function [s s0] = circ_std(alpha, w, d, dim) % s = circ_std(alpha, w, d, dim) % Computes circular standard deviation for circular data % (equ. 26.20, Zar). % % Input: % alpha sample of angles in radians % [w weightings in case of binned angle data] % [d spacing of bin centers for binned data, if supplied % correction factor is used to correct for bias in % estimation of r] % [dim compute along this dimension, default is 1] % % If dim argument is specified, all other optional arguments can be % left empty: circ_std(alpha, [], [], dim) % % Output: % s angular deviation % s0 circular standard deviation % % PHB 6/7/2008 % % References: % Biostatistical Analysis, J. H. Zar % % Circular Statistics Toolbox for Matlab % By Philipp Berens, 2009 % - if nargin < 4 dim = 1; end if nargin < 3 || isempty(d) % per default do not apply correct for binned data d = 0; end if nargin < 2 || isempty(w) % if no specific weighting has been specified % assume no binning has taken place w = ones(size(alpha)); else if size(w,2) ~= size(alpha,2) || size(w,1) ~= size(alpha,1) error('Input dimensions do not match'); end end % compute mean resultant vector length r = circ_r(alpha,w,d,dim); s = sqrt(2*(1-r)); % 26.20 s0 = sqrt(-2*log(r)); % 26.21