36):
plt.text( elec_montage[chanIdx,0], elec_montage[chanIdx,1]+.2,
EEG.info['ch_names'][chanIdx][5:], ha='center', fontsize=8 )
# Plot Ref/Gnd electrode position
plt.plot( elec_montage[36:,0], elec_montage[36:,1], 'rs' )
plt.text(0, 0.0, 'BP', fontsize=12, weight='bold', ha='center',va='center');
plt.text(0,-4.2, 'LP', fontsize=12, weight='bold', ha='center',va='center');
plt.xlabel('ML coordinate (mm)'); plt.ylabel('AP coordinate (mm)');
plt.title('2D electrode montage');
plt.legend(['Active','Ref/Gnd'], loc='upper right', facecolor='w');
plt.grid(False); plt.axis([-5.5, 6.5, -7, 6])
# Draw head boundary
def get_boundary():
return np.array([
-4.400, 0.030, -4.180, 0.609, -3.960, 1.148, -3.740, 1.646, -3.520, 2.105, -3.300, 2.525, -3.080, 2.908, -2.860, 3.255,
-2.640, 3.566, -2.420, 3.843, -2.200, 4.086, -1.980, 4.298, -1.760, 4.4799, -1.540, 4.6321, -1.320, 4.7567, -1.100, 4.8553,
-0.880, 4.9298, -0.660, 4.9822, -0.440, 5.0150, -0.220, 5.0312,0, 5.035, 0.220, 5.0312, 0.440, 5.0150, 0.660, 4.9822,
0.880, 4.9298, 1.100, 4.8553, 1.320, 4.7567, 1.540, 4.6321,1.760, 4.4799, 1.980, 4.2986, 2.200, 4.0867, 2.420, 3.8430,
2.640, 3.5662, 2.860, 3.2551, 3.080, 2.9087, 3.300, 2.5258,3.520, 2.1054, 3.740, 1.6466, 3.960, 1.1484, 4.180, 0.6099,
4.400, 0.0302, 4.400, 0.0302, 4.467, -0.1597, 4.5268, -0.3497,4.5799, -0.5397, 4.6266, -0.7297, 4.6673, -0.9197, 4.7025, -1.1097,
4.7326, -1.2997, 4.7579, -1.4897, 4.7789, -1.6797, 4.7960, -1.8697,4.8095, -2.0597, 4.8199, -2.2497, 4.8277, -2.4397, 4.8331, -2.6297,
4.8366, -2.8197, 4.8387, -3.0097, 4.8396, -3.1997, 4.8399, -3.3897,4.8384, -3.5797, 4.8177, -3.7697, 4.7776, -3.9597, 4.7237, -4.1497,
4.6620, -4.3397, 4.5958, -4.5297, 4.5021, -4.7197, 4.400, -4.8937,4.1800, -5.1191, 3.9600, -5.3285, 3.7400, -5.5223, 3.5200, -5.7007,
3.3000, -5.8642, 3.0800, -6.0131, 2.8600, -6.1478, 2.6400, -6.2688,2.4200, -6.3764, 2.2000, -6.4712, 1.9800, -6.5536, 1.7600, -6.6241,
1.5400, -6.6833, 1.3200, -6.7317, 1.1000, -6.7701, 0.8800, -6.7991,0.6600, -6.8194, 0.4400, -6.8322, 0.2200, -6.8385, 0, -6.840,
-0.220, -6.8385, -0.440, -6.8322, -0.660, -6.8194, -0.880, -6.7991,-1.100, -6.7701, -1.320, -6.7317, -1.540, -6.6833, -1.760, -6.6241,
-1.980, -6.5536, -2.200, -6.4712, -2.420, -6.3764, -2.640, -6.2688,-2.860, -6.1478, -3.080, -6.0131, -3.300, -5.8642, -3.520, -5.7007,
-3.740, -5.5223, -3.960, -5.3285, -4.180, -5.1191, -4.400, -4.89370,-4.5021, -4.7197, -4.5958, -4.5297, -4.6620, -4.3397, -4.7237, -4.1497,
-4.7776, -3.9597, -4.8177, -3.7697, -4.8384, -3.5797, -4.8399, -3.3897,-4.8397, -3.1997, -4.8387, -3.0097, -4.8367, -2.8197, -4.8331, -2.6297,
-4.8277, -2.4397, -4.8200, -2.2497, -4.8095, -2.0597, -4.7960, -1.8697,-4.7789, -1.6797, -4.7579, -1.4897, -4.7326, -1.2997, -4.7025, -1.1097,
-4.6673, -0.9197, -4.6266, -0.7297, -4.5799, -0.5397, -4.5268, -0.3497,-4.4670, -0.1597, -4.4000, 0.03025]).reshape(-1, 2)
boundary = get_boundary()
for p in range(len(boundary)-1): plt.plot(boundary[p:p+2,0],boundary[p:p+2,1], 'k-')
plt.gcf().savefig(dir_fig+'fig1-4.png', format='png', dpi=300);
## Part 2. Plotting Event-Related Potentials
### 2-1. Accessing event info
Event information is saved in struct-type variable EEG.event and you can access it by typing EEG.event
. Also, their time trace are avilable in 37-th and 38-th channel of EEG.data
. For demonstration purpose, light and sound stimuli of 7 different types of event can be extracted and drawn as follow.
