# Scripts for working with GIN Scripts for working with GIN server using the GIN client. # Bash script for Linux and macOS The script was only tested in macOS, it is more advanced than the windows script (we are working on its translation). [sync](./sync): Run from inside a repository to upload any local changes to GIN using the GIN CLI. - Assumes the repository is already initialized and you are logged in into gin (via `gin login` or via ssh). - work with submodules. - Synchronises changes made remotely (on the server) and locally (on the local machine). - Does not download large files and do not delete large files content after upload by default. Change variable `syncopt="remove"` in line 19 to modify this behavior. Current option is download, keep and remove. - Double clicking on the file in a file browser should run the script in a terminal. If the script succeeds, the terminal closes immediately. If there is an error, it will print an error message and wait for the user to press [Enter] or close the window. - You may need to make the script an executable: open a terminal window in your repository folder (right-click -- New Terminal at folder) and run `chmod +x sync`. This needs only to be done once. # Batch script for Windows [sync.bat](./sync.bat): Run from inside a repository to upload any local changes to GIN using the GIN CLI. _**Note**: This script has not been fully tested yet_ - Assumes the repository is already initialised. - Does not work with submodules. - Synchronises changes made remotely (on the server) and locally (on the local machine). - Does not download large file content by default. - Uncomment lines 26 and 27 to perform a full download at the end of the run. The line should be `gin get-content .` and the following line should be `CALL :checkerror ...`. - Double clicking on the file in a file browser should run the script in a terminal. If the script succeeds, the terminal closes immediately. If there is an error, it will print an error message and wait for the user to press [Enter] or close the window. # Old scripts The [old](./old) directory contains old upload scripts that were written while testing different use cases. They shouldn't be used in their current state, but they may be useful for the future. # initiation scripts This folder contain scripts to initialize your computer to work with particular gin instance.