% Load images (n=303) % Natural images: 1-300 % Black: image 301 % Gray: image 302 % White: image 303 imagedata = h5read('responses2naturalimages.h5','/images'); % Load spike rasters and receptive field information spikedata = h5read('responses2naturalimages.h5','/spikes'); mudata = h5read('responses2naturalimages.h5','/mu'); % Center coordinates sigmadata = h5read('responses2naturalimages.h5','/sigma'); % Sigma matrices (convariance matrices) % Prepare figure figure; set(gcf,'Position', [100 100 100+880 100+300]); % IDs for sample cell and image of Fig. 1 in manuscript CellID = 44; ImageID = 228; % Plot sample image subplot(1,2,1) thisimage = squeeze(imagedata(:,:,ImageID)); imagesc([0,255],[0,255],thisimage); hold on; set(gca,'YDir','normal'); axis([0, 256, 0, 256] ); axis equal; xlabel('Pixels') ylabel('Pixels') colormap gray; caxis([-1 1]) % Plot RF outline at 3 sigma mu = mudata(:,CellID); sigma = sigmadata(:,:,CellID); i = zeros(2,1e3); for j=1:size(i,2) alpha = 2*pi*(j-1)/(size(i,2)-1); i(:,j) = 3*sqrtm(sigma)*[cos(alpha);sin(alpha)]+mu; end plot(i(1,:),i(2,:),'b','LineWidth',2); % Get spike rasters for sample cell and sample image data = squeeze(spikedata(:,:,:,CellID)); Raster = squeeze(data(:,:,ImageID)); % Get all the trials for this cell and image NTrial = nnz(sum(Raster,1)); Raster = Raster(:,1:NTrial)'; subplot(1,2,2) imagesc(Raster) set(gca,'YDir','normal'); xlabel('Time [ms]') ylabel('Trial')