# Demo 2-1. Event profile (sound/light stimuli)
condNames = ['In-phase','Out-of-phase','Delayed','Advanced',
'Continuous','Sound only', 'Light only'];
yshift = .8;
for condition in range(1,len(condNames)+1):
trialIdx = np.where(EEG.events[:,2]==condition)[0]
# Light stim
light = EEG.data[-2,:,trialIdx[0]] + yshift
plt.plot( EEG.times*1000, light)
# Sound stim
sound = EEG.data[-1,:,trialIdx[0]] - yshift
plt.plot( EEG.times*1000, sound)
plt.ylim([-1.5*yshift, 3*yshift])
plt.xlim([-.10*1000, 1.10*1000])
plt.xlabel('Time (msec)')
plt.yticks( (yshift*-.5,yshift*1.5), labels=['Sound', 'Light'] )
plt.title('Condition #%d. %s'%(condition,condNames[condition-1]))
plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=.3, hspace=.8)
plt.gcf().savefig(dir_fig+'fig2-1.png', format='png', dpi=300);
### 2-2. Visualizing example single-trial trace
If data is successfully loaded, now you're ready! For data visualization, an example function is provided below.
The function plot_multichan()
draws multi-channel time series data, by taking 1D time vector, x
, and 2D data matrix, y
# Demo 2-2a. Function for multi-channel plotting
def plot_multichan( x, y, spacing = 3000, figsize = (10,10), ch_names = EEG.ch_names ):
# Set color theme
color_template = np.array([[1,.09,.15],[1,.75,.28],[.4,.2,0],[.6,.7,.3],[.55,.55,.08]])
color_space = np.tile( color_template,
(int(np.ceil([ float(y.shape[0])/color_template.shape[0]])[0]), 1) )
# Open figure and plot
y_center = np.linspace( -spacing, spacing, y.shape[0] )
for chanIdx in range(y.shape[0]):
shift = y_center[chanIdx] + np.nanmean(y[chanIdx,:])
plt.plot(x, y[chanIdx,:]-shift, color=color_space[chanIdx,], linewidth=1);
plt.xlabel('Time (sec)')
plt.yticks(y_center, ch_names[::-1]);
return y_center
Using plot_multichan()
function, example single-trial EEG trace can be visualized as follow.
# Demo 2-2b. Visualization of raw EEG time trace
trial_index = 0
y_center = plot_multichan(EEG.times, EEG.data[:,:,trial_index])
plt.title('Example trial (index=%d) trace'%(1+trial_index));
plt.gcf().savefig(dir_fig+'fig2-2.png', format='png', dpi=300);
Note that channels 1 to 36 contain actual EEG data from 36-channel electrode array (from FP1 to PO8), and channel 37 and 38 contain binary stimulus profile (0: no stimulation, 1: stimulation) of light and sound, respectively.
### 2-3. ERP in time domain
Using same function, plot_multichan()
, ERP (Event-related potentials) trace can be drawn as follow.
# Demo 2-3. Visualization of ERP time trace
condNames = ['In-phase', 'Out-of-phase', 'Delayed', 'Advanced',
'Continuous','Sound only', 'Light only']
targetCondition = 6 # <- Try changing this
trialIdx = np.where((EEG.events[:,2])==targetCondition)[0]
erp = np.nanmean(EEG.data[:,:,trialIdx],2)
c = plot_multichan(EEG.times, erp, spacing = 300 )
plt.title('ERP sample. Condition: %s'%(condNames[targetCondition-1]));
plt.gcf().savefig(dir_fig+'fig2-3.png', format='png', dpi=300);
### 2-4. ERP in frequency domain
To calculate the amplitude of 40-Hz auditory steady-state response, fast Fourier transform can be applied as follow.
