Data repository for the tDCS-EEG work studying causal relation between auditory cortex and envelope following response (EFR)

Guangting Mai 49d05dee16 Update '' 3 سال پیش
Right-AC Anodal tDCS 12e3e1feda Upload files to 'Right-AC Anodal tDCS/05' 3 سال پیش
LICENSE fe434886f7 Initial commit 3 سال پیش 49d05dee16 Update '' 3 سال پیش

Data repository for the tDCS-EEG work studying causal relation between auditory cortex and envelope following response (EFR)

Mai, G., & Howell, P. (in press). Causal relationship between the right auditory cortex and speech evoked envelope-following response: Evidence from combined transcranial stimulation and electroencephalography. Cerebral Cortex DOI:

Data upload is expected to be completed by Oct 2021