Stimulus syllable was a 120-ms /i/ with F0 at 136 Hz played in either ear at 85 dB SPL (excluding ISI). Stimulus was repeated 3000 times with ISI of 120 ms. Sweep rejection rate (due to movement artifacts) during the FFR analyses was <2.5% on average. FFRwaveform_cercor_bhab298.mat includes individual FFR waveforms (addition of FFRs to stimuli with positive and negative polarities) of all stimulation groups (LeftAC_Anodal, LeftAC_Cathodal, RightAC_Anodal, RightAC Cathodal and Sham) for both left and right ear conditions. The structure is tDCS_condition.[(participants)x(left/right ear)x(pre/post-tDCS)x(sample points)]. Time range is -100 to 160 ms relative to stimulus onset. All waveforms were obtained via scalp-EEG at vertex (Cz) with sampling rate of 16384 Hz.