# Demo 2-4. Time- and frequency-domain visualization of grand-averaged ERP
def fft_half(x, Fs=2000): return np.fft.fft(x)[:int(len(x)/2)]/len(x), np.linspace(0,Fs/2,len(x)/2)
trialIdx = np.where((EEG.events[:,2])==6)[0]
# Channel selection
ch_frontal = (2,6) # channel index of frontal electrodes
ch_parietal = (20,24) # channel index of parietal electrodes
print( 'Channel selection\n..Frontal channels -> %s'%EEG.info['ch_names'][ch_frontal[0]:ch_frontal[1]] )
print( '..Parietal channels -> %s\n'%EEG.info['ch_names'][ch_parietal[0]:ch_parietal[1]] )
# Calc ERP traces for visualization
erp = np.mean(EEG.data[:,:,trialIdx],2)
frontal_erp = np.mean(erp[ch_frontal[0]:ch_frontal[1],:],0) # Average of frontal-area channels
parietal_erp = np.mean(erp[ch_parietal[0]:ch_parietal[1],:],0) # Average of parietal-area channels
frontal_erp_fft,freq = fft_half(frontal_erp)
parietal_erp_fft,freq = fft_half(parietal_erp)
sound_stim = np.where(erp[-1,:])[0]
# Plot ERP (Time)
font_size = 13
color_f = (.68,.210,.27) # Custom color value
color_p = (.01,.457,.74)
plt.plot( EEG.times, frontal_erp, color= color_f)
plt.plot( EEG.times, parietal_erp, color= color_p)
plt.text( -.1, 19.5, 'Sound', ha='center', fontsize=font_size, color='k' )
plt.text( -.1, 15.5, 'Frontal', ha='center', fontsize=font_size, color=color_f )
plt.text( -.1, 11.5,'Parietal', ha='center', fontsize=font_size, color=color_p )
plt.title('ERP signal in time domain', fontsize=font_size)
plt.xlabel('Time (sec)', fontsize=font_size)
plt.ylabel('Voltage (μV)', fontsize=font_size)
plt.plot( EEG.times[sound_stim], np.zeros(sound_stim.shape)+21, 'k|' )
# Plot ERP (Frequency)
def smoothing(x, L=5): # smoothing function
return np.convolve(np.ones(L,'d')/np.ones(L,'d').sum(),
np.r_[x[L-1:0:-1],x, x[-2:-L-1:-1]],mode='valid')[round((L-1)*.5):round(-(L-1)*.5)]
plt.plot( freq, smoothing(np.abs(frontal_erp_fft)), linewidth=2, color=color_f )
plt.plot( freq, smoothing(np.abs(parietal_erp_fft)), linewidth=2, color=color_p )
plt.xlabel('Freq (Hz)', fontsize=font_size)
plt.ylabel('Amplitude (μV/Hz)', fontsize=font_size)
plt.title('ERP signal in frequency domain', fontsize=font_size)
plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=.3, hspace=.1, bottom=.2)
plt.gcf().savefig(dir_fig+'fig2-4.png', format='png', dpi=300);
Channel selection
..Frontal channels -> ['Ch03-AF3', 'Ch04-AF4', 'Ch05-AF7', 'Ch06-AF8']
..Parietal channels -> ['Ch21-CP1', 'Ch22-CP2', 'Ch23-CP3', 'Ch24-CP4']
### 2-5. ERP in time-frequency domain
Applying fast Fourier transform with moving temporal window, ERP signal can be drawn in time-frequency domain. To calculate spectrogram, a function get_spectrogram()
is defined.
