function [t, wv] = LoadTT_Intan(fn,records_to_get,record_units) %LOADTT_INTAN MClust loading engine for Intan data. % LOADTT_INTAN loads Intan data and fullfils all requirement for % Neuralynx loading engines (see MClust 3.5 documentation for details on % MClust loading engines). % % Syntax: % [T, WV] = LOADTT_INTAN(FN,RECORDS_TO_GET,RECORD_UNITS) % % Input arguments: % FN - file name with full path for Intan data to load % RECORDS_TO_GET, RECORD_UNITS - allows options for returning a % restricted data set; if not passed, the full data file is % returned; % RECORD_UNITS = 1 - return specific time stamps, given by % RECORDS_TO_GET % RECORD_UNITS = 2 - return data points at specific indices, % given by RECORDS_TO_GET % RECORD_UNITS = 3 - return data in a time stamp range, given by % RECORDS_TO_GET (2-elements vector) % RECORD_UNITS = 4 - return data in an index range, given by % RECORDS_TO_GET (2-elements vector) % RECORD_UNITS = 5 - return number of spikes as first output % argument; RECORDS_TO_GET should be empty % % Output arguments: % T - time stamps in seconds; 1 x N, N = number of spikes (exeption: % RECORD_UNITS = 5, see above) % WV - waveforms; N X 4 X 30, N = number of spikes, 4 tetrode % channels, 30 time points for spikes % % See also INTANDISC and LOADTT_NEURALYNXNT. % Balazs Hangya, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory % 1 Bungtown Road, Cold Spring Harbor % % 9-May-2013 % Input argument check narginchk(1,3) switch nargin case 1 record_units = 0; case 2 error('LoadTT_Intan:inputArg','Record_units argument should be provided.') end % Load data TTdata = load(fn); t = TTdata.TimeStamps; wv = TTdata.WaveForms; % Restrict data to the required range switch record_units case 0 % return full data case 1 % return specific time stamps [jnk inxa] = intersect(t,records_to_get); %#ok<*ASGLU> % indices for the time stamps t = t(inxa); wv = wv(inxa,:,:); case 2 % return specific data indices t = t(records_to_get); wv = wv(records_to_get,:,:); case 3 % select a time range if ~isequal(numel(records_to_get),2) error('LoadTT_Intan:inputArg','Input argument mismatch.') end [jnk inxa] = intersect(t,records_to_get); % indices for the time stamps t = t(inxa(1):inxa(2)); wv = wv(inxa(1):inxa(2),:,:); case 4 % select an index range if ~isequal(numel(records_to_get),2) error('LoadTT_Intan:inputArg','Input argument mismatch.') end t = t(records_to_get(1):records_to_get(2)); wv = wv(records_to_get(1):records_to_get(2),:,:); case 5 % special case: number of spikes if ~isempty(records_to_get) error('LoadTT_Intan:inputArg','Input argument mismatch.') end t = length(t); % number of spikes wv = []; otherwise error('LoadTT_Intan:inputArg','Record_units should take an integer value from 1 to 5.') end if record_units < 5 t = t(:) * 1e4; % enforce column vector form; use MClust time stamp convention end