# Demo 2-5. Visualize frequency components in ERP
def get_spectrogram( data, t=EEG.times, Fs=2000,
fft_win_size=2**10, t_resolution=0.1, freq_cut = 150):
# For many- and single-trials data compatibility
if data.ndim < 3: data = np.expand_dims(data,2)
t_fft = [t[0]+(((fft_win_size*.5)+1)/Fs),
t_vec = np.linspace( t_fft[0], t_fft[-1], (np.diff(t_fft)/t_resolution)+1);
# Memory pre-occupation
n_ch, _, n_trial = data.shape
n_t = len(t_vec);
_,f = fft_half( np.zeros(fft_win_size), Fs);
n_f = np.where(f<100)[0][-1]+1;
Spec = np.zeros( [n_t, n_f, n_ch, n_trial], dtype='float16');
Spec_f = f[0:n_f];
# Get sliding window indicies
idx_collection = np.zeros((len(t_vec),2), dtype='int')
for tIdx in range(len(t_vec)):
idx_collection[tIdx,0] = int(np.where(tdata
as 1D data matrix (i.e., 1 x 36 channels) each of which represents the channel power.
For 2D interpolation, additional *class* of bi_interp2
is defined.
# Demo 3-1a. Preparation of 2D power topography
""" (1) Class for 2D interpolation """
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import interpolate
class bi_interp2:
def __init__(self, x, y, z, xb, yb, xi, yi, method='linear'):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.z = z
self.xb = xb
self.yb = yb
self.xi = xi
self.yi = yi
self.x_new, self.y_new = np.meshgrid(xi, yi)
self.id_out = np.zeros([len(self.xi), len(self.xi)], dtype='bool')
self.x_up, self.y_up, self.x_dn, self.y_dn = [], [], [], []
self.interp_method = method
self.z_new = []
def __call__(self):
return self.x_new, self.y_new, self.z_new
def find_boundary(self):
# sort x value
idup = self.sort_arr(self.x_up)
iddn = self.sort_arr(self.x_dn)
self.x_up = self.x_up[idup]
self.y_up = self.y_up[idup]
self.x_dn = self.x_dn[iddn]
self.y_dn = self.y_dn[iddn]
# find outline, use monotone cubic interpolation
ybnew_up = self.interp1d(self.x_up, self.y_up, self.xi)
ybnew_dn = self.interp1d(self.x_dn, self.y_dn, self.xi)
for i in range(len(self.xi)):
idt1 = self.y_new[:, i] > ybnew_up[i]
idt2 = self.y_new[:, i] < ybnew_dn[i]
self.id_out[idt1, i] = True
self.id_out[idt2, i] = True
# expand data points
self.x = np.concatenate((self.x, self.x_new[self.id_out].flatten(), self.xb))
self.y = np.concatenate((self.y, self.y_new[self.id_out].flatten(), self.yb))
self.z = np.concatenate((self.z, np.zeros(np.sum(self.id_out) + len(self.xb))))
def interp2d(self):
pts = np.concatenate((self.x.reshape([-1, 1]), self.y.reshape([-1, 1])), axis=1)
self.z_new = interpolate.griddata(pts, self.z, (self.x_new, self.y_new), method=self.interp_method)
self.z_new[self.id_out] = np.nan
def remove_overlap(self):
id1 = self.find_val(np.diff(self.x_up) == 0, None)
id2 = self.find_val(np.diff(self.x_dn) == 0, None)
for i in id1:
temp = (self.y_up[i] + self.y_up[i+1]) / 2
self.y_up[i+1] = temp
self.x_up = np.delete(self.x_up, i)
self.y_up = np.delete(self.y_up, i)
for i in id2:
temp = (self.y_dn[i] + self.y_dn[i + 1]) / 2
self.y_dn[i+1] = temp
self.x_dn = np.delete(self.x_dn, i)
self.y_dn = np.delete(self.y_dn, i)
def divide_plane(self):
ix1 = self.find_val(self.xb == min(self.xb), 1)
ix2 = self.find_val(self.xb == max(self.xb), 1)
iy1 = self.find_val(self.yb == min(self.yb), 1)
iy2 = self.find_val(self.yb == max(self.yb), 1)
# divide the plane with Quadrant
qd = np.zeros([self.xb.shape[0], 4], dtype='bool')
qd[:, 0] = (self.xb > self.xb[iy2]) & (self.yb > self.yb[ix2])
qd[:, 1] = (self.xb > self.xb[iy1]) & (self.yb < self.yb[ix2])
qd[:, 2] = (self.xb < self.xb[iy1]) & (self.yb < self.yb[ix1])
qd[:, 3] = (self.xb < self.yb[iy2]) & (self.yb > self.yb[ix1])
# divide the array with y axis
self.x_up = self.xb[qd[:, 0] | qd[:, 3]]
self.y_up = self.yb[qd[:, 0] | qd[:, 3]]
self.x_dn = self.xb[qd[:, 1] | qd[:, 2]]
self.y_dn = self.yb[qd[:, 1] | qd[:, 2]]
def find_val(self, condition, num_of_returns):
# find the value that satisfy the condition
ind = np.where(condition == 1)
return ind[:num_of_returns]
def sort_arr(self, arr):
# return sorting index
return sorted(range(len(arr)), key=lambda i: arr[i])
def interp1d(self, xx, yy, xxi):
# find the boundary line
interp_obj = interpolate.PchipInterpolator(xx, yy)
return interp_obj(xxi)
""" (2) Function for Topography plot """
from pandas import read_csv
from matplotlib import cm
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
def plot_topo2d(data, clim=(-15,25), montage_file='%s%smontage.csv'%(dir_origin, dir_dataset), plot_opt = True):
# Zero-padding
short = 38-len(data)
if short: data=np.concatenate((data, np.tile(.00000001, short)), axis=0)
# Get head boundary image coordinates
boundary = get_boundary()
montage_table = read_csv(montage_file)
x, y = np.array(montage_table['X_ML']), np.array(montage_table['Y_AP'])
xb, yb = boundary[:, 0], boundary[:, 1]
xi, yi = np.linspace(min(xb), max(xb), 500),np.linspace(min(yb), max(yb), 500)
xx, yy, topo_data = bi_interp2(x, y, data, xb, yb, xi, yi)()
if plot_opt:
topo_to_draw = topo_data.copy()
topo_to_draw[np.where(topo_data>clim[1])] = clim[1]
To demonstrate the effect of stimulation, stimulus-free periods (e.g., pre- and post-stimulus period) data are also obtained.
# Demo 3-3. Band-power topography: ERP response as a function of time and space
def band_power(x, targetBand, Fs=2000):
if x.ndim==1:
X, freq = fft_half(x,Fs)
ind = np.where( (freq > targetBand[0]) & (freq <= targetBand[1]))
power = np.sum( abs(X[ind])**2 )
power = np.zeros( x.shape[0] )
for ch in range(x.shape[0]):
X,freq = fft_half(x[ch,],Fs)
ind = np.where( (freq > targetBand[0]) & (freq <= targetBand[1]))
power[ch]=np.sum( abs(X[ind])**2 )
return power
targetCondition = 6 # = Auditory sound only
trialIdx = np.where((EEG.events[:,2])==targetCondition)[0]
erp = np.mean(EEG.data[:,:,trialIdx],2)
period = [ (-.5,0.), (0.,.5), (.5, 1.), (1.,1.5) ] # time in second
periodName = ['Pre-stim', 'Stim (Early)', 'Stim (Late)', 'Post-stim'];
freq = 40 # Hz
for periodIdx in range(len(period)):
tIdx = (EEG.times>period[periodIdx][0]) & (EEG.times<=period[periodIdx][1])
# Calculate power & Substitute bad-channel value
power = band_power(erp[:36,tIdx], np.array([-2,2])+freq, EEG.info['sfreq'])
power[bad_channels]= np.median(power.flatten())
# Draw
plot_topo2d(power, clim=(0,3) )
plt.title('%s, t = [%.1f, %.1f]s'%(periodName[periodIdx],period[periodIdx][0],period[periodIdx][1]))
plt.gcf().savefig(dir_fig+'fig3-3.png', format='png', dpi=300);
### 3-4. Band-power topography: Comparison across various experimental conditions
Applying the same routine above, power topography figures of five different experimental conditions can be drawn as below.
# Demo 3-4. Band-power topography: Summary comparison across various stimulus conditions
freq = 40 # Hz
conditions = [6,4,1,3,2]
tIdx = (EEG.times>0) & (EEG.times<=1)
for targetCondition in conditions:
trialIdx = np.where((EEG.events[:,2])==targetCondition)[0]
erp = np.mean(EEG.data[:,:,trialIdx],2)
# Calculate power & Substitute bad-channel value
power = band_power(erp[:36,tIdx], np.array([-2,2])+freq, EEG.info['sfreq'])
power[bad_channels]= np.median(power.flatten())
# Draw
plot_topo2d(power, clim=(0,7) )
plt.title('%s'%condNames[targetCondition-1], fontsize = font_size)
if targetCondition is not conditions[0]: plt.ylabel('')
plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=.1, hspace=.3)
plt.gcf().savefig(dir_fig+'fig3-4.png', format='png', dpi